<> DNS Balance can running stand alone, but you can use DNS Balance with "daemontools" (http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html). [How to do that] 1. Install daemontools. 2. Specify where to install DNS Balance. For example, "/foo/bar/dnsbalance/root/". Copy all scripts to "/foo/bar/dnsbalance/root/". And change valuable "$prefix" in "dns_balance.rb". (See README.dns_balance.eng) 3. Create "run" script and place to "/foo/bar/dnsbalance/". --------------------- #!/bin/sh exec 2>&1 exec softlimit -d 8000000 /usr/local/bin/ruby /foo/bar/dnsbalance/root/dns_balance.rb -i -d balancer.example.com: ------------------------------ 4. If you want log file, create "/foo/bar/dnsbalance/log/" and setup "multilog". See "daemontools" document. And set sticky bit to "/foo/bar/dnsbalance/". (This is not need for latest version of daemontools) 5. Run "svscan" and create symbolic link to service directry. For example, "cd /service/ ; ln -s /foo/bar/dnsbalance ." 2002/09/08: YOKOTA Hiroshi (yokota@netlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp)