# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Carme Cirera <menxu@hotmail.com>, 2004.
# Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: po4a pod\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-17 14:03+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-09 13:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: CA\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1 lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:24 lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:85
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:11 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:29
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:29 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:29
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:86 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:137
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:24 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:3
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:11 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:172
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:32 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:25
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:24 lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:24
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:32 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:29
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:30 po4a:13 po4a-gettextize:13 po4a-normalize:13
#: po4a-translate:13 po4a-updatepo:13 scripts/msguntypot:18
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:3
msgid "po4a - framework to translate documentation and other materials"
msgstr "po4a - marc de treball per traduir documentaciテウ i d'altre material"

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:5
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Introducciテウ"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:7 lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:30 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:35
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:35 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:35
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:30 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:9
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:38 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:31
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:30 lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:30
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:38 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:36 po4a:23
#: po4a-gettextize:25 po4a-normalize:23 po4a-translate:25 po4a-updatepo:25
msgid ""
"The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more "
"interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on areas "
"where they were not expected like documentation."
msgstr ""
"L'objectiu del projecte po4a (po per a tot) テゥs facilitar la traducciテウ (i "
"sobretot el manteniment de les traduccions) utilitzant les eines de gettext "
"en テ�rees on no eren d'esperar, com ara en la documentaciテウ."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:18
msgid "Table of content"
msgstr "Taula de continguts"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:20
msgid "This document is organized as follow:"
msgstr "Aquest document estテ� organitzat d'aquesta forma:"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:24
msgid "1 Why should I use po4a? What is it good for?"
msgstr "1 Per quティ he d'utilitzar po4a? Per a quティ serveix?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:26
msgid ""
"This introducing chapter explains the motivation of the project and its "
"philosophy. You should read it first if you are in the process of evaluating "
"po4a for your own translations."
msgstr ""
"Aquest capテュtol introductori explica la motivaciテウ del projecte i la seva "
"filosofia. Hauria de llegir-lo primer si estテ� en el procテゥs d'avaluaciテウ de "
"po4a per a les seves prテイpies traduccions."

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:30
msgid "2 How to use po4a?"
msgstr "2 Com fer servir po4a?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:32 doc/po4a.7.pod:227
msgid ""
"This chapter is a sort of reference manual, trying to answer the users' "
"questions and to give you a better understanding of the whole process. This "
"introduces how to do things with po4a and serve as an introduction to the "
"documentation of the specific tools."
msgstr ""
"Aquest capテュtol テゥs com un manual de referティncia on s'intenten contestar les "
"preguntes dels usuaris, i se'ls ofereix una idea general del procテゥs. Aixテイ "
"introdueix a la forma de fer les coses amb po4a i serveix com a documentaciテウ "
"introductテイria de les eines especテュfiques."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:39 doc/po4a.7.pod:289
msgid "HOWTO begin a new translation?"
msgstr "Com comenテァar una nova traducciテウ?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:41 doc/po4a.7.pod:331
msgid "HOWTO change the translation back to a documentation file?"
msgstr "Com es transforma la traducciテウ de tornada a un arxiu de documentaciテウ?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:43 doc/po4a.7.pod:346
msgid "HOWTO update a po4a translation?"
msgstr "Com actualitzar una traducciテウ amb po4a?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:45 doc/po4a.7.pod:369
msgid "HOWTO convert a pre-existing translation to po4a?"
msgstr "Com convertir una traducciテウ pre-existent a po4a?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:47 doc/po4a.7.pod:531
msgid "HOWTO add extra text to translations (like translator's name)?"
msgstr "Com afegir text extra a la traducciテウ (com ara el nom del traductor)?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:49 doc/po4a.7.pod:722
msgid "HOWTO do all this in one program invocation?"
msgstr "Com fer tot aixテイ en una sola invocaciテウ al programa?"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:53
#, no-wrap
msgid " \n"
msgstr " \n"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:55
msgid "3 How does it work?"
msgstr "3 Com funciona?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:57 doc/po4a.7.pod:744
msgid ""
"This chapter gives you a brief overview of the po4a internals, so that you "
"may feel more confident to help us maintaining and improving it. It may also "
"help you understanding why it does not do what you expected, and how to "
"solve your problems."
msgstr ""
"Aquest capテュtol ofereix una breu explicaciテウ del funcionament intern de po4a, "
"de manera que es pugui sentir mテゥs segur per ajudar-nos a mantenir-lo i a "
"millorar-lo. Tambテゥ el pot ajudar a entendre perquティ no fa el quティ esperava, i "
"com solucionar problemes."

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:62
msgid "4 FAQ"
msgstr "4 PMF"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:64 doc/po4a.7.pod:870
msgid ""
"This chapter groups the Frequently Asked Questions. In fact, most of the "
"questions for now could be formulated that way: \"Why is it designed this "
"way, and not that one?\" If you think po4a isn't the right answer to "
"documentation translation, you should consider reading this section. If it "
"does not answer your question, please contact us on the E<lt>po4a-"
"devel@lists.alioth.debian.orgE<gt> mailing list. We love feedback."
msgstr ""
"Aquest capテュtol agrupa les Preguntes Mテゥs Freqテシents. De fet, la majoria de "
"preguntes actuals es poden formular d'aquesta manera: \"Per quティ s'ha "
"dissenyat d'aquesta forma i no d'una altra?\" Si pensa que po4a no テゥs la "
"soluciテウ ideal per a la traducciテウ de documentaciテウ, hauria de considerar "
"llegir-se aquesta secciテウ. Si no respon les seves preguntes, contacti amb "
"nosaltres a la llista de correu E<lt>po4a-devel@lists.alioth.debian."
"orgE<gt>. Volem saber la seva opiniテウ."

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:71
msgid "5 Specific notes about modules"
msgstr "5 Notes especテュfiques dels mテイduls"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:73
msgid ""
"This chapter presents the specificities of each module from the translator "
"and original author's point of view. Read this to learn the syntax you will "
"encounter when translating stuff in this module, or the rules you should "
"follow in your original document to make translators' life easier."
msgstr ""
"Aquest capテュtol presenta els punts especテュfics de cada mテイdul ja sigui des del "
"punt de vista del traductor com des del de l'autor original. Llegeixi aixテイ "
"per aprendre la sintaxi que es trobarテ� quan tradueixi textos amb un mテイdul, o "
"les regles que ha de seguir en el document original per facilitar la vida "
"del traductor."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:78
msgid ""
"Actually, this section is not really part of this document. Instead, it is "
"placed in each module's documentation. This helps ensuring that the "
"information is up to date by keeping the documentation and the code together."
msgstr ""
"Actualment, aquesta secciテウ no forma part d'aquest document. En realitat, "
"aixテイ es troba a la documentaciテウ de cada mテイdul. Aixテュ s'ajuda a assegurar que "
"la informaciテウ estigui actualitzada al mantenir la documentaciテウ i el codi "

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:83
msgid "6 Known bugs and feature requests"
msgstr "6 Errors coneguts i caracterテュstiques solツキlicitades"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:85
msgid "Quite a few already :("
msgstr "Uns quants encara :("

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:89
msgid "Why should I use po4a? What it is good for?"
msgstr "Per quティ he d'utilitzar po4a? Per a quティ serveix?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:91
msgid ""
"I like the idea of open-source software, making it possible for everybody to "
"access to software and to their source code. But being French, I'm well "
"aware that the licensing is not the only restriction to the openness of "
"software: non-translated free software is useless for non-English speakers, "
"and we still have some work to make it available to really everybody out "
msgstr ""
"M'agrada la idea del programari de codi obert, cosa que fa possible que tot "
"el mテウn pugui accedir al programari i al seu propi codi font. Perテイ al ser "
"Francティs, sテウc ben conscient que la llicティncia no テゥs la テコnica restricciテウ de la "
"llibertat del programari: Els programes lliures no traduテッts sテウn inservibles "
"per als qui no sテウn de parla anglesa, i encara queda forテァa feina per fer-los "
"disponibles a tothom."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:98
msgid ""
"The perception of this situation by the open-source actors did dramatically "
"improve recently. We, as translators, won the first battle and convinced "
"everybody of the translations' importance. But unfortunately, it was the "
"easy part. Now, we have to do the job and actually translate all this stuff."
msgstr ""
"La percepciテウ d'aquesta situaciテウ pels responsables del programari lliure ha "
"millorat drテ�sticament recentment. Nosaltres, com a traductors, hem guanyat "
"la primera batalla i hem convenテァut a tot al mテウn de la importテ�ncia de les "
"traduccions. Perテイ per desgrテ�cia, aquesta era la part fテ�cil. Ara hem de posar-"
"nos en marxa i comenテァar a traduir."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:103
msgid ""
"Actually, open-source software themselves benefit of a rather decent level "
"of translation, thanks to the wonderful gettext tool suite. It is able to "
"extract the strings to translate from the program, present a uniform format "
"to translators, and then use the result of their works at run time to "
"display translated messages to the user."
msgstr ""
"Actualment el programari lliure es beneficia d'un nivell decent de "
"traducciテウ, grテ�cies al meravellテウs paquet d'eines gettext. Aquest pot extreure "
"les cadenes a traduir d'un programa, presentar-les en un format uniforme als "
"traductors, i desprテゥs utilitzar el resultat del seu treball en temps "
"d'execuciテウ per mostrar els missatges traduテッts a l'usuari."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:109
msgid ""
"But the situation is rather different when it comes to documentation. Too "
"often, the translated documentation is not visible enough (not distributed "
"as a part of the program), only partial, or not up to date. This last "
"situation is by far the worst possible one. Outdated translation can reveal "
"worse than no translation at all to the users by describing old program "
"behavior which are not in use anymore."
msgstr ""
"Perテイ la situaciテウ テゥs bastant diferent pel que fa a la documentaciテウ. Molt "
"sovint, la documentaciテウ traduテッda no テゥs suficientment visible (no es "
"distribueix com a part del programa), nomテゥs parcialment, o no estテ� "
"actualitzada. La darrera situaciテウ テゥs la pitjor de totes. Per als usuaris, "
"les traduccions antiquades poden ser pitjors que si no existテュs la traducciテウ, "
"si descriuen vells comportaments del programa que ja no s'utilitzen."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:116
msgid "The problem to solve"
msgstr "El problema a solucionar"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:118
msgid ""
"Translating documentation is not very difficult in itself. Texts are far "
"longer than the messages of the program and thus take longer to be achieved, "
"but no technical skill is really needed to do so. The difficult part comes "
"when you have to maintain your work. Detecting which parts did change and "
"need to be updated is very difficult, error-prone and highly unpleasant. I "
"guess that this explains why so much translated documentation out there are "
msgstr ""
"Traduir documentaciテウ per sテュ sola no テゥs molt difテュcil. Els textos sテウn bastant "
"mテゥs llargs que els missatges de programa, i per tant, tarden mテゥs a traduir-"
"se. De tota manera, no es necessiten coneixements tティcnics fer fer-ho. La "
"part mテゥs difテュcil arriba quan la feina s'ha de mantenir. Detectar quines "
"parts han canviat i necessiten ser actualitzades テゥs molt difテュcil, ja que "
"comporta errors desagradables. Crec que aixテイ explica per quティ tantes de les "
"traduccions que hi ha escampades pel mテウn estan antiquades."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:126
msgid "The po4a answers"
msgstr "Les respostes de po4a"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:128
msgid ""
"So, the whole point of po4a is to make the documentation translation "
"I<maintainable>. The idea is to reuse the gettext methodology to this new "
"field. Like in gettext, texts are extracted from their original locations in "
"order to be presented in a uniform format to the translators. The classical "
"gettext tools help them updating their works when a new release of the "
"original comes out. But to the difference of the classical gettext model, "
"the translations are then re-injected in the structure of the original "
"document so that they can be processed and distributed just like the English "
msgstr ""
"Per tant, l'objectiu de po4a es fer I<mantenible> la traducciテウ de la "
"documentaciテウ. La idea テゥs reutilitzar la metodologia de gettext en aquest nou "
"camp. Com en gettext, s'extreuen els textos del lloc original per tal de "
"presentar-los als traductors en un format uniforme. Les eines clテ�ssiques de "
"gettext ajuden a mantenir la feina actualitzada quan surt una nova versiテウ de "
"l'original. Perテイ a diferティncia del model clテ�ssic de gettext, les traduccions "
"es re-injecten a l'estructura del document original, de forma que poden ser "
"processades i distribuテッdes igual que la versiテウ anglesa."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:138
msgid ""
"Thanks to this, discovering which parts of the document were changed and "
"need an update becomes very easy. Another good point is that the tools will "
"make almost all the work when the structure of the original document gets "
"fundamentally reorganized and when some chapters are moved around, merged or "
"split. By extracting the text to translate from the document structure, it "
"also keeps you away from the text formatting complexity and reduces your "
"chances to get a broken document (even if it does not completely prevent you "
"to do so)."
msgstr ""
"Grテ�cies a aixテイ, テゥs mテゥs fテ�cil descobrir quines parts del document han canviat "
"i necessiten ser actualitzades. Un altre punt fort テゥs que les eines faran "
"prテ�cticament tota la feina quan l'estructura del document original es torni "
"a organitzar i quan alguns capテュtols es moguin, s'ajuntin o se separin. Al "
"extreure el text a traduir de l'estructura del document, tambテゥ el mantテゥ "
"lluny de la complexitat del formateig de text i redueix les oportunitats de "
"danyar el document (encara que no li impedeixin completament de fer-ho)."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:146
msgid ""
"Please also see the L<FAQ> below in this document for a more complete list "
"of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach."
msgstr ""
"Si us plau, llegeixi tambテゥ les L<PMF> mテゥs avall en aquest document per a una "
"llista mテゥs completa d'avantatges i desavantatges d'aquesta soluciテウ."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:149
msgid "Supported formats"
msgstr "Formats suportats"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:151
msgid ""
"Currently, this approach has been successfully implemented to several kinds "
"of text formatting formats:"
msgstr ""
"Actualment, s'ha implementat satisfactテイriament aquesta aproximaciテウ en alguns "
"formats de text:"

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:154
msgid "nroff"
msgstr "nroff"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:156
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The good old manual pages' format, used by so much programs out there. The "
"po4a support is very welcome here since this format is somewhat difficult to "
"use and not really friendly to the newbies.  The L<Locale::Po4a::Man(3pm)|"
"Man> module also supports the mdoc format, used by the BSD man pages (they "
"are also quite common on Linux)."
msgstr ""
"El clテ�ssic format de les pテ�gines de manual, utilitzades per un munt de "
"programes. El suport de po4a es d'agrair, ja que el formateig テゥs una mica "
"difテュcil d'utilitzar, i no molt amistテウs per als principiants."

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:162
msgid "pod"
msgstr "pod"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:164
msgid ""
"This is the Perl Online Documentation format. The language and extensions "
"themselves are documented that way, as well as most of the existing Perl "
"scripts. It makes easy to keep the documentation close to the actual code by "
"embedding them both in the same file. It makes programmer life easier, but "
"unfortunately, not the translator one."
msgstr ""
"Aquest テゥs el format de Documentaciテウ Online de Perl. El llenguatge i les "
"seves mateixes extensions estan documentades aixテュ, igual que la majoria de "
"guions de Perl. Al barrejar-lo en el mateix fitxer テゥs mテゥs fテ�cil mantenir la "
"documentaciテウ propera al codi actual. Facilita la vida del programador, perテイ "
"per desgrテ�cia, no la del traductor."

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:170
msgid "sgml"
msgstr "sgml"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:172
msgid ""
"Even if somewhat superseded by XML nowadays, this format is still used "
"rather often for documents which are more than a few screens long. It allows "
"you to make complete books. Updating the translation of so long documents "
"can reveal to be a real nightmare. diff reveals often useless when the "
"original text was re-indented after update. Fortunately, po4a can help you "
"in that process."
msgstr ""
"Encara que avui en dia gairebテゥ hagi estat substituテッt per XML, aquest format "
"encara s'utilitza habitualment per documents mテゥs extensos que algunes "
"pantalles. Aquest permet fer llibres complets. Actualitzar una traducciテウ de "
"documents tan llargs pot ser realment un malson. Sovint diff es torna "
"inservible quan s'ha reindentat el text original desprテゥs de l'actualitzaciテウ. "
"Afortunadament, po4a el pot ajudar en aquest procテゥs."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:179
msgid ""
"Currently, only the debiandoc and docbook DTD are supported, but adding "
"support to a new one is really easy. It is even possible to use po4a on an "
"unknown sgml dtd without changing the code by providing the needed "
"information on the command line. See L<Locale::Po4a::Sgml(3pm)> for details."
msgstr ""
"Actualment, nomテゥs suporta els DTD de debiandoc i de docbook, perテイ テゥs "
"realment fテ�cil afegir suport per alguns de nous. Fins i tot, テゥs possible "
"utilitzar po4a en un dtd desconegut de sgml sense canviar el codi, passant "
"la informaciテウ necessテ�ria a la lテュnia de comandes. Consulti <Locale::Po4a::Sgml"
"(3pm)> per a mテゥs detalls."

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:184
msgid "TeX / LaTeX"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:186
msgid ""
"The LaTeX format is a major documentation format used in the Free Software "
"world and for publications.  The L<Locale::Po4a::LaTeX(3pm)|LaTeX> module "
"was tested with the Python documentation, a book and some presentations."
msgstr ""

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:191
msgid "texinfo"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:193
msgid ""
"All the GNU documentation is written in this format (that's even one of the "
"requirement to become an official GNU project).  The support for L<Locale::"
"Po4a::Texinfo(3pm)|Texinfo> in po4a is still at the beginning.  Please "
"report bugs and feature requests."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "xml"
msgstr "poxml"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:200
msgid "The XML format is a base format for many documentation formats."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:202
msgid ""
"Currently, the docbook DTD is supported by po4a. See L<Locale::Po4a::Docbook"
"(3pm)> for details."
msgstr ""

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:205
msgid "others"
msgstr "altres"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:207
msgid ""
"Po4a can also handle some more rare or specialized formats, such as the "
"documentation of compilation options for the 2.4.x kernels or the diagrams "
"produced by the dia tool. Adding a new one is often very easy and the main "
"task is to come up with a parser of your target format. See L<Locale::Po4a::"
"TransTractor(3pm)> for more information about this."
msgstr ""
"Po4a tambテゥ pot tractar algus formats estranys o especテュfics, de la mateixa "
"manera que la documentaciテウ de les opcions de compilaciテウ del kernel 2.4.x o "
"els diagrames produテッts per l'eina dia. Afegir-ne un de nou sol ser una tasca "
"molt fテ�cil i la tasca principal テゥs aconseguir un analitzador pel seu format. "
"Consulti L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)> per mテゥs informaciテウ."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:213
msgid "Unsupported formats"
msgstr "Formats no suportats"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:215
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, po4a still lacks support for several documentation formats."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:217
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There is a whole bunch of other formats we would like to support in po4a, "
"and not only documentation ones. Indeed, we aim at plugging all \"market "
"holes\" left by the classical gettext tools.  It encompass package "
"descriptions (deb and rpm), package installation scripts questions, package "
"changelogs, and all specialized file formats used by the programs such as "
"game scenarios or wine resource files."
msgstr ""
"A part d'aquests dos grans formats, n'hi ha molts altres que ens agradaria "
"suportar a po4a, i no nomテゥs de documentaciテウ. De fet, volem cobrir tots els "
"\"forats\" deixats per les eines clテ�ssiques de gettext. Aixテイ inclou la "
"documentaciテウ de python, descripcions de paquets (deb y rpm), preguntes dels "
"guions de instalツキlaciテウ de paquets, registres de canvis dels paquets, i tots "
"els formats especテュfics utilitzats per programes com escenaris de jocs o els "
"fitxers de recursos de wine."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:225
msgid "How to use po4a?"
msgstr "Com fer servir po4a?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:232
msgid "Graphical overview"
msgstr "Visiテウ esquemテ�tica"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:234
msgid ""
"The following schema gives an overview of the process of translating "
"documentation using po4a. Do not be afraid by its apparent complexity, it "
"comes from the fact that the I<whole> process is represented here. Once you "
"converted your project to po4a, only the right part of the graphic is "
"relevant. Note that sgml is taken as example here, but the same remains true "
"for all modules. Each part of the picture will be detailed in the next "
msgstr ""
"L'esquema segテシent li dテウna una visiテウ global del procテゥs de traducciテウ de "
"documentaciテウ fent servir po4a. No s'espanti per la seva aparent complexitat, "
"aixテイ es degut a que aquテュ es representa el procテゥs |<complet>. Un cop hagi "
"convertit el seu projecte a po4a, nomテゥs テゥs rellevant la part dreta del "
"grテ�fic. Aquest exemple tracta de sgml, perテイ テゥs aplicable a tots els mテイduls. "
"Cada part del dibuix es detallarテ� a les prテイximes seccions."

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  fr.sgml  original.sgml ---->--------+------>----------->-------+\n"
"     |         |                      |                          |\n"
"     V         V           { update of original }                |\n"
"     |         |                      |                          |\n"
"     +--<---<--+                      V                          |\n"
"     |         |              original.new.sgml----->------->----+\n"
"     V         V                      |                          |\n"
"  [po4a-gettextize]      +--->---->---+                          |\n"
"     |         |         |            V                          |\n"
"     |         |         |     [po4a-updatepo]                   |\n"
"     |         V         ^            |                          V\n"
"     V    original.pot   |            V                          |\n"
"     |         |         |          fr.po                        |\n"
"     |         |         |         (fuzzy)                       |\n"
"     |  { translation }  |            |                          |\n"
"     |         |         ^            V                          V\n"
"     |         |         |     {manual editing}                  |\n"
"     V         V         |            |                          |\n"
"     |         |         |            V                          V\n"
"     |         |         +--<---    fr.po       addendum   original.sgml\n"
"     +---->----+---->------->---> (up-to-date) (optional)  (up-to-date) \n"
"                                      |            |             |\n"
"                                      v            v             v\n"
"                                      +------>-----+------<------+\n"
"                                                   |\n"
"                                                   v\n"
"                                           [po4a-translate]\n"
"                                                   |\n"
"                                                   V\n"
"                                                fr.sgml\n"
"                                             (up-to-date)\n"
msgstr ""
"  fr.sgml  original.sgml ---->--------+------>----------->-------+\n"
"     |         |                      |                          |\n"
"     V         V       { actualitzaciテウ de l'original }           |\n"
"     |         |                      |                          |\n"
"     +--<---<--+                      V                          |\n"
"     |         |              original.new.sgml----->------->----+\n"
"     V         V                      |                          |\n"
"  [po4a-gettextize]      +--->---->---+                          |\n"
"     |         |         |            V                          |\n"
"     |         |         |     [po4a-updatepo]                   |\n"
"     |         V         ^            |                          V\n"
"     V    original.pot   |            V                          |\n"
"     |         |         |          fr.po                        |\n"
"     |         |         |        ( difテコs )                      |\n"
"     |   { traducciテウ }   |            |                          |\n"
"     |         |         ^            V                          V\n"
"     |         |         |     {ediciテウ manual}                   |\n"
"     V         V         |            |                          |\n"
"     |         |         |            V                          V\n"
"     |         |         +--<---    fr.po       apティndix    original.sgml\n"
"     +---->----+---->------->---> (al dia)    (opcional)     (al dia)\n"
"                                      |            |             |\n"
"                                      v            v             v\n"
"                                      +------>-----+------<------+\n"
"                                                   |\n"
"                                                   v\n"
"                                           [po4a-translate]\n"
"                                                   |\n"
"                                                   V\n"
"                                                fr.sgml\n"
"                                               (al dia)\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:275
msgid ""
"On the left part, the conversion of a translation not using po4a to this "
"system is shown. On the top of the right part, the action of the original "
"author is depicted (updating the documentation).  The middle of the right "
"part is where the automatic actions of po4a are depicted. The new material "
"are extracted, and compared against the exiting translation. Parts which "
"didn't change are found, and previous translation is used. Parts which where "
"partially modified are also connected to the previous translation, but with "
"a specific marker indicating that the translation must be updated. The "
"bottom of the figure shows how a formatted document is built."
msgstr ""
"A la part esquerra s'hi mostra la conversiテウ d'una traducciテウ que no utilitza "
"po4a a aquest sistema. A dalt de la part dreta s'hi representa l'acciテウ de "
"l'autor original (actualitzar la documentaciテウ). Al mig de la part dreta s'hi "
"simbolitzen les accions automテ�tiques de po4a. S'extrau el nou material i es "
"compara amb la traducciテウ existent. Es troben les parts que no han canviat, i "
"es fa servir la traducciテウ prティvia. Les parts parcialment modificades tambテゥ es "
"connecten a la traducciテウ anterior, perテイ se li afegeix un marcador indicant "
"que la traducciテウ s'ha d'actualitzar. La part de baix de la figura mostra com "
"es construeix el document formatejat."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:285
msgid ""
"Actually, as a translator, the only manual operation you have to do is the "
"part marked {manual editing}. Yeah, I'm sorry, but po4a helps you "
"translate.  It does not translate anything for you..."
msgstr ""
"Actualment, com a traductor, la テコnica operaciテウ manual que hauria de fer-se "
"テゥs la part marcada {ediciテウ manual}. Sテュ, ho sento, perテイ po4a ajuda a traduir. "
"No tradueix res sol..."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:291
msgid ""
"This section presents the needed steps required to begin a new translation "
"with po4a. The refinements involved in converting an existing project to "
"this system are detailed in the relevant section."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta secciテウ presenta els passos necessaris per comenテァar una nova "
"traducciテウ amb po4a. Els refinaments involucrats a la conversiテウ d'un projecte "
"existent al d'aquest sistema es detallen a la secciテウ pertinent."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:295
msgid ""
"To begin a new translation using po4a, you have to do the following steps:"
msgstr ""
"Per comenテァar una nova traducciテウ utilitzant po4a, ha de seguir els segテシents "

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:299 doc/po4a.7.pod:312 doc/po4a.7.pod:440 doc/po4a.7.pod:447
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:455 doc/po4a.7.pod:461 doc/po4a.7.pod:469 doc/po4a.7.pod:482
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:490 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:50
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:54 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:64
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:69 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:745
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:749 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:753
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:789 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:793
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:798 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1062
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1066 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1070
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:301
msgid ""
"Extract the text which have to be translated from the original document into "
"a new pot file (the gettext format). For that, use the I<po4a-gettextize> "
"program that way:"
msgstr ""
"Extreu el text que s'ha de traduir des del document original a un nou fitxer "
"pot (el format gettext). Per fer-ho pot fer servir el programa I<po4a-"
"gettextize> aixテュ:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:305
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  $ po4a-gettextize -f <format> -m <master.doc> -p <translation.pot>\n"
msgstr ""
"  $ po4a-gettextize -f <format> -m <principal.doc> -p <traducciテウ.pot>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:307
msgid ""
"E<lt>formatE<gt> is naturally the format used in the E<lt>master.docE<gt> "
"document. As expected, the output goes into E<lt>translation.potE<gt>.  "
"Please refer to L<po4a-gettextize(1)> for more details about the existing "
msgstr ""
"E<lt>formatE<gt> テゥs naturalment el format utilitzat en el document "
"E<lt>principal.docE<gt>. Tal com era d'esperar, la sortida va a "
"E<lt>traducciテウ.potE<gt>.  Consulti L<po4a-gettextize(1)> per mテゥs detalls "
"sobre les opcions existents."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:314
msgid ""
"Actually translate what should be translated. For that, you have to rename "
"the pot file for example to doc.XX.po (where XX is the ISO639 code of the "
"language you are translating to, e.g. \"fr\" for French), and edit the "
"resulting file. It is often a good idea to not name the file XX.po to avoid "
"confusion with the translation of the program messages, but this your call.  "
"Don't forget to update the po file headers, they are important."
msgstr ""
"Ara toca traduir el que toca. Per aixテイ, canviテッ el nom del fitxer pot a doc."
"XX.po, per exemple (on XX テゥs el codi ISO639 de l'idioma al que estigui "
"traduint, per exemple \"fr\" pel francティs), i editi el fitxer resultant. "
"Sovint テゥs bona idea no anomenar el fitxer XX.po per evitar confusions amb la "
"traducciテウ dels missatges de programa perテイ aixテイ テゥs cosa seva. No s'oblidi "
"d'actualitzar les capテァaleres dels fitxers po, sテウn importants."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:321
msgid ""
"The actual translation can be done using the Emacs po mode or kbabel (KDE "
"based) or gtranslator (GNOME based), or whichever program you prefer to use "
"them. A good ol' vi could do the trick too, even if there is no specialized "
"mode for this task."
msgstr ""
"La traducciテウ en qテシestiテウ es pot fer amb el mode po d'Emacs o kbabek (basat en "
"KDE) o granslator (basat en GNOME), o qualsevol programa que prefereixi. "
"Fins i tot el clテ�ssic vi pot servir, encara que no tingui un mode "
"especialitzat per aquesta tasca."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:326
msgid ""
"If you wish to learn more about this, you definitively need to refer to the "
"gettext documentation, available in the B<gettext-doc> package."
msgstr ""
"Si desitja aprendre mテゥs, definitivament ha de consultar la documentaciテウ de "
"gettext, disponible en el paquet B<gettext-doc>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:333
msgid ""
"Once you're done with the translation, you want to get the translated "
"documentation and distribute it to users along with the original one.  For "
"that, use the L<po4a-translate(1)> program like that (where XX is the "
"language code):"
msgstr ""
"Un cop hagi acabat la traducciテウ, voldrテ� obtenir la documentaciテウ traduテッda i "
"distribuir-la als usuaris junt amb l'original.  Per fer-ho, utilitzi el "
"programa L<po4a-translate(1)> aixテュ (on XX テゥs el codi de l'idioma):"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:338
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  $ po4a-translate -f <format> -m <master.doc> -p <doc.XX.po> -l <XX.doc>\n"
msgstr ""
"  $ po4a-translate -f <format> -m <principal.doc> -p <doc-XX.po> -l <XX.doc>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:340
msgid ""
"As before, E<lt>formatE<gt> is the format used in the E<lt>master.docE<gt> "
"document. But this time, the po file provided with the -p flag is part of "
"the input. This is your translation. The output goes into E<lt>XX.docE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"Igual que abans, E<lt>formatE<gt> テゥs el format utilitzat en el "
"E<lt>principal.docE<gt>. Perテイ aquest cop el fitxer po passat amb el "
"parテ�metre -p テゥs part de l'entrada. Aquesta テゥs la seva traducciテウ. La sortida "
"va a E<lt>XX.docE<gt>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:344
msgid "Please refer to L<po4a-translate(1)> for more details."
msgstr "Consulti L<po4a-translate(1)> per mテゥs detalls."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:348
msgid ""
"To update your translation when the original file has changed, use the "
"L<po4a-updatepo(1)> program like that:"
msgstr ""
"Per actualitzar la seva traducciテウ quan el fitxer original canviテッ, utilitzi "
"el programa L<po4a-updatepo(1)> aixテュ:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:351
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  $ po4a-updatepo -f <format> -m <new_original.doc> -p <existing.XX.po>\n"
msgstr ""
"  $ po4a-updatepo -f <format> -m <nou_original.doc> -p <existent.XX.po>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:353
msgid "(Please refer to L<po4a-updatepo(1)> for more details)"
msgstr "(Consulti L<po4a-updatepo(1)> per mテゥs detalls)"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:355
msgid ""
"Naturally, the new paragraph in the document won't get magically translated "
"in the C<po> file with this operation, and you'll need to update the C<po> "
"file manually. Likewise, you may have to rework the translation for "
"paragraphs which were modified a bit. To make sure you won't miss any of "
"them, they are marked as \"fuzzy\" during the process and you have to remove "
"this marker before the translation can be used by po4a-translate.  As for "
"the initial translation, the best is to use your favorite po editor here."
msgstr ""
"Naturalment, el nou parテ�graf del document no es traduirテ� mテ�gicament al "
"fitxer C<po> amb aquesta operaciテウ, i necessitarテ� actualitzar l'arxiu C<po> "
"manualment. Tanmateix, pot haver de refer les traduccions dels parテ�grafs que "
"s'hagin modificat una mica. Per assegurar que no s'oblidi de cap, es marquen "
"com a \"difuses\" durant el procテゥs, i s'haurテ� de treure la marca abans que "
"pugui utilitzar la traducciテウ a po4a-translate. De la mateixa manera que per "
"a la traducciテウ inicial, aquテュ テゥs millor fer servir el seu editor po preferit."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:364
msgid ""
"Once your C<po> file is up-to-date again, without any untranslated or fuzzy "
"string left, you can generate a translated documentation file, as explained "
"in the previous section."
msgstr ""
"Un cop el seu fitxer C<po> estigui altra vegada actualitzat, sense cap "
"cadena per traduir ni cadenes difuses, pot generar el fitxer de documentaciテウ "
"traduテッt, tal i com s'ha explicat a la secciテウ anterior."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:371
msgid ""
"Often, you used to translate manually the document happily until a major "
"reorganization of the original document happened. Then, after some "
"unpleasant tries with diff or similar tools, you want to convert to po4a.  "
"But of course, you don't want to loose your existing translation in the "
"process. Don't worry, this case is also handled by po4a tools and is called "
msgstr ""
"Segurament, vostティ acostumava a traduir manualment el document feliテァment fins "
"que va arribar una reorganitzaciテウ del document original. Llavors, desprテゥs "
"d'intentar-ho diverses vegades sense ティxit amb diff o eines similars, vol "
"convertir-lo a po4a. Perテイ per suposat, no vol perdre el seu procテゥs de "
"traducciテウ. No es preocupi, les eines de po4a tambテゥ tenen en compte aquest "
"cas, i s'anomena gettextitzaciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:378
msgid ""
"The key here is to have the same structure in the translated document and in "
"the original one so that the tools can match the content accordingly."
msgstr ""
"La grテ�cia estテ� en que tant el document traduテッt com l'original tinguin la "
"mateixa estructura de manera que les eines puguin encaixar els continguts "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:381
msgid ""
"If you are lucky (i.e., if the structures of both documents perfectly "
"match), it will work seamlessly and you will be set in a few seconds. "
"Otherwise, you may understand why this process has such an ugly name, and "
"you'd better be prepared to some grunt work here. In any case, remember that "
"it is the price to pay to get the comfort of po4a afterward. And the good "
"point is that you have to do so only once."
msgstr ""
"Si estテ� de sort (テゥs a dir, si les estructures dels documents encaixen a la "
"perfecciテウ), tot funcionarテ� correctament i haurテ� acabat en pocs segons. En "
"cas contrari, haurテ� d'entendre per quティ aquest procテゥs tテゥ un nom tan espantテウs, "
"i hauria d'estar preparat per a una mica de feina de grunyits. De totes "
"maneres, recordi que aquest テゥs el preu que ha de pagar per aconseguir "
"desprテゥs la comoditat de po4a. I la part bona テゥs que nomテゥs haurテ� de fer-ho "
"una vegada."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:388
msgid ""
"I cannot emphasis this too much. In order to ease the process, it is thus "
"important that you find the exact version which were used to do the "
"translation. The best situation is when you noted down the cvs revision used "
"for the translation and you didn't modify it in the translation process, so "
"that you can use it."
msgstr ""
"No puc emfatitzar-ho mテゥs. Per facilitar el procテゥs, テゥs important trobar la "
"versiテウ exacta que es va utilitzar a la traducciテウ. La millor situaciテウ テゥs dテウna "
"quan es va anotar quina revisiテウ del cvs es va fer servir per a la traducciテウ "
"i no es va modificar durant el procテゥs de traducciテウ, de manera que la pugui "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:394
msgid ""
"It won't work well when you use the updated original text with the old "
"translation. It remains possible, but is harder and really should be avoided "
"if possible. In fact, I guess that if you fail to find the original text "
"again, the best solution is to find someone to do the gettextization for you "
"(but, please, not me ;)."
msgstr ""
"No funcionarテ� bテゥ si utilitza el text original actualitzat amb la traducciテウ "
"antiga. テ鋭 un procテゥs possible, perテイ mテゥs difテュcil, i realment s'ha d'evitar "
"sempre que sigui possible. De fet, imagino que si no aconsegueix trobar el "
"text original, la millor soluciテウ テゥs trobar a algテコ que faci la gettextitzaciテウ "
"per vostティ (perテイ jo no, si us plau ;)."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:400
msgid ""
"Maybe I'm too dramatic here. Even when things go wrong, it remains ways "
"faster than translating everything again. I was able to gettextize the "
"existing French translation of the Perl documentation in one day, even if "
"things B<did> went wrong. That was more than two megabytes of text, and a "
"new translation would have lasted months or more."
msgstr ""
"Potser sテウc massa catastrofista. Per molt que les coses vagin malament, "
"segueix sent molt mテゥs rテ�pid que traduir-ho tot altra vegada. Jo vaig fer la "
"gettextitzaciテウ de la traducciテウ al francティs existent de la documentaciテウ de "
"Perl en un dia, encara que les coses B<van> anar malament. Eren mテゥs de dos "
"megabytes de text, i una traducciテウ nova haguテゥs pogut durar mesos com a mテュnim."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:406
msgid ""
"Let me explain the basis of the procedure first and I will come back on "
"hints to achieve it when the process goes wrong. To ease comprehension, the "
"sgml module is taken as an example once again, but the format used doesn't "
"really matter."
msgstr ""
"Permeti'm explicar primer les bases del procテゥs, i desprテゥs els trucs per "
"aconseguir-ho quan el procテゥs vagi malament. Per facilitar la comprensiテウ, "
"altra vegada s'agafa com a exemple el mテイdul sgml, perテイ no importa el format "
"que es faci servir."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:411
msgid ""
"Once you have the old original again, the gettextization may be as easy as:"
msgstr ""
"Un cop hagi aconseguit l'original antic, la gettextitzaciテウ pot ser tan fテ�cil "

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:413
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" $ po4a-gettextize -f <format> -m <old.original> -l <old.translation> -p <doc.XX.po>\n"
msgstr ""
" $ po4a-gettextize -f <format> -m <antic.original> -l <antiga.traducciテウ> -p <doc-XX.po>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:415
msgid ""
"When you're lucky, that's it. You converted your old translation to po4a and "
"can begin with the updating task right away. Just follow the procedure "
"explained a few section ago to synchronize your po file with the newest "
"original document, and update the translation accordingly."
msgstr ""
"Si estテ� de sort, aixテイ テゥs tot. Ha convertit la seva antiga traducciテウ a po4a i "
"ja pot comenテァar amb la tasca d'actualitzaciテウ. Simplement segueixi el procテゥs "
"explicat unes seccions abans per sincronitzar el seu arxiu po amb el "
"document original mテゥs nou, i actualitzi la traducciテウ segons convingui."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:420
msgid ""
"Please note that even when things seem to work properly, there is still room "
"for errors in this process. The point is that po4a is unable to understand "
"the text to make sure that the translation match the original. That's why "
"all strings are marked as \"fuzzy\" in the process. You should check each of "
"them carefully before removing those markers."
msgstr ""
"Tingui en compte que, encara que tot sembli haver anat bテゥ, encara es poden "
"produir alguns errors en aquest procテゥs. Aixテイ テゥs degut a que po4a no テゥs capaテァ "
"d'entendre el text per assegurar-se que la traducciテウ es refereix a "
"l'original. テ鋭 per aixテイ que les cadenes es marquen com a \"difuses\" durant "
"el procテゥs. Haurテ� de comprovar cuidadosament cada cadena abans d'eliminar la "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:426
msgid ""
"Often the document structures don't match exactly, preventing po4a-"
"gettextize from doing its job properly. At that point, the whole game is "
"about editing the files to get their damn structures matching."
msgstr ""
"Sovint, les estructures dels documents no encaixen a la perfecciテウ, impedint "
"a po4a-gettextize realitzar la seva tasca. Arribat a aquest punt, tot el joc "
"es trasllada a la ediciテウ dels fitxers per fer encaixar les seves maleテッdes "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:430
msgid ""
"It may help to read the section L<Gettextization: how does it work?> below.  "
"Understanding the internal process will help you to make this work. The good "
"point is that po4a-gettextize is rather verbose about what went wrong when "
"it happens. First, it pinpoints where in the documents the structures' "
"discrepancies are. You will learn the strings that don't match, their "
"positions in the text, and the type of each of them. Moreover, the po file "
"generated so far will be dumped to gettextization.failed.po."
msgstr ""
"El pot ajudar llegir la secciテウ L<Gettextitzaciテウ: com funciona?> de mテゥs "
"avall. La comprensiテウ del funcionament intern del procテゥs l'ajudarテ� a fer-lo "
"funcionar. El milor テゥs que po4a-gettextize dテウna molta informaciテウ quan alguna "
"cosa no ha anat bテゥ. Primer, apuntarテ� on s'ha trobat la discrepテ�ncia "
"d'estructures en els documents. Desprテゥs mostrarテ� les cadenes que no "
"encaixen, la seva posiciテウ en el text, i el tipus de cadascuna. A mテゥs a mテゥs, "
"el fitxer po generat fins al moment es guardarテ� a gettextization.failed."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:442
msgid ""
"Remove all extra parts of the translations, such as the section in which you "
"give the translator name and thank every people who contributed to the "
"translation. Addenda, which are described in the next section, will allow "
"you to re-add them afterward."
msgstr ""
"Borreu totes les parts extres de les traduccions, com per exemple la secciテウ "
"on s'especifiqui el nom del traductor, o els agraテッments de gent que ha "
"colツキlaborat a la traducciテウ. Els apティndix, descrits a la segテシent secciテウ, li "
"permetran afegir de nou aquests continguts."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:449
msgid ""
"Do not hesitate to edit both the original and the translation. The most "
"important thing is to get the po file. You will be able to update it "
"afterward. That being said, editing the translation should be preferred when "
"both are possible since it makes things easier when the gettextization is "
msgstr ""
"No dubti a editar tant l'original com la traducciテウ. El mテゥs important テゥs "
"aconseguir el fitxer po. Ja tindrテ� temps d'actualitzar-lo mテゥs tard. Un cop "
"dit aixテイ, テゥs preferible editar la traducciテウ quan es puguin editar els dos, "
"ja que aixテイ facilita les coses un cop s'acabi la gettextitzaciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:457
msgid ""
"If needed, kill some parts of the original if they happen to not be "
"translated. When synchronizing the po with the document afterward, they will "
"come back from themselves."
msgstr ""
"Si fa falta, si algunes parts no estaven traduテッdes, elimini-les de "
"l'original. Quan mテゥs endavant sincronitzi el fitxer po, tornaran a apareixer "
"per sテュ soles."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:463
msgid ""
"If you changed the structure a bit (to merge two paragraphs, or split "
"another one), undo those changes. If there is issues in the original, you "
"should inform the original author. Fixing them in your translation only fix "
"it for a part of the community. And moreover, it's impossible when using "
"po4a ;)"
msgstr ""
"Si ha canviat una mica l'estructura (per ajuntar dos parテ�grafs, o partir-ne "
"algun), desfaci els canvis. Si hi ha problemes amb l'original, hauria "
"d'informar l'autor original. Arreglar-ho a la traducciテウ nomテゥs ho arregla per "
"una part de la comunitat. I a mテゥs, テゥs impossible quan utilitza po4a ;)"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:471
msgid ""
"Sometimes, the paragraph content does match, but their types don't. Fixing "
"it is rather format-dependant. In pod and nroff, it often comes from the "
"fact that one of the two contains a line beginning with a white space where "
"the other doesn't. In those formats, such paragraph cannot be wrapped and "
"thus become a different type. Just remove the space and you are fine. It may "
"also be a typo in the tag name."
msgstr ""
"A vegades el contingut del parテ�graf encaixa, perテイ el seu tipus no. Arreglar "
"aixテイ depティn molt del format. En pod i nroff, a vegades テゥs culpa de que una de "
"les dues lテュnies comenテァa amb espai i l'altra no. En aquests formats, aquest "
"parテ�graf no podria justificar-se i es tornaria d'un tipus diferent. "
"Simplement elimini l'espai per solucionar-ho. Tambテゥ pot tractar-se d'un "
"error tipogrテ�fic al nom del tag."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:478
msgid ""
"Likewise, two paragraphs may get merged together in pod when the separating "
"line contains some spaces, or when there is no empty line before the =item "
"line and the content of the item."
msgstr ""
"A mテゥs a mテゥs, dos parテ�grafs poden ajuntar-se en el pot quan la lテュnea de "
"separaciテウ contテゥ alguns espais, o quan no hi ha una lテュnia de separaciテウ abans "
"de la lテュnia =item i del contingut de l'element."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:484
msgid ""
"Sometimes, there is a desynchronization between the files, and the "
"translation is attached to the wrong original paragraph. It is the sign that "
"the real problem was before in the files. Check gettextization.failed."
"po to see when the desynchronization begins, and fix it there."
msgstr ""
"A vegades, hi ha una desincronitzaciテウ entre els fitxers, i la traducciテウ "
"s'encaixa a un parテ�graf original equivocat. Aquest テゥs un signe de que "
"realment ja hi havia un problema abans. Comprovi gettextization.failed."
"po per veure quan comenテァa la desincronitzaciテウ, i arreglar-ho allテ�."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:492
msgid ""
"Sometimes, you get the strong feeling that po4a ate some parts of the text, "
"either the original or the translation. gettextization.failed.po "
"indicates that both of them where gently matching, and then the "
"gettextization fails because it tried to match one paragraph with the one "
"after (or before) the right one, as if the right one disappeared. Curse po4a "
"as I did when it first happened to me. Generously."
msgstr ""
"A vegades li pot donar la impressiテウ que po4a s'ha menjat algunes parts del "
"text, ja sigui de l'original o de la traducciテウ. gettextization.failed.po "
"indica que ambdテウs encaixaven correctament, i desprテゥs ha fallat perquティ "
"intentava encaixar un parテ�graf amb l'anterior o el posterior al correcte, "
"com si el correcte haguテゥs desaparegut. Maleeixi po4a com jo vaig fer el "
"primer cop que em va passar. Abundantment."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:499
msgid ""
"This unfortunate situation happens when the same paragraph is repeated over "
"the document. In that case, no new entry is created in the po file, but a "
"new reference is added to the existing one instead."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta situaciテウ テゥs deguda a que el mateix parテ�graf es repeteix al llarg del "
"document. En aquest cas, no es crea una nova entrada al fitxer po, sinテウ que "
"se li afegeix una nova referティncia i la ja existent."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:503
msgid ""
"So, when the same paragraph appears twice in the original but are not "
"translated in the exact same way each time, you will get the feeling that a "
"paragraph of the original disappeared. Just kill the new translation. If you "
"prefer to kill the first translation instead when it was actually better, "
"remove the second one from where it is and put it in place of the first one."
msgstr ""
"Per tant, quan el mateix parテ�graf apareix dos cops a l'original perテイ no estテ� "
"traduテッt exactament igual cada cop, tindrテ� la sensaciテウ que ha desaparegut un "
"parテ�graf de l'original. Simplement elimini la nova traducciテウ. Si creu que la "
"segona traducciテウ テゥs millor, tregui-la d'on estテ�, i substitueixi-la a la "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:509
msgid ""
"In the contrary, if two similar but different paragraphs were translated in "
"the exact same way, you will get the feeling that a paragraph of the "
"translation disappeared. A solution is to add a stupid string to the "
"original paragraph (such as \"I'm different\"). Don't be afraid, those "
"things will disappear during the synchronization, and when the added text is "
"short enough, gettext will match your translation to the existing text "
"(marking it as fuzzy, but you don't really care since all strings are fuzzy "
"after gettextization)."
msgstr ""
"En el cas contrari, si hi ha dos parテ�grafs semblants perテイ diferents que es "
"van traduir de la mateixa forma, li pot donar la impressiテウ que ha "
"desaparegut un parテ�graf de la traducciテウ. La soluciテウ テゥs afegir una cadena "
"estテコpida al parテ�graf original (quelcom com \"sテウc diferent\") per solucionar-"
"ho. No s'espanti. Aquestes coses desapareixeran durant la sincronitzaciテウ, i "
"quan el text afegit sigui suficientment curt, gettext encaixarテ� la seva "
"traducciテウ amb el text existent (marcant-lo com a difテコs, perテイ no importa, ja "
"que totes les cadenes es marquen com a difuses durant la gettextitzaciテウ)."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:519
msgid ""
"Hopefully, those tips will help you making your gettextization work and "
"obtain your precious po file. You are now ready to synchronize your file and "
"begin your translation. Please note that on large text, it may happen that "
"the first synchronization takes a long time."
msgstr ""
"Amb una mica de sort, aquests trucs l'ajudaran a realitzar la seva "
"gettextitzaciテウ i a obtenir el seu estimat fitxer po. Ara estarテ� preparat per "
"sincronitzar el seu fitxer i comenテァar la traducciテウ. Tingui en compte, que en "
"textos grans, la primera sincronitzaciテウ pot tardar forテァa temps."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:524
msgid ""
"For example, the first po4a-updatepo of the Perl documentation's French "
"translation (5.5 Mb po file) took about two days full on a 1Ghz G5 "
"computer.  Yes, 48 hours. But the subsequent ones only take a dozen of "
"seconds on my old laptop. This is because the first time, most of the msgid "
"of the po file don't match any of the pot file ones. This forces gettext to "
"search for the closest one using a costly string proximity algorithm."
msgstr ""
"Per exemple, el primer po4a-updatepo de la traducciテウ al francティs de la "
"documentaciテウ de Perl (un fitxer po de 5.5Mb) va tardar dos dies "
"aproximadament en una mテ�quina G5 a 1Ghz. Sテュ, 48 hores, perテイ les segテシents "
"vegades tan sols tardava una dotzena de segons al meu portテ�til vell. Aixテイ テゥs "
"perquティ la primera vegada, la majoria de msgids del fitxer po no encaixen amb "
"cap altre dels del fitxer pot. Aixテイ obliga a gettext a buscar la cadena mテゥs "
"semblant utilitzant un costテウs algorisme de proximitat de cadenes."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:533
msgid ""
"Because of the gettext approach, doing this becomes more difficult in po4a "
"than it was when simply editing a new file along the original one. But it "
"remains possible, thanks to the so-called B<addenda>."
msgstr ""
"Degut a l'テコs de gettext, fer-ho amb po4a テゥs torna mテゥs difテュcil que abans, ja "
"que simplement s'editava el nou fitxer paralツキlelament a l'original. Perテイ "
"segueix sent possible grテ�cies als anomenats B<apティndixs>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:537
msgid ""
"It may help the comprehension to consider addenda as a sort of patches "
"applied to the localized document after processing. They are rather "
"different from the usual patches (they have only one line of context, which "
"can embed perl regular expression, and they can only add new text without "
"removing any), but the functionalities are the same."
msgstr ""
"Per ajudar a la comprensiテウ, consideri els apティndix com uns pegats aplicats al "
"document traduテッt desprテゥs del procテゥs. Sテウn bastant diferents que els pegats "
"originals (nomテゥs tenen una lテュnia de context, que pot incloure una expressiテウ "
"regular de perl, i テコnicament pot afegir text, sense eliminar res), perテイ les "
"funcionalitats sテウn les mateixes."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:543
msgid ""
"Their goal is to allow the translator to add extra content to the document "
"which is not translated from the original document. The most common usage is "
"to add a section about the translation itself, listing contributors and "
"explaining how to report bug against the translation."
msgstr ""
"El seu objectiu テゥs permetre al traductor afegir contingut extra al document, "
"que no テゥs traducciテウ del document original. L'テコs mテゥs habitual テゥs afegir una "
"secciテウ sobre la traducciテウ en si mateixa, llistant els colツキlaboradors i "
"explicant com informar dels errors de la traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:548
msgid ""
"Addendum must be provided as a separate file. The first line constitutes a "
"header indicating where in the produced document they should be placed. The "
"rest of the addendum file will be added verbatim at the determined position "
"of the resulting document."
msgstr ""
"Els apティndixs s'han de proporcionar com fitxers a part. La primera lテュnia "
"forma una capテァalera que indica el lloc del document resultant on s'ha de "
"colツキlocar. La resta del fitxer d'apティndix s'afegirテ� sense modificacions a la "
"posiciテウ determinada del document resultant."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:553
msgid ""
"The header have a pretty rigid syntax: It must begin with the string \"PO4A-"
"HEADER:\", followed by a semi-colon (;) separated list of \"key=value\" "
"fields. White spaces ARE important. Note that you cannot use the semi-colon "
"char (;) in the value, and that quoting it doesn't help."
msgstr ""
"La capテァalera tテゥ una sintaxi molt rテュgida: ha de comenテァar amb la cadena \"PO4A-"
"HEADER:\", seguida per una llista de camps \"clau=valor\" separats per punt "
"i coma (;). Els espais en blanc Sテ哲 importants. Tingui en compte que no pot "
"usar el caracter punt i coma (;) en els valors, i que les cometes no ajuden."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:558
msgid ""
"Again, it sounds scary, but the examples given below should help you to find "
"how to write the header line you need. To illustrate the discussion, assume "
"we want to add a section called \"About this translation\" after the \"About "
"this document\" one."
msgstr ""
"Una vegada mテゥs, sona espantテウs, perテイ els exemples de mテゥs endavant haurien "
"d'ajudar-lo a trobar la forma d'escriure la lテュnia de capテァalera que "
"necessiti. Per a ilツキlustrar la discussiテウ, suposi que vol afegir una secciテウ "
"anomenada \"Sobre aquesta traducciテウ\" desprテゥs de l'anomenada \"Sobre aquest "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:563
msgid "Here are the possible header keys:"
msgstr "Aquテュ hi ha les possibles claus de capテァalera:"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:567
msgid "position (mandatory)"
msgstr "position (obligatテイria)"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:569
msgid ""
"a regexp. The addendum will be placed near the line matching this regexp.  "
"Note that we're speaking about the translated document here, not the "
"original. If more than a line match this expression (or none), the addition "
"will fail. It is indeed better to report an error than inserting the "
"addendum at the wrong location."
msgstr ""
"una expressiテウ regular. Es colツキlocarテ� l'apティndix prop de la lテュnia que encaixi "
"amb aquesta expressiテウ regular. Tingui en compte que estem parlant del "
"document traduテッt, no l'original. Si hi ha mテゥs d'una lテュnia que encaixi (o "
"cap), l'addiciテウ fallarテ�. Sempre テゥs millor donar un error que inserir "
"l'apティndix en el lloc equivocat."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:575
msgid ""
"This line is called I<position point> in the following. The point where the "
"addendum is added is called I<insertion point>. Those two points are near "
"one from another, but not equal. For example, if you want to insert a new "
"section, it is easier to put the I<position point> on the title of the "
"preceding section and explain po4a where the section ends (remember that "
"I<position point> is given by a regexp which should match a unique line)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta lテュnia es diu I<punt de posiciテウ> a partir d'ara. El punt on "
"s'inserirテ� l'apティndix es diu I<punt d'inserciテウ>. Aquests dos punts sテウn molt "
"propers, perテイ no iguals. Per exemple, si desitja inserir una nova secciテウ, テゥs "
"mテゥs fテ�cil posar el I<punt de posiciテウ> en el tテュtol de la secciテウ anterior, i "
"explicar-li a po4 on acaba la secciテウ (recordi que el I<punt de posiciテウ> ve "
"donat per l'expressiテウ regular, que ha d'encaixar una テコnica lテュnia)."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:582
msgid ""
"The localization of the I<insertion point> with regard to the I<position "
"point> is controlled by the C<mode>, C<beginboundary> and C<endboundary> "
"fields, as explained below."
msgstr ""
"La localizaciテウ del I<punt d'inserciテウ> respecte el punt de posiciテウ estテ� "
"controlat pels camps C<mode>, C<beginboundary> i C<endboundary>, que "
"s'expliquen a continuaciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:586
msgid "In our case, we would have:"
msgstr "En el nostre cas tindrテュem:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:588
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     position=<title>About this document</title>\n"
msgstr ""
"     position=<title>Sobre aquest document</title>\n"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:591
msgid "mode (mandatory)"
msgstr "mode (obligatori)"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:593
msgid ""
"It can be either the string \"before\" or \"after\", specifying the position "
"of the addendum, relative to the I<position point>."
msgstr ""
"Pot valdre les cadenes \"before\" (abans) o \"after\" (desprテゥs), "
"especificant la posiciテウ de l'apティndix, relativa al l<punt de posiciテウ>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:596
msgid ""
"Since we want the new section to be placed below the one we are matching, we "
msgstr ""
"Com volem que la nostra nova secciテウ se situテッ sota de la que hem encaixat, "

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:599
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     mode=after\n"
msgstr ""
"     mode=after\n"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:601
msgid "beginboundary (used only when mode=after, and mandatory in that case)"
msgstr ""
"beginboundary (utilitzada nomテゥs quan mode=after, i obligatテイriament en aquest "

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:603
msgid "endboundary (idem)"
msgstr "endboundary (idem)"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:605
msgid "regexp matching the end of the section after which the addendum goes."
msgstr ""
"L'expressiテウ regular que encaixi el final de la secciテウ desprテゥs de la qual va "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:607
msgid ""
"When mode=after, the I<insertion point> is after the I<position point>, but "
"not directly after! It is placed at the end of the section beginning at the "
"I<position point>, ie after or before the line matched by the C<???boundary> "
"argument, depending on whether you used C<beginboundary> or C<endboundary>."
msgstr ""
"Quan el mode=after, el I<punt d'inserciテウ> estテ� desprテゥs del I<punt de "
"posiciテウ>, perテイ no justament desprテゥs! Estテ� situat al final de la secciテウ que "
"comenテァa en el I<punt de posiciテウ>, テゥs a dir, abans o desprテゥs de la lテュnia "
"encaixada pel parテ�metre C<???boundary>, depenent de si s'ha fet servir "
"C<beginboundary> o C<endboundary>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:613
msgid ""
"In our case, we can choose to indicate the end of the section we match by "
msgstr ""
"En el nostre cas, podem decidir-nos per indicar el final de la secciテウ que "
"encaixem afegint:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:616
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"   endboundary=</section>\n"
msgstr ""
"   endboundary=</section>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:618
msgid "or to indicate the beginning of the next section by indicating:"
msgstr "o indicar el principi de la segテシent secciテウ indicant:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:620
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"   beginboundary=<section>\n"
msgstr ""
"   beginboundary=<section>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:622
msgid ""
"In both case, our addendum will be placed after the E<lt>/sectionE<gt> and "
"before the E<lt>sectionE<gt>. The first one is better since it will work "
"even if the document gets reorganized."
msgstr ""
"En ambdテウs casos, es colツキlocarテ� el nostre apティndix desprテゥs de E<lt>/"
"sectionE<gt> i abans de E<lt>sectionE<gt>. La primera opciテウ テゥs millor perquティ "
"funcionarテ� encara que re-organitzem el document."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:626
msgid ""
"Both forms exist because documentation formats are different. In some of "
"them, there is a way to mark the end of a section (just like the C<E<lt>/"
"sectionE<gt>> we just used), while some other don't explicitly mark the end "
"of section (like in nroff). In the former case, you want to make a "
"I<boundary> matching the I<end of a section>, so that the I<insertion point> "
"comes after it. In the latter case, you want to make a I<boundary> matching "
"the I<beginning of next section>, so that the I<insertion point> comes just "
"before it."
msgstr ""
"Ambdues formes existeixen degut a que els formats de documentaciテウ sテウn "
"diferents. Alguns tenen maneres de marcar el final d'una secciテウ (com ara el "
"C<E<lt>/sectionE<gt>> que acabem de veure), mentre altres no indiquen "
"explテュcitament el final de secciテウ (com passa en nroff). En el primer cas, "
"interessarテ� fer un I<boundary> que encaixi amb el I<final d'una secciテウ>, de "
"forma que el I<punt d'inserciテウ> vingui just desprテゥs. En el segon cas, haurem "
"de fer un I<boundary> que encaixi amb el I<principi de la segテシent secciテウ>, "
"de forma que el I<punt d'inserciテウ> vingui just abans."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:637
msgid ""
"This can seem obscure, but hopefully, the next examples will enlighten you."
msgstr ""
"Pot semblar obscur, perテイ amb una mica de sort, els segテシents exemples "

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:641
msgid ""
"To sum up the example we used so far, in order to add a section called "
"\"About this translation\" after the \"About this document\" one in a sgml "
"document, you can use either of those header lines:"
msgstr ""
"Seguint amb l'exemple que hem utilitzat fins ara, per tal d'afegir una "
"secciテウ anomenada \"Sobre la traducciテウ\" desprテゥs de la secciテウ \"Sobre aquest "
"document\" en un document sgml, podeu utilitzar qualsevol d'aquestes lテュnies "
"de capテァalera:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:646
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" PO4A-HEADER: mode=after; position=About this document; endboundary=</section>\n"
" PO4A-HEADER: mode=after; position=About this document; beginboundary=<section>\n"
msgstr ""
" PO4A-HEADER: mode=after; position=Sobre aquest document; endboundary=</section>\n"
" PO4A-HEADER: mode=after; position=Sobre aquest document; beginboundary=<section>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:650
msgid "If you want to add something after the following nroff section:"
msgstr "Si voleu afegir quelcom desprテゥs de la segテシent secciテウ de nroff:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  .SH \"AUTHORS\"\n"
msgstr ""
"  .SH \"AUTORS\"\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:655
msgid ""
"you should put a C<position> matching this line, and a C<beginboundary> "
"matching the beginning of the next section (ie C<^\\.SH>). The addendum will "
"then be added B<after> the I<position point> and immediately B<before> the "
"first line matching the C<beginboundary>. That is to say:"
msgstr ""
"haureu d'utilitzar un C<position> que encaixi amb aquesta lテュnia, i un "
"C<beginboundary> que encaixi amb el principi de la segテシent secciテウ (com ara "
"C<^\\.SH>). Llavors l'annex s'afegirテ� B<desprテゥs> del I<punt de posiciテウ> i "
"immediatament B<abans> de la primera lテュnia que encaixi amb el "
"C<beginboundary>. テ鋭 a dir:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:660
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=AUTHORS;beginboundary=\\.SH\n"
msgstr ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=AUTORS;beginboundary=\\.SH\n"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:662
msgid ""
"If you want to add something into a section (like after \"Copyright Big Dude"
"\")  instead of adding a whole section, give a C<position> matching this "
"line, and give a C<beginboundary> matching any line."
msgstr ""
"Si voleu afegir quelcom a una secciテウ (com ara desprテゥs de \"Copyright Big Dude"
"\")  en lloc d'afegir una secciテウ completa, proporcioneu una C<position> que "
"encaixi amb aquesta lテュnia, i doneu un C<beginboundary> que encaixi qualsevol "

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:667
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=Copyright Big Dude, 2004;beginboundary=^\n"
msgstr ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=Copyright Big Dude, 2004;beginboundary=^\n"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:669
msgid ""
"If you want to add something at the end of the document, give a C<position> "
"matching any line of your document (but only one line. Po4a won't proceed if "
"it's not unique), and give an C<endboundary> matching nothing. Don't use "
"simple strings here like \"C<EOF>\", but prefer which have less chance to be "
"in your document."
msgstr ""
"Si voleu afegir quelcom al final del document, utilitzeu una C<position> que "
"encaixi amb qualsevol lテュnia del document (perテイ nomテゥs una lテュnia. Po4a no "
"seguirテ� si no テゥs テコnica), i doneu un C<endboundary> que no encaixi amb res. "
"No utilitzeu cadenes simples aquテュ, com ara \"C<EOF>\", sinテウ cadenes que "
"tinguin menys probabilitats de sortir en el vostre document."

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=<title>About</title>;beginboundary=FakePo4aBoundary\n"
msgstr ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=<title>Quant a</title>;beginboundary=FakePo4aBoundary\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:679
msgid ""
"In any case, remember that these are regexp. For example, if you want to "
"match the end of a nroff section ending with the line"
msgstr ""
"En qualsevol cas, recordeu que aixテイ sテウn expressions regulars. Per exemple, "
"si voleu encaixar el final d'una secciテウ de nroff que acabi amb aquesta lテュnia"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:682
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  .fi\n"
msgstr ""
"  .fi\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:684
msgid ""
"don't use C<.fi> as endboundary, because it will match with \"the[ fi]le\", "
"which is obviously not what you expect. The correct endboundary in that case "
"is: C<^\\.fi$>."
msgstr ""
"no utilitzeu C<.fi> com a endboundary, perquティ encaixarテ� amb \"el[ fi]txer\", "
"que obviament no テゥs el quティ s'esperava. L'endboundary correcte en aquest cas "
"テゥs: C<^\\.fi$>."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:688
msgid ""
"If the addendum doesn't go where you expected, try to pass the -vv argument "
"to the tools, so that they explain you what they do while placing the "
msgstr ""
"Si l'annexe no es colツキloca on esperテ�veu, proveu de passar el parテ�metre -vv a "
"les eines, de forma que explicarテ� quティ fa per colツキlocar l'annexe."

# type: =head3
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:692
msgid "More detailed example"
msgstr "Exemple mテゥs detallat"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:694
msgid "Original document (pod formatted):"
msgstr "Document original (en format pod):"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:696
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" |=head1 NAME\n"
" |\n"
" |dummy - a dummy program\n"
" |\n"
" |=head1 AUTHOR\n"
" |\n"
" |me\n"
msgstr ""
" |=head1 NAME\n"
" |\n"
" |dummy - a dummy program\n"
" |\n"
" |=head1 AUTHOR\n"
" |\n"
" |me\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:704
msgid ""
"Then, the following addendum will ensure that a section (in French) about "
"the translator is added at the end of the file. (in French, \"TRADUCTEUR\" "
"means \"TRANSLATOR\", and \"moi\" means \"me\")"
msgstr ""
"Llavors, el segテシent annexe s'assegurarテ� de que s'afegeix una secciテウ (en "
"catalテ�) sobre el traductor al final del fitxer."

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:708
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" |PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=AUTEUR;beginboundary=^=head\n"
" |\n"
" |=head1 TRADUCTEUR\n"
" |\n"
" |moi\n"
msgstr ""
" |PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=AUTOR;beginboundary=^=head\n"
" |\n"
" |=head1 TRADUCTOR\n"
" |\n"
" |jo\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:714
msgid ""
"In order to put your addendum before the AUTHOR, use the following header:"
msgstr ""
"Per tal de posar l'annexe abans d'AUTHOR, utilitzeu la segテシent capテァalera:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:716
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=NOM;beginboundary=^=head1\n"
msgstr ""
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=NOM;beginboundary=^=head1\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:718
msgid ""
"This works because the next line matching the beginboundary /^=head1/ after "
"the section \"NAME\" (translated to \"NOM\" in French), is the one declaring "
"the authors. So, the addendum will be put between both sections."
msgstr ""
"Aixテイ funciona perquティ la segテシent lテュnia que encaixa el beginboundary /^=head1/ "
"desprテゥs de la secciテウ \"NAME\" (traduテッt com a \"NOM\" en catalテ�), テゥs la que "
"declara els autors. Per tant, l'annexe es colツキlocarテ� entre ambdues seccions."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:724
msgid ""
"The use of po4a proved to be a bit error prone for the users since you have "
"to call two different programs in the right order (po4a-updatepo and then "
"po4a-translate), each of them needing more than 3 arguments. Moreover, it "
"was difficult with this system to use only one po file for all your "
"documents when more than one format was used."
msgstr ""
"La utilitzaciテウ de po4a ha demostrat ser una mica confusa per als usuaris, ja "
"que s'han de cridar dos programes diferents, en l'ordre adequat (po4a-"
"updatepo i desprテゥs po4a-translate), on cadascun d'ells necessita mテゥs de 3 "
"parテ�metres. A mテゥs, amb aquest sistema era difテュcil utilitzar un テコnic fitxer "
"po per tots els documents quan s'utilitzava mテゥs d'un format."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:730
msgid ""
"The L<po4a(1)> program was designed to solve those difficulties. Once your "
"project is converted to the system, you write a simple configuration file "
"explaining where your translation files are (po and pot), where the original "
"documents are, their formats and where their translations should be placed."
msgstr ""
"El programa L<po4a(1)> va ser dissenyat per solucionar aquestes dificultats. "
"Una vegada heu convertit el vostre projecte a aquest sistema, escriviu un "
"fitxer simple de configuraciテウ, explicant on sテウn els fitxers de traducciテウ (po "
"i pot), on sテウn els documents originals, els seus formats, i on s'han de "
"colツキlocar les traduccions."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:735
msgid ""
"Then, calling po4a(1) on this file ensure that the po files are synchronized "
"against the original document, and that the translated document are "
"generated properly. Of course, you will want to call this program twice: "
"once before editing the po file to update them and once afterward to get "
"completely updated translated document. But you only need to remember one "
"command line."
msgstr ""
"Desprテゥs, una crida a po4a(1) sobre aquest fitxer assegura que els fitxers po "
"se sincronitzen amb el document original, i que el document traduテッt es "
"genera correctament. Per suposat, segurament voldreu cridar aquest programa "
"dues vegades: una abans d'editar el fitxer po per actualitzar-lo, i una "
"altra desprテゥs, per obtenir els documents traduテッts completament actualitzats. "
"Perテイ テコnicament haureu de recordar una lテュnia de comandes."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:742
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr "Com funciona?"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:749
msgid "What's the big picture here?"
msgstr "Visiテウ general"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:751
msgid ""
"The po4a architecture is object oriented (in Perl. Isn't that neat?). The "
"common ancestor to all parser classes is called TransTractor. This strange "
"name comes from the fact that it is at the same time in charge of "
"translating document and extracting strings."
msgstr ""
"L'arquitectura de po4a テゥs orientada a objectes (en Perl. No テゥs estupend?). "
"L'avantpassat comテコ de totes les classes dels analitzadors s'anomena "
"TransTractor. Aquest nom tan estrany ve del fet que s'encarrega "
"simultテ�niament de traduir el document i d'extreure les cadenes."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:756
msgid ""
"More formally, it takes a document to translate plus a po file containing "
"the translations to use as input while producing two separate outputs: "
"Another po file (resulting of the extraction of translatable strings from "
"the input document), and a translated document (with the same structure than "
"the input one, but with all translatable strings replaced with content of "
"the input po). Here is a graphical representation of this:"
msgstr ""
"Mテゥs formalment, rep com a entrada un document a traduir junt amb un fitxer "
"po que contテゥ les traduccions a utilitzar, i produeix dues sortides "
"separades: un altre fitxer po (resultant de l'extracciテウ de les cadenes "
"traduテッbles del document d'entrada), i un document traduテッt (amb la mateixa "
"estructura que el d'entrada, perテイ amb les cadenes traduテッbles canviades pel "
"contingut del po d'entrada). Aquテュ hi ha una representaciテウ grテ�fica:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:763
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"   Input document --\\                             /---> Output document\n"
"                     \\      TransTractor::       /       (translated)\n"
"                      +-->--   parse()  --------+\n"
"                     /                           \\\n"
"   Input po --------/                             \\---> Output po\n"
"                                                         (extracted)\n"
msgstr ""
"   Document d'entrada -\\                          /---> Document de sortida\n"
"                        \\     TransTractor::     /           (traduテッt)\n"
"                         +-->-   parse()  ------+\n"
"                        /                        \\\n"
"   po d'entrada -------/                          \\---> po de sortida\n"
"                                                            (extret)\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:771
msgid ""
"This little bone is the core of all the po4a architecture. If you omit the "
"input po and the output document, you get po4a-gettextize. If you provide "
"both input and disregard the output po, you get po4a-translate."
msgstr ""
"Aquest petit eix テゥs el nucli de tota l'arquitectura de po4a. Si s'omet el po "
"d'entrada i el document de sortida, s'obtテゥ po4a-gettextize. Si proporcioneu "
"ambdues entrades i ometeu el fitxer po de sortida, obteniu po4a-translate."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:775
msgid ""
"TransTractor::parse() is a virtual function implemented by each module. Here "
"is a little example to show you how it works. It parses a list of "
"paragraphs, each of them beginning with <p>."
msgstr ""
"TransTractor::parse() テゥs una funciテウ virtual implementada per cada mテイdul. "
"Aquテュ hi ha un petit exemple per mostrar com funciona. Aquest analitza una "
"llista de parテ�grafs, on cadascun comenテァa amb <p>"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:779
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  1 sub parse {\n"
"  2   PARAGRAPH: while (1) {\n"
"  3     $my ($paragraph,$pararef,$line,$lref)=(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");\n"
"  4     $my $first=1;\n"
"  5     while (($line,$lref)=$document->shiftline() && defined($line)) {\n"
"  6       if ($line =~ m/<p>/ && !$first--; ) {\n"
"  7         $document->unshiftline($line,$lref);\n"
"  8\n"
"  9         $paragraph =~ s/^<p>//s;\n"
" 10         $document->pushline(\"<p>\".$document->translate($paragraph,$pararef));\n"
" 11\n"
" 12         next PARAGRAPH;\n"
" 13       } else {\n"
" 14         $paragraph .= $line;\n"
" 15         $pararef = $lref unless(length($pararef));\n"
" 16       }\n"
" 17     }\n"
" 18     return; # Did not got a defined line? End of input file.\n"
" 19   }\n"
" 20 } \n"
msgstr ""
"  1 sub parse {\n"
"  2   PARAGRAF: while (1) {\n"
"  3     $my ($paragraf,$pararef,$linia,$lref)=(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");\n"
"  4     $my $primer=1;\n"
"  5     while (($linia,$lref)=$document->shiftline() && defined($linia)) {\n"
"  6       if ($linia =~ m/<p>/ && !$primer--; ) {\n"
"  7         $document->unshiftline($linia,$lref);\n"
"  8\n"
"  9         $paragraf =~ s/^<p>//s;\n"
" 10         $document->pushline(\"<p>\".$document->translate($paragraf,$pararef));\n"
" 11\n"
" 12         next PARAGRAF;\n"
" 13       } else {\n"
" 14         $paragraf .= $linia;\n"
" 15         $pararef = $lref unless(length($pararef));\n"
" 16       }\n"
" 17     }\n"
" 18     return; # No tenim una lテュnia definida? Final del fitxer d'entrada.\n"
" 19   }\n"
" 20 } \n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:800
msgid ""
"On line 6, we encounter E<lt>pE<gt> for the second time. That's the signal "
"of the next paragraph. We should thus put the just obtained line back into "
"the original document (line 7) and push the paragraph built so far into the "
"outputs. After removing the leading E<lt>pE<gt> of it on line 9, we push the "
"concatenation of this tag with the translation of the rest of the paragraph."
msgstr ""
"A la lテュnia 6, trobem E<lt>pE<gt> per segona vegada. Aixテイ vol dir que comenテァa "
"el segテシent parテ�graf. Llavors tornem la lテュnia que acabem d'obtenir cap al "
"document original (lテュnia 7) i enviar el parテ�graf que hem construテッt fins al "
"moment cap a les sortides. Desprテゥs d'eliminar-ne el E<lt>pE<gt> a la lテュnia "
"9, enviem la concatenaciテウ d'aquest tag amb la traducciテウ de la resta del "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:806
msgid ""
"This translate() function is very cool. It pushes its argument into the "
"output po file (extraction) and returns its translation as found in the "
"input po file (translation). Since it's used as part of the argument of "
"pushline(), this translation lands into the output document."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ translate() estテ� molt bテゥ. Insereix el seu parテ�metre cap al "
"fitxer po de sortida (extracciテウ) i en retorna la traducciテウ que troba al "
"fitxer po d'entrada (traducciテウ). Com que aixテイ s'utilitza com a part del "
"parテ�metre de pushline(), aquesta traducciテウ va a parar al document de sortida."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:811
msgid ""
"Isn't that cool? It is possible to build a complete po4a module in less than "
"20 lines when the format is simple enough..."
msgstr ""
"Com mola, no? Es pot escriure un mテイdul complet de po4a en menys de 20 lテュnies "
"si el format テゥs suficientment simple..."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:814
msgid ""
"You can learn more about this in L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::"
msgstr ""
"Podeu aprendre mテゥs sobre aixテイ a L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:817
msgid "Gettextization: how does it work?"
msgstr "Gettextitzaciテウ: com funciona?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:819
msgid ""
"The idea here is to take the original document and its translation, and to "
"say that the Nth extracted string from the translation is the translation of "
"the Nth extracted string from the original. In order to work, both files "
"must share exactly the same structure. For example, if the files have the "
"following structure, it is very unlikely that the 4th string in translation "
"(of type 'chapter') is the translation of the 4th string in original (of "
"type 'paragraph')."
msgstr ""
"La idea テゥs agafar el document original i la seva traducciテウ, i suposar que "
"l'enティsima cadena extreta de la traducciテウ, テゥs la traducciテウ de l'enティsima "
"cadena de l'original. Perquティ funcioni, ambdテウs fitxers han de compartir "
"exactament la mateixa estructura. Per exemple, si els fitxers tenen la "
"segテシent estructura, es molt poc probable que la quarta cadena de la "
"traducciテウ (del tipus 'capテュtol') sigui la traducciテウ de la quarta cadena de "
"l'original (del tipus 'parテ�graf')."

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:827
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    Original         Translation\n"
msgstr ""
"    Original         Traducciテウ\n"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:829
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  chapter            chapter\n"
"    paragraph          paragraph\n"
"    paragraph          paragraph\n"
"    paragraph        chapter\n"
"  chapter              paragraph\n"
"    paragraph          paragraph\n"
msgstr ""
"  capテュtol            capテュtol\n"
"    parテ�graf           parテ�graf\n"
"    parテ�graf           parテ�graf\n"
"    parテ�graf         capテュtol\n"
"  capテュtol              parテ�graf\n"
"    parテ�graf           parテ�graf\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:836
msgid ""
"For that, po4a parsers are used on both the original and the translation "
"files to extract po files, and then a third po file is built from them "
"taking strings from the second as translation of strings from the first. In "
"order to check that the strings we put together are actually the "
"translations of each other, document parsers in po4a should put information "
"about the syntactical type of extracted strings in the document (all "
"existing ones do so, yours should also). Then, this information is used to "
"make sure that both documents have the same syntax. In the previous example, "
"it would allow us to detect that string 4 is a paragraph in one case, and a "
"chapter title in another case and to report the problem."
msgstr ""
"Per fer aixテイ, els analitzadors de po4a s'utilitzen en l'original i en la "
"traducciテウ per extreure fitxers po, i desprテゥs es construeix un tercer fitxer "
"po a partir d'aquests prenent les cadenes del segon com a traduccions de les "
"cadenes del primer. Per tal de comprovar que les cadenes que ajuntem siguin "
"realment traducciテウ l'una de l'altra, els analitzadors de documents de po4a "
"han de desar informaciテウ sobre el tipus sintテ�ctic de les cadenes del document "
"(tots els existents ho fan, el vostre tambテゥ hauria de fer-ho). Desprテゥs, "
"aquesta informaciテウ s'utilitza per assegurar que ambdテウs documents tenen la "
"mateixa sintaxi. A l'exemple anterior, aixテイ ens permetria detectar que la "
"quarta cadena テゥs un parテ�graf en un cas, i un tテュtol de capテュtol a l'altre cas, "
"i podriem informar del problema."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:847
msgid ""
"In theory, it would be possible to detect the problem, and resynchronize the "
"files afterward (just like diff does). But what we should do of the few "
"strings before desynchronizations is not clear, and it would produce bad "
"results some times. That's why the current implementation don't try to "
"resynchronize anything and verbosely fail when something goes wrong, "
"requiring manual modification of files to fix the problem."
msgstr ""
"En teoria, seria possible detectar el problema, i resincronitzar el fitxer "
"desprテゥs (tal com fa diff). Perテイ no estテ� clar quティ hauriem de fer amb les "
"cadenes d'abans de la dessincronitzaciテウ, i podria produir mals resultats a "
"vegades. テ鋭 per aixテイ que la implementaciテウ actual no intenta resincronitzar "
"res i fallarテ� donant informaciテウ quan alguna cosa vagi malament, requerint la "
"modificaciテウ manual dels fitxers per solventar el problema."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:854
msgid ""
"Even with these precautions, things can go wrong very easily here. That's "
"why all translations guessed this way are marked fuzzy to make sure that the "
"translator review and check them."
msgstr ""
"Fins i tot amb aquestes precaucions, les coses poden empitjorar amb molta "
"facilitat. テ鋭 per aixテイ que totes les traduccions extretes d'aquesta forma es "
"marquen com a difuses per assegurar que el traductor les repassi i les "

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:858
msgid "Addendum: How does it work?"
msgstr "Annexes: Com funciona?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:860
msgid ""
"Well, that's pretty easy here. The translated document is not written "
"directly to disk, but kept in memory until all the addenda are applied. The "
"algorithms involved here are rather straightforward. We look for a line "
"matching the position regexp, and insert the addendum before it if we're in "
"mode=before. If not, we search for the next line matching the boundary and "
"insert the addendum after this line if it's an C<endboundary> or before this "
"line if it's a C<beginboundary>."
msgstr ""
"Bテゥ, aixテイ テゥs forテァa simple. El document traduテッt no s'escriu directament al "
"disc, sinテウ que es mantテゥ en memテイria fins que s'han aplicat tots els annexes. "
"L'algorisme involucrat テゥs forテァa simple. Busquem la lテュnia que encaixa amb "
"l'expressiテウ regular de posiciテウ, i si hi havia el mode=before, insertem "
"l'annexe abans. Sinテウ, busquem la segテシent lテュnia que encaixi amb el boundary i "
"insertem l'annexe desprテゥs d'aquesta lテュnia, si テゥs un C<endboundary> o abans, "
"si テゥs un C<beginboundary>."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:868
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "PMF"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:877
msgid "Why to translate each paragraph separately?"
msgstr "Perquティ hem de traduir cada parテ�graf per separat?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:879
msgid ""
"Yes, in po4a, each paragraph is translated separately (in fact, each module "
"decides this, but all existing modules do so, and yours should also).  There "
"are two main advantages to this approach:"
msgstr ""
"Sテュ, a po4a, cada parテ�graf s'ha de traduir per separat (de fet, cada mテイdul ho "
"decideix, perテイ tots els existents ho fan, i els vostres tambテゥ ho haurien de "
"fer).  Aquest enfoc tテゥ dos avantatges principals:"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:885 doc/po4a.7.pod:891 doc/po4a.7.pod:905 doc/po4a.7.pod:911
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:920 doc/po4a.7.pod:1098 doc/po4a.7.pod:1103
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1109 doc/po4a.7.pod:1116 doc/po4a.7.pod:1122
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1127 doc/po4a.7.pod:1143 doc/po4a.7.pod:1147
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1153 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:317 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:322
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:327 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:332
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:132 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:149
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:158 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:172
msgid "*"
msgstr "*"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:887
msgid ""
"When the technical parts of the document are hidden from the scene, the "
"translator can't mess with them. The fewer markers we present to the "
"translator the less error he can do."
msgstr ""
"Quan les parts tティcniques del document s'amaguen, el traductor no s'hi pot "
"embolicar. Com menys marques presentem al traductor, menys es pot equivocar."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:893
msgid ""
"Cutting the document helps in isolating the changes to the original "
"document. When the original is modified, finding what parts of the "
"translation need to be updated is eased by this process."
msgstr ""
"Tallar el document ajuda a aテッllar els canvis del document original. Quan "
"l'original es modifiqui, aquest procテゥs facilitarテ� la cerca de parts de la "
"traducciテウ que necessiten actualitzaciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:899
msgid ""
"Even with these advantages, some people don't like the idea of translating "
"each paragraph separately. Here are some of the answers I can give to their "
msgstr ""
"Tot i aquests avantatges, a alguna gent no li agrada la idea de traduir els "
"parテ�grafs per separat. Aquテュ hi ha algunes de les respostes que puc donar a "
"les seves pors:"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:907
msgid ""
"This approach proved successfully in the KDE project and allows people there "
"to produce the biggest corpus of translated and up to date documentation I "
msgstr ""
"Aquest enfoc s'ha demostrat exitテウs al projecte KDE i ha permティs a la seva "
"gent produir la quantitat mテゥs gran de documentaciテウ traduテッda i actualitzada "
"que conec."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:913
msgid ""
"The translators can still use the context to translate, since the strings in "
"the po file are in the same order than in the original document. Translating "
"sequentially is thus rather comparable whether you use po4a or not.  And in "
"any case, the best way to get the context remains to convert the document to "
"a printable format since the text formatting ones are not really readable, "
msgstr ""
"Els traductors encara poden utilitzar el context per traduir, ja que les "
"cadenes del fitxer po estan en el mateix ordre que en el document original. "
"Una traducciテウ seqテシencial serテ� molt semblant tant si utilitzeu po4a com si "
"no. I en qualsevol cas, la millor manera d'aconseguir el context segueix "
"sent convertir el document a un format imprimible, ja que els formatats de "
"text no sテウn llegibles, en la meva opiniテウ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:922
msgid ""
"This approach is the one used by professional translators. I agree, that "
"they have somewhat different goals than open-source translators. The "
"maintenance is for example often less critical to them since the content "
"changes rarely."
msgstr ""
"Aquest enfoc テゥs el que utilitzen els traductors professionals. Estic d'acord "
"que ells tenen uns objectius una mica diferents que els dels traductors de "
"programari lliure. Per exemple, el manteniment テゥs habitualment menys crテュtic "
"per ells ja que el contingut no テゥs gaire variable."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:929
msgid "Why not to split on sentence level (or smaller)?"
msgstr "Perquティ no partir a nivell de frase (o inferior)?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:931
msgid ""
"Professional translator tools sometimes split the document at the sentence "
"level in order to maximize the reusability of previous translations and "
"speed up their process.  The problem is that the same sentence may have "
"several translations, depending on the context."
msgstr ""
"Les eines de traducciテウ professionals a vegades parteixen el document a "
"nivell de frases per tal de maximitzar la reusabilitat de les traduccions "
"prティvies i accelerar el procテゥs.  El problema テゥs que la mateixa frase pot "
"tenir diverses traduccions, depenent del context."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:936
msgid ""
"Paragraphs are by definition longer than sentences. It will hopefully ensure "
"that having the same paragraph in two documents will have the same meaning "
"(and translation), regardless of the context in each case."
msgstr ""
"Els parテ�grafs sテウn mテゥs llargs que les frases, per definiciテウ. Aixテイ "
"prテ�cticament permet assegurar que un mateix parテ�graf en dos documents tindrテ� "
"el mateix significat (i traducciテウ), a part del context de cada cas."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:940
msgid ""
"Splitting on smaller parts than the sentence would be B<very bad>. It would "
"be a bit long to explain why here, but interested reader can refer to the "
"L<Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3pm)|Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3pm)> man page (which "
"comes with the Perl documentation), for example. To make short, each "
"language has its specific syntactic rules, and there is no way to build "
"sentences by aggregating parts of sentences working for all existing "
"languages (or even for the 5 of the 10 most spoken ones, or even less)."
msgstr ""
"Partir en parts mテゥs petites que frases seria B<molt dolent>. Seria una mica "
"llarg d'explicar el motiu aquテュ, perテイ si li interessa el tema, consulti la "
"pテ�gina de manual de L<Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3pm)|Locale::Maketext::TPJ13"
"(3pm)> (que ve amb la documentaciテウ de Perl), per exemple. Per resumir, cada "
"idioma tテゥ les seves prテイpies regles de sintaxi, i no es poden construir "
"frases annexant troテァos, i que funcioni per tots els llenguatges existents "
"(ni tan sols per 5 dels 10 mテゥs parlats, o fins i tot menys)."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:948
msgid ""
"Why not put the original as comment along with translation (or other way)?"
msgstr ""
"Perquティ no posem l'original com a comentari prop de la traducciテウ (o d'alguna "
"altra manera)?"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:950
msgid ""
"At the first glance, gettext don't seem to be adapted to all kind of "
"translations.  For example, it didn't seemed adapted to debconf, the "
"interface all Debian packages use for their interaction with the user during "
"installation. In that case, the texts to translate were pretty short (a "
"dozen of line for each package), and it was difficult to put the translation "
"in a specialized file since it has to be available before the package "
msgstr ""
"A primer cop d'ull, gettext no sembla estar adaptat a tot tipus de "
"traduccions.  Per exemple, no semblava estar adaptat a debconf, la "
"interfテュcie que utilitzen els paquets de Debian per la seva interacciテウ amb "
"l'usuari durant la instalツキlaciテウ. En aquest cas, els texts a traduir eren "
"molt curts (una dotzena de lテュnies per cada paquet), i era difテュcil posar les "
"traduccions en un fitxer especialitzat, ja que ha d'estar disponible abans "
"de la instalツキlaciテウ del paquet."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:958
msgid ""
"That's why the debconf developer decided to implement another solution, "
"where translations are be placed in the same file than the original. This is "
"rather appealing. One would even want to do this for xml, for example. It "
"would look like that:"
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 per aixテイ que els desenvolupadors de debconf van decidir implementar una "
"altra soluciテウ, on les traduccions es desaven en el mateix fitxer que "
"l'original. Pot semblar atractiu. Algテコ podria voler-ho fer amb xml, per "
"exemple. Tindria aquesta pinta:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:963
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" <section>\n"
"  <title lang=\"en\">My title</title>\n"
"  <title lang=\"fr\">Mon titre</title>\n"
msgstr ""
" <section>\n"
"  <title lang=\"en\">My title</title>\n"
"  <title lang=\"ca\">El meu tテュtol</title>\n"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:967
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  <para>\n"
"   <text lang=\"en\">My text.</text>\n"
"   <text lang=\"fr\">Mon texte.</text>\n"
"  </para>\n"
" </section>\n"
msgstr ""
"  <para>\n"
"   <text lang=\"en\">My text.</text>\n"
"   <text lang=\"ca\">El meu text.</text>\n"
"  </para>\n"
" </section>\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:973
msgid ""
"But it was so problematic that a po-based approach is now used. Only the "
"original can be edited in the file, and the translations must take place in "
"po files extracted from the master template (and placed back at package "
"compilation time). The old system was deprecated because of several issues:"
msgstr ""
"Perテイ aixテイ va ser tan problemテ�tic que ara es torna a utilitzar una soluciテウ "
"basada en fitxers po. Tan sols es pot editar l'original en el fitxer, i les "
"traduccions s'han ded fer en fitxers po extrets de la plantilla original (i "
"es munta tot a l'hora de compilar el paquet). El sistema vell es va "
"determinar obsolet per diversos motius:"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:980
msgid "* maintenance problems"
msgstr "* problemes de manteniment"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:982
msgid ""
"If several translators provide a patch at the same time, it gets hard to "
"merge them together."
msgstr ""
"Si diversos traductors proporcionen pegats alhora, es complica la feina de "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:985
msgid ""
"How will you detect changes to the original, which need to be applied to the "
"translations? In order to use diff, you have to note which version of the "
"original you translated. I.e., you need a po file in your file ;)"
msgstr ""
"Com detectareu canvis a l'original, que necessiten aplicar-se a les "
"traduccions? Per tal d'utilitzar diff, heu de tenir en compte quina versiテウ "
"de l'original heu traduテッt. テ鋭 a dir, necessiteu un fitxer po al vostre "
"fitxer ;)"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:989
msgid "* encoding problems"
msgstr "* problemes de codificaciテウ"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:991
msgid ""
"This solution is viable when only European languages are involved, but the "
"introduction of Korean, Russian and/or Arab really complicate the picture.  "
"UTF could be a solution, but there are still some problems with it."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta soluciテウ テゥs viable quan tan sols intervenen llengテシes europees, perテイ "
"la introducciテウ del coreテ�, el rus i/o l'テ�rab compliquen la situaciテウ "
"notablement.  Una soluciテウ podria ser utilitzar UTF, perテイ encara hi ha alguns "
"problemes amb aixテイ."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:995
msgid ""
"Moreover, such problems are hard to detect (i.e., only Korean readers will "
"detect that the encoding of Korean is broken [because of the Russian "
msgstr ""
"A mテゥs, aquests problemes sテウn difテュcils de detectar (per exemple, nomテゥs els "
"lectors coreans detectaran que la codificaciテウ del coreテ� テゥs incorrecta [per "
"culpa del traductor rus])"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1001
msgid "gettext solves all those problems together."
msgstr "gettext soluciona tots aquest problemes alhora."

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1003
msgid "But gettext wasn't designed for that use!"
msgstr "Perテイ gettext no es va dissenyar per a aquest テコs!"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1005
msgid ""
"That's true, but until now nobody came with a better solution. The only "
"known alternative is manual translation, will all the maintenance issues."
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 cert, perテイ fins ara ningテコ ha trobat cap soluciテウ millor. L'テコnica "
"alternativa coneguda テゥs la traducciテウ manual, amb tots els problemes de "

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1008
msgid "What about the other translation tools for documentation using gettext?"
msgstr ""
"Quティ hi ha de les altres eines de traducciテウ de documentaciテウ que utilitzen "

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1011
msgid "As far as I know, there are only two of them:"
msgstr "Pel quティ sテゥ, tan sols n'hi ha dues:"

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1015
msgid "poxml"
msgstr "poxml"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1017
msgid ""
"This is the tool developed by KDE people to handle DocBook XML. AFAIK, it "
"was the first program to extract strings to translate from documentation to "
"po files, and inject them back after translation."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta テゥs l'eina desenvolupada per la gent de KDE per tractar DocBook XML. "
"Si no vaig errat, aquest va ser el primer programa que extreia les cadenes a "
"traduir de la documentaciテウ i en feia fitxers po, i desprテゥs de la traducciテウ "
"les injectava en el document."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1021
msgid ""
"It can only handle XML, and only a particular DTD. I'm quite unhappy with "
"the handling of lists, which end in one big msgid. When the list become big, "
"the chunk becomes harder to shallow."
msgstr ""
"Tan sols pot tractar XML, i nomテゥs un DTD particular. M'ha decepcionat una "
"mica la forma que tテゥ de tractar les llistes, que acaba amb un msgid molt "
"gran. Quan la llista creix, el bloc esdevテゥ difテュcil de tractar."

# type: =item
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1025
msgid "po-debiandoc"
msgstr "po-debiandoc"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1027
msgid ""
"This program done by Denis Barbier is a sort of precursor of the po4a sgml "
"module, which more or less deprecates it. As the name says, it handles only "
"the debiandoc dtd, which is more or less a deprecated dtd."
msgstr ""
"Aquest programa fet per Denis Barbier テゥs com un precursor del mテイdul sgml de "
"po4a, que mテゥs o menys el deixa obsolet. Com el nom diu, tan sols tracta el "
"dtd de debiandoc, que テゥs mテゥs o menys un dtd obsolet."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1033
msgid ""
"The main advantages of po4a over them are the ease of extra content addition "
"(which is even worse there) and the ability to achieve gettextization."
msgstr ""
"Els avantatges principals de po4a sobre aquests テゥs la facilitat d'afegir "
"contingut extra (que テゥs encara pitjor allテ�) i l'habilitat d'aconseguir la "

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1036
msgid "Educating developers about translation"
msgstr "Educant els desenvolupadors sobre les traduccions"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1038
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When you try to translate documentation or programs, you face three kinds of "
"problems; linguistics (not everybody speaks two languages), technical "
"(that's why po4a exists) and relational/human. Not all developers understand "
"the necessity of translating stuff. Even when good willed, they may ignore "
"how to ease the work of translators. To help with that, po4a comes with lot "
"of documentation which can be referred to."
msgstr ""
"Quan intenteu traduir documentaciテウ o programes, us trobareu amb tres tipus "
"de problemes; lingテシテュstics (no tothom parla dues llengテシes), tティcnics (テゥs per "
"aixテイ que existeix po4a) i relacionals/humans. No tots els desenvolupadors "
"entenen la necessitat de traduテッr les coses. Fins i tot els conscienciats "
"poden ignorar com facilitar la feina dels traductors. Per ajudar amb aixテイ, "
"arriba po4a amb un pilot de documentaciテウ per poder referenciar."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1045
msgid ""
"Another important point is that each translated file begins with a short "
"comment indicating what the file is, how to use it. This should help the "
"poor developers flooded with tons of files in different languages they "
"hardly speak, and help them dealing correctly with it."
msgstr ""
"Un altre punt important テゥs que cada fitxer traduテッt comenテァa amb un breu "
"comentari que indica quティ テゥs el fitxer i com utilitzar-lo. Aixテイ hauria "
"d'ajudar als pobres desenvolupadors inundats amb pilots de fitxers en "
"diversos idiomes que no parlen, i els ajudarテ� a fer bテゥ la seva feina."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1050
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In the po4a project, translated documents are not source files anymore. "
"Since sgml files are habitually source files, it's an easy mistake. That's "
"why all files present this header:"
msgstr ""
"Al projecte po4a, els documents traduテッts ja no sテウn fitxers de fonts. Com que "
"els fitxers sgml sテウn habitualment fitxers de font, テゥs un error fテ�cil. テ鋭 per "
"aixテイ que tots els fitxers presenten aquesta capテァalera:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1055
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" |       *****************************************************\n"
" |       *           GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT             * \n"
" |       *****************************************************\n"
" |\n"
" | This file was generated by po4a-translate(1). Do not store it (in cvs,\n"
" | for example), but store the po file used as source file by po4a-translate. \n"
" |\n"
" | In fact, consider this as a binary, and the po file as a regular source file:\n"
" | If the po gets lost, keeping this translation up-to-date will be harder ;)\n"
msgstr ""
" |       *****************************************************\n"
" |       *           GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT             * \n"
" |       *****************************************************\n"
" |\n"
" | This file was generated by po4a-translate(1). Do not store it (in cvs,\n"
" | for example), but store the po file used as source file by po4a-translate. \n"
" |\n"
" | In fact, consider this as a binary, and the po file as a regular source file:\n"
" | If the po get lost, keeping this translation up-to-date will be harder ;)\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Likewise, gettext's regular po files only need to be copied to the po/ "
"directory. But B<this is not the case of the ones manipulated by po4a>. The "
"major risk here is that a developer erases the existing translation of his "
"program with the translation of his documentation. (Both of them can't be "
"stored in the same po file, because the program needs to install its "
"translation as an mo file while the documentation only uses its translation "
"at compile time). That's why the po files produced by the po-debiandoc "
"module contain the following header:"
msgstr ""
"Tanmateix, els fitxers po del gettext habitual s'han de copiar al directori "
"po/. Perテイ B<aquest no テゥs el cas dels manipulats per po4a>. El risc mテゥs gran "
"テゥs que un desenvolupador esborri la traducciテウ existent del seu programa amb "
"la traducciテウ de la seva documentaciテウ. (Ambdテウs no es poden emmagatzemar al "
"mateix fitxer po, ja que el programa necessita intalツキlar la seva traducciテウ "
"en un fitxer mo, mentre que la documentaciテウ nomテゥs utilitza la seva traducciテウ "
"a l'hora de compilar). テ鋭 per aixテイ que els fitxers po produテッts amb el mテイdul "
"po-debiandoc contenen la segテシent capテァalera:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1075
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" #\n"
" #    - you do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.\n"
" #    - this file contains the translation of your debconf templates.\n"
" #      Do not replace the translation of your program with this !!\n"
" #        (or your translators will get very upset)\n"
" #\n"
" #    If you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext documentation \n"
" #     is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to this format.\n"
" #    For example, run:\n"
" #         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'\n"
" #         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'\n"
" #\n"
" #    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at\n"
" #            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans\n"
" #         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans\n"
" #\n"
msgstr ""
" #\n"
" #    - you do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.\n"
" #    - this file contains the translation of your debconf templates.\n"
" #      Do not replace the translation of your program with this !!\n"
" #        (or your translators will get very upset)\n"
" #\n"
" #    If you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext documentation \n"
" #     is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to this format.\n"
" #    For example, run:\n"
" #         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'\n"
" #         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'\n"
" #\n"
" #    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at\n"
" #            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans\n"
" #         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans\n"
" #\n"

# type: =head2
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1094
msgid "SUMMARY of the advantages of the gettext based approach"
msgstr "RESUM dels avantatges de l'enfoc basat en gettext"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1100
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The translations are not stored along with the original, which makes it "
"possible to detect if translations become out of date."
msgstr ""
"Les traduccions no es guarden junt amb l'original, cosa que fa possible "
"detectar quan les traduccions es tornen antiquades."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1105
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The translations are stored in separate files from each other, which "
"prevents translators of different languages from interfering, both when "
"submitting their patch and at the file encoding level."
msgstr ""
"Totes les traduccions es guarden en fitxers separats, cosa que evita que els "
"traductors de diversos idiomes es facin nosa. Ja sigui al enviar els pegats "
"o bテゥ a nivell de la codificaciテウ de fitxers."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1111
msgid ""
"It is based internally on C<gettext> (but C<po4a> offers a very simple "
"interface so that you don't need to understand the internals to use it).  "
"That way, we don't have to re-implement the wheel, and because of their wide "
"use, we can think that these tools are more or less bug free."
msgstr ""
"Internament estテ� basat en C<gettext> (perテイ C<po4a> ofereix una interfテュcie "
"molt simple per tal que no necessiteu entendre el funcionament intern per "
"tal d'utilitzar-lo).  Aixテュ no hem de reinventar la roda, i degut al seu "
"ampli テコs, podem pensar que sテウn unes eines mテゥs o menys lliures d'errors."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1118
msgid ""
"Nothing changed for the end-user (beside the fact translations will "
"hopefully be better maintained :). The resulting documentation file "
"distributed is exactly the same."
msgstr ""
"Per l'usuari final no canvia res (a part que les traduccions es mantindran "
"millor actualitzades :). El fitxer de documentaciテウ resultant distribuテッt テゥs "
"exactament el mateix."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1124
msgid ""
"No need for translators to learn a new file syntax and their favorite po "
"file editor (like emacs' po mode, kbabel or gtranslator) will work just fine."
msgstr ""
"No cal que els traductors aprenguin una nova sintaxi de fitxer, i podran "
"treballar amb el seu editor de fitxers po predilecte (com ara el mode po "
"d'emacs, kbabel o gtranslator)."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1129
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Gettext offers a simple way to get statistics about what is done, what "
"should be reviewed and updated, and what is still to do. Some example can be "
"found at those addresses:"
msgstr ""
"Gettext ofereix una forma simple per obtenir estadテュstiques de quティ hi ha fet, "
"quティ s'hauria de repassar i actualitzar, i quティ hi ha per fer encara. Hi ha "
"alguns exemples a aquestes adreces:"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1133
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" - http://kbabel.kde.org/img/previewKonq.png\n"
" - http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/\n"
msgstr ""
" - http://kbabel.kde.org/img/previewKonq.png\n"
" - http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/\n"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1138
msgid ""
"But everything isn't green, and this approach also has some disadvantages we "
"have to deal with."
msgstr ""
"Perテイ no tot テゥs bonic, i aquest enfoc tambテゥ tテゥ alguns desavantatges que "
"haureu de tenir en compte."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1145
msgid "Addenda are... strange at the first glance."
msgstr "Els annexes sテウn... estranys, a primer cop d'ull."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1149
msgid ""
"You can't adapt the translated text to your preferences, like splitting a "
"paragraph here, and joining two other ones there. But in some sense, if "
"there is an issue with the original, it should be reported as a bug anyway."
msgstr ""
"No podeu adaptar el text traduテッt al vostre gust, com ara partint parテ�grafs "
"per aquテュ, o ajuntant-ne dos per allテ�. Perテイ vist d'una altra manera, si hi ha "
"algun problema amb l'original, s'hauria d'informar com a error."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1155
msgid ""
"Even with an easy interface, it remains a new tool people have to learn."
msgstr ""
"Encara que tingui una interfテュcie fテ�cil, segueix sent una nova eina que la "
"gent ha d'aprendre."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1157
msgid ""
"One of my dreams would be to integrate somehow po4a to gtranslator or "
"kbabel. When an sgml file is opened, the strings are automatically "
"extracted.  When it's saved a translated sgml file can be written to disk. "
"If we manage to do an MS Word (TM) module (or at least RTF) professional "
"translators may even use it."
msgstr ""
"Un dels meus somnis テゥs que s'integrテゥs po4a d'alguna manera amb gtranslator o "
"kbabel. Quan s'obrテュs un document sgml, s'extraurien automテ�ticament les "
"cadenes.  Quan es guardテゥs, es podria escriure un fitxer sgml traduテッt al "
"disc. Si aconseguim fer un mテイdul per a MS Word (TM) (o com a mテュnim RTF) fins "
"i tot podrien utilitzar-lo traductors professionals."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1165
msgid "Known bugs and feature requests"
msgstr "Errors coneguts i caracterテュstiques solツキlicitades"

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1167
msgid ""
"The biggest issue (besides missing modules) is the encoding handling. Adding "
"a UTF8 perl pragma and then recoding the strings on output is the way to go, "
"but it's not done yet."
msgstr ""
"L'assumpte mテゥs important (a part dels mテイduls faltants) テゥs el tractament de "
"codificacions. S'hauria d'afegir el pragma UTF8 de perl i desprテゥs "
"recodificar les cadenes a la sortida, perテイ encara no estテ� fet."

# type: textblock
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1171
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We would also like to factorise some code (about file insertion) of the sgml "
"module back into the TransTractor so that all modules can benefit from this, "
"but this is not user visible."
msgstr ""
"Tambテゥ seria interessant moure algunes parts de codi (sobre la inserciテウ de "
"fitxers) del mテイdul sgml cap al TransTractor, de forma que tots els altres "
"mテイduls se'n puguin beneficiar, perテイ aixテイ no テゥs visible per a l'usuari."

# type: =head1
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1175 lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:141
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:130 lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:213
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:65 lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:60
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:57 lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:106
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:160 lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:50
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:345 lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1359
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:294 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1218
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1692 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:51
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:227 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1083
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:79 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1551 po4a:331
#: po4a-gettextize:122 po4a-normalize:72 po4a-translate:137 po4a-updatepo:106
#: scripts/msguntypot:103
msgid "AUTHORS"
msgstr "AUTORS"

# type: verbatim
#: doc/po4a.7.pod:1177
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier,linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
msgstr ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier,linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:26
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locale::Po4a::BibTeX - Convert BibTeX documents from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Html - Converteix documents html des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:28 lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:89
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:15 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:33
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:33 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:33
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:90 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:141
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:28 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:7
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:33 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:187
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:36 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:29
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:28 lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:28
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:36 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:33
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:34 po4a:21 po4a-gettextize:23 po4a-normalize:21
#: po4a-translate:23 po4a-updatepo:23 scripts/msguntypot:26
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:14
#, no-wrap
msgstr "DESCRIPCIテ�"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:34
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::BibTeX is a module to help the translation of bibliographies "
"in the BibTeX format into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Dia テゥs un mテイdul que ajuda en la traducciテウ de diagrames en el "
"format descomprimit de Dia cap a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:37
msgid "Fields values are extracted and proposed for translation."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:39 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:106
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:49 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:45
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:57 lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:59
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:46 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:187

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:41
msgid "NONE."
msgstr "CAP."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:43 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:54
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:46 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:44
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:147 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:309
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:193 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:125
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1649 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:40
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:223 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:64
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1523

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:45
msgid "It is a very simple module, but still young."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:143 lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:52
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1694 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:53
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:229
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
msgstr ""
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:145 lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:135
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:217 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:69
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:64 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:61
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:111 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:165
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:54 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:351
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:299 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1230
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1696 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:55
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:231 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:84
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1555 po4a:336 po4a-gettextize:127 po4a-normalize:77
#: po4a-translate:142 po4a-updatepo:111 scripts/msguntypot:107

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:147
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Copyright 2006 by Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>.\n"
msgstr "Copyright 2004, 2005 per Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm:149 lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:139
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:221 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:73
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:68 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:65
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:115 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:169
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:355 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:303
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1235 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1700
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:235 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:88
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1559 po4a:340 po4a-gettextize:131 po4a-normalize:81
#: po4a-translate:146 po4a-updatepo:115 scripts/msguntypot:111
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it "
"under the terms of GPL (see the COPYING file)."
msgstr ""
"Aquest programa テゥs programari lliure; podeu redistribuir-lo i/o modificar-lo "
"sota els termes de la GPL (consulteu el fitxer COPYING)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:87
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Chooser - Manage po4a modules"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Chooser - Gestiona els mテイduls de po4a"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:91
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Chooser is a module to manage po4a modules. Before, all po4a "
"binaries used to know all po4a modules (pod, man, sgml, etc). This made the "
"add of a new module boring, to make sure the documentation is synchronized "
"in all modules, and that each of them can access the new module."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Chooser テゥs un mテイdul per gestionar els mテイduls de po4a. Abans, "
"tots els binaris de po4a coneixien tots els mテイduls de po4a (pod, man, sgml, "
"etc). Aixテイ feia avorrida la tasca d'afegir un nou mテイdul, per tal d'assegurar "
"que la documentaciテウ estava sincronitzada a tots els mテイduls, i que cadascun "
"d'ells podia accedir al nou mテイdul."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:96
msgid ""
"Now, you just have to call the Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new() function, "
"passing the name of module as argument."
msgstr ""
"Ara, tan sols heu de cridar la funciテウ Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new(), passant "
"el nom del mテイdul com a parテ�metre."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:99
msgid ""
"You also have the Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list() function which lists the "
"available format and exits on the value passed as argument."
msgstr ""
"Tambテゥ teniu disponible la funciテウ Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list(), que llista "
"els formats disponibles i acaba amb el valor passat com a parテ�metre."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:102 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:61
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:56 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:53
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:102 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:154
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:44 lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:340
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:289 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1686
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:45 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:75
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1547 po4a:327 po4a-gettextize:118 po4a-normalize:68
#: po4a-translate:132 po4a-updatepo:102 scripts/msguntypot:95
msgid "SEE ALSO"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:106
msgid "About po4a:"
msgstr "Sobre po4a:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:108
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Po"
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Po"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:112
msgid "About modules:"
msgstr "Sobre els mテイduls:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:114
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"L<Locale::Po4a::Dia(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Docbook(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::"
"Guide(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Ini(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp(3pm)>, "
"L<Locale::Po4a::LaTeX(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Man(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Pod"
"(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Sgml(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Texinfo(3pm)>, L<Locale::"
"Po4a::Text(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Xhtml(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Xml(3pm)>."
msgstr ""
"L<Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Man(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::"
"Pod(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Sgml(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Html(3pm)>, L<Locale::"
"Po4a::Dia(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::LateX(3pm)>."

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:132 lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:162
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1361 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:296
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1227 po4a:333 po4a-gettextize:124 po4a-normalize:74
#: po4a-translate:139 po4a-updatepo:108
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
msgstr ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Chooser.pm:137
msgid "Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:13
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Common - Common parts of the po4a scripts and utils"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Common - Parts comunes dels guions de po4a i utilitats"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:17
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Common contains common parts of the po4a scripts and some "
"useful functions used along the other modules."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Common contテゥ parts comunes dels guions de po4a i algunes "
"funcions テコtils utilitzades pels altres mテイduls."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:63
msgstr "FUNCIONS"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:65
msgid "Showing output messages"
msgstr "Mostrant missatges de sortida"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:71
msgid "show_version($)"
msgstr "show_version($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:73
msgid ""
"Shows the current version of the script, and a short copyright message. It "
"takes the name of the script as an argument."
msgstr ""
"Mostra la versiテウ actual del guiテウ, i un missatge curt de copyright. Pren el "
"nom del guiテウ com a parテ�metre."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:93
msgid "wrap_msg($@)"
msgstr "wrap_msg($@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:95
msgid ""
"This function displays a message the same way than sprintf() does, but wraps "
"the result so that they look nice on the terminal."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:109
msgid "wrap_mod($$@)"
msgstr "wrap_mod($$@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:111
msgid ""
"This function works like wrap_msg(), but it takes a module name as the first "
"argument, and leaves a space at the left of the message."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ treballa com wrap_msg(), perテイ pren un nom de mテイdul com a "
"primer parテ�metre, i deixa un espai a l'esquerra del missatge."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:127
msgid "wrap_ref_mod($$$@)"
msgstr "wrap_ref_mod($$$@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:129
msgid ""
"This function works like wrap_msg(), but it takes a file:line reference as "
"the first argument, a module name as the second one, and leaves a space at "
"the left of the message."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ treballa com wrap_msg(), perテイ pren una referティncia a fitxer:"
"lテュnia com a primer parテ�metre, un nom de mテイdul com a segon, i deixa un espai "
"a l'esquerra del missatge."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:152
msgid "Wrappers for other modules"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:158
msgid "Locale::Gettext"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:160
msgid ""
"When the Locale::Gettext module cannot be loaded, this module provide dummy "
"(empty) implementation of the following functions. In that case, po4a "
"messages won't get translated but the program will continue to work."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:164
msgid ""
"If Locale::gettext is present, this wrapper also calls setlocale"
"(LC_MESSAGES, \"\") so callers don't depend on the POSIX module either."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:172
msgid "bindtextdomain($$)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:176
msgid "textdomain($)"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "gettext($)"
msgstr "gettext($%)"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "dgettext($$)"
msgstr "gettext($%)"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:215 lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:67
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:62 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:59
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1553
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>\n"
msgstr ""
" Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Common.pm:219 scripts/msguntypot:109
msgid "Copyright 2005 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2005 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:31
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Dia - Convert uncompressed Dia diagrams from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Dia - Converteix diagrames descomprimits de Dia des de/a "
"fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:39
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Dia is a module to help the translation of diagrams in the "
"uncompressed Dia format into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Dia テゥs un mテイdul que ajuda en la traducciテウ de diagrames en el "
"format descomprimit de Dia cap a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:42
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"You can get Dia (the graphical editor for these diagrams) from:\n"
"  http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/\n"
msgstr ""
"Podeu obtenir Dia (l'editor grテ�fic per aquests diagrames) de:\n"
"  http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/\n"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:45

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:47
msgid ""
"This module only translates uncompressed Dia diagrams.  You can save your "
"uncompressed diagrams with Dia itself, unchecking the \"Compress diagram "
"files\" at the \"Save Diagram\" dialog."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul tan sols tradueix diagrames de Dia descomprimits.  Podeu desar "
"els vostres diagrames descomprimits directament amb el Dia, desmarcant "
"l'opciテウ \"Comprimeix els fitxers del diagrama\" al diテ�leg \"Desa el diagrama"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:51
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Another way is to uncompress the dia files from command line with:\n"
"  gunzip < original.dia > uncompressed.dia\n"
msgstr ""
"Una altra manera テゥs descomprimir els fitxers dia des de la lテュnia de comandes amb:\n"
"  gunzip < original.dia > descomprimit.dia\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:56
msgid ""
"This module is fully functional, as it relies in the L<Locale::Po4a::Xml> "
"module. This only defines the translatable tags (E<lt>dia:stringE<gt>), and "
"filters the internal strings (the content of the E<lt>dia:diagramdataE<gt> "
"tag), not interesting for translation."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul テゥs completament funcional, ja que es basa en el mテイdul L<Locale::"
"Po4a::Xml>. Aquest tan sols defineix els tags traduテッbles (E<lt>dia:"
"stringE<gt>), i filtra les cadenes internes (el contingut del tag E<lt>dia:"
"diagramdataE<gt> tag), que no s'ha de traduir."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:63 lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:58
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:55 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:77
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Xml"
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Xml"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Dia.pm:71 lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:66
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:63
msgid "Copyright (c) 2004 by Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2004 per Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:31
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Docbook - Convert Docbook XML documents from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook - Converteix documents Docbook XML des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:39
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook is a module to help the translation of DocBook XML "
"documents into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en "
"el format DocBook XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:42
msgid ""
"Please note that this module is still under heavy development, and not "
"distributed in official po4a release since we don't feel it to be mature "
"enough. If you insist on trying, check the CVS out."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que aquest mテイdul encara estテ� en desenvolupament, i no es "
"distribueix en les versions oficials de po4a perquティ creiem que encara no テゥs "
"prou madur. Si el voleu provar de totes maneres, agafeu-lo del CVS."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:48 lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:46
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:66
msgid ""
"This module is fully functional, as it relies in the L<Locale::Po4a::Xml> "
"module. This only defines the translatable tags and attributes."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul テゥs completament funcional, ja que es basa en el mテイdul L<Locale::"
"Po4a::Xml>. Aquest tan sols defineix els tags i els atributs traduテッbles."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Docbook.pm:51
msgid ""
"The only known issue is that it doesn't handle entities yet, and this "
"includes the file inclusion entities, but you can translate most of those "
"files alone (except the typical entities files), and it's usually better to "
"maintain them separated."
msgstr ""
"L'テコnic error conegut テゥs que encara no tracta les entitats, i aixテイ inclou les "
"entitats d'inclusiテウ, perテイ podeu traduir la majoria dels fitxers a incloure "
"per separat (a part dels tテュpics fitxers d'entitats), i normalment fins i tot "
"テゥs millor mantenir-los separats."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:31
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Guide - Convert Guide XML documents from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Guide - Converteix documents Guide XML des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:39
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Guide is a module to help in the translation of the Gentoo "
"Linux documentation in the Guide XML format into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Guide テゥs un mテイdul que ajuda en la traducciテウ de la documentaciテウ "
"de Gentoo Linux en el format Guide XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:42
msgid ""
"This format is documented here: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xml-guide.xml"
msgstr ""
"Aquest format estテ� documentat aquテュ: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xml-guide."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Guide.pm:49
msgid ""
"The only known issue is that it doesn't include files with the <include href="
"\"...\"> tag, but you can translate all those files alone, and it's usually "
"better to have them separated."
msgstr ""
"L'テコnic problema conegut テゥs que no s'inclouen fitxers amb el tag <include "
"href=\"...\">, perテイ podeu traduir tots aquests per separat, i normalment "
"fins i tot テゥs millor mantenir-los separats."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Ini - Convert ini files from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Man - Converteix pテ�gines de manual des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:92
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Ini is a module to help the translation of INI files into "
"other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en "
"el format DocBook XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:95
msgid ""
"The module searches for lines of the following format and extracts the "
"quoted text:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:98
msgid "identificator=\"text than can be translated\""
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:100
msgid "NOTE: If the text is not quoted, it will be ignored."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Xml"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:108
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Razvan Rusu <rrusu@bitdefender.com>\n"
" Costin Stroie <cstroie@bitdefender.com>\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Ini.pm:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copyright 2006 by BitDefender"
msgstr "Copyright 2005 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:139
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp - Convert kernel configuration help from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp - Converteix l'ajuda de configuraciテウ del kernel des "
"de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:143
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp is a module to help the translation of "
"documentation for the Linux kernel configuration options into other [human] "
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp テゥs un mテイdul que ajuda en la traducciテウ de la "
"documentaciテウ de les opcions de configuraciテウ del kernel a altres llenguatges "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:149
msgid ""
"This module is just written, and needs more tests. Most of the needed work "
"will concern the tools used to parse this file (and configure the kernel), "
"so that they accept to read the documentation from another (translated)  "
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul estテ� acabat d'escriure, i necessita mテゥs proves. La major part "
"de la feina consisteix en les eines emprades per analitzar aquest fitxer (i "
"configurar el kernel), perquティ puguin acceptar llegir la documentaciテウ d'un "
"altre fitxer (traduテッt)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:156
msgid ""
"L<Pod::Parser>, L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, "
"L<Locale::Po4a::Man(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Pod(3pm)>,"
msgstr ""
"L<Pod::Parser>, L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, "
"L<Locale::Po4a::Man(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Pod(3pm)>,"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/KernelHelp.pm:167 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:301
msgid "Copyright 2002 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2002 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:26
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::LaTeX - Convert LaTeX documents and derivates from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::LaTeX - Converteix documents LaTeX i derivats des de/a fitxers "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:34
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::LaTeX is a module to help the translation of LaTeX documents "
"into other [human] languages. It can also be used as a base to build modules "
"for LaTeX-based documents."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::LaTeX テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents "
"LaTeX a altres llenguatges [humans]. Tambテゥ es pot utilitzar com a base per "
"construir mテイduls per documents basats en LaTeX."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:38
msgid ""
"This module contains the definitions of common LaTeX commands and "
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul contテゥ les definicions de les comandes i els entorns habituals "
"de LaTeX."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:41
msgid ""
"See the L<Locale::Po4a::TeX(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::TeX> manpage for the list of "
"recognized options."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:46 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:47
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"
"TransTractor>, L<Locale::Po4a::TeX(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::TeX>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"
"TransTractor>, L<Locale::Po4a::TeX(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::TeX>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:56 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1698
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:57
msgid ""
"Copyright 2004, 2005 by Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>."
msgstr ""
"Copyright 2004, 2005 per Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm:58 lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:59
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it "
"under the terms of GPL (see COPYING file)."
msgstr ""
"Aquest programa テゥs programari lliure; podeu redistribuir-lo i/o modificar-lo "
"sota els termes de la GPL (consulteu el fitxer COPYING)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:5
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Man - Convert manual pages from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Man - Converteix pテ�gines de manual des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:13
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Man is a module to help the translation of documentation in "
"the nroff format (the language of manual pages) into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Man テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documentaciテウ en "
"el format nroff (el llenguatge de les pテ�gines de manual) a altres "
"llenguatges [humans]."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:17

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:19
msgid ""
"This module tries pretty hard to make translator's life easier. For that, "
"the text presented to translators isn't a verbatim copy of the text found in "
"the man page. Indeed, the cruder parts of the nroff format are hidden, so "
"that translators can't mess up with them."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul s'esmera per facilitar la vida dels traductors. Per aconseguir-"
"ho, el text presentat als traductors no テゥs una cテイpia exacta del text que hi "
"ha a les pテ�gines de manual. De fet, s'oculten les parts mテゥs crues del format "
"nroff, de forma que els traductors no s'hi puguin embolicar."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:24
msgid "Text wrapping"
msgstr "Justificat de text"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:26
msgid ""
"Unindented paragraphs are automatically rewrapped for the translator.  This "
"can lead to some minor difference in the generated output, since the "
"rewrapping rules used by groff aren't very clear. For example, two spaces "
"after a parenthesis are sometimes preserved, while typographic rules only "
"ask to preserve the two spaces after the period sign (ok, I'm not native "
"speaker, and I'm not sure of that. If you have any other information, you're "
msgstr ""
"Els parテ�grafs no indentats es justifiquen automテ�ticament.  Aixテイ pot "
"comportar algunes diferティncies minoritテ�ries en la sortida generada, ja que "
"les regles de justificat del groff no sテウn massa clares. Per exemple, dos "
"espais desprテゥs d'un parティntesis de vegades es conserven, encara que les "
"regles tipogrテ�fiques nomテゥs obliguen a conservar els dos espais desprテゥs d'un "
"punt (bテゥ, jo no sテウc anglティs natiu, o sigui que no estic segur d'aixテイ. Si en "
"teniu mテゥs informaciテウ, serテ� benvinguda)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:34
msgid ""
"Anyway, the difference will only be about the position of the extra spaces "
"in wrapped paragraph, and I think it's worth."
msgstr ""
"De totes maneres, la diferティncia tan sols serテ� en la posiciテウ dels espais "
"extra del parテ�graf justificat, i crec que val la pena."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:37
msgid "Font specification"
msgstr "Especificaciテウ de fonts"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:39
msgid ""
"The first change is about font change specifications.  In nroff, there are "
"several ways to specify if a given word should be written in small, bold or "
"italics. In the text to translate, there is only one way, borrowed from the "
"pod (perl online documentation) format:"
msgstr ""
"El primer canvi テゥs sobre l'especificaciテウ de canvis de font.  A nroff hi ha "
"diverses maneres d'especificar si una paraula s'ha d'escriure amb lletra "
"petita, en negreta o en cursiva. En el text a traduir nomテゥs hi ha una forma, "
"copiada del format pod (la documentaciテウ en lテュnia de perl):"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:46
msgid "IE<lt>textE<gt> -- italic text"
msgstr "IE<lt>textE<gt> -- text en cursiva"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:48
msgid "equivalent to \\fItext\\fP or \".I text\""
msgstr "equival a \\fItext\\fP o \".I text\""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:50
msgid "BE<lt>textE<gt> -- bold text"
msgstr "BE<lt>textE<gt> -- text en negreta"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:52
msgid "equivalent to \\fBtext\\fP or \".B text\""
msgstr "equival a \\fBtext\\fP o \".B text\""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:54
msgid "RE<lt>textE<gt> -- roman text"
msgstr "RE<lt>textE<gt> -- text normal"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:56
msgid "equivalent to \\fRtext\\fP"
msgstr "equival a \\fRtext\\fP"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:58
msgid "CWE<lt>textE<gt> -- constant width text"
msgstr "CWE<lt>textE<gt> -- text d'ample constant"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:60
msgid "equivalent to \\f(CWtext\\fP or \".CW text\""
msgstr "equival a \\f(CWtext\\fP o \".CW text\""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:64
msgid ""
"Remark: The CW face is not available for all groff devices. It is not "
"recommended to use it. It is provided for your convenience."
msgstr ""
"Nota: La font CW no estテ� disponible per a tots els dispositius de groff. Es "
"recomana no utilitzar-la. Es proporciona nomテゥs per a la seva comoditat."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:67
msgid "Automatic characters transliteration"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:69
msgid ""
"Po4a automatically transliterate some characters to ease the translation or "
"the review of the translation.  Here is the list of the transliterations:"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:75
msgid "hyphens"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:77
msgid ""
"Hyphens (-) and minus signs (\\-) in man pages are all transliterated as "
"simple dashes (-) in the PO file.  Then all dash are transliterated into "
"roff minus signs (\\-) when the translation is inserted into the output "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:82
msgid ""
"Translators can force an hyphen by using the roff glyph '\\[hy]' in their "
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "non-breaking spaces"
msgstr "B<with-non_breaking_spaces> (booleテ�)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:87
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Translators can use non-breaking spaces in their translations.  These non-"
"breaking spaces (0xA0 in latin1) will be transliterated into a roff non-"
"breaking space ('\\ ')."
msgstr ""
"De totes maneres, els usuaris poden utilitzar espais no-trencadors en el "
"fitxer PO i sempre es converteixen en espais no-trencadors de roff ('\\ ')."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "quotes transliterations"
msgstr "la traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:93
msgid "`` and '' are respectively tranliterated into \\*(lq and \\*(rq."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:95
msgid ""
"To avoid these transliterations, translators can insert a zero width roff "
"character (i.e., using `\\&` or '\\&' respectively)."
msgstr ""

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:100
msgid "Putting 'E<lt>' and 'E<gt>' in translations"
msgstr "Posant 'E<lt>' i 'E<gt>' a les traduccions"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:102
msgid ""
"Since these chars are used to delimit parts under font modification, you "
"can't use them verbatim. Use EE<lt>ltE<gt> and EE<lt>gtE<gt> instead (as in "
"pod, one more time)."
msgstr ""
"Com que aquests carテ�cters s'utilitzen per delimitar parts de modificaciテウ de "
"fonts, no podeu utilitzar-los directament. Utilitzeu EE<lt>ltE<gt> i "
"EE<lt>gtE<gt> en el seu lloc (una vegada mテゥs, igual que en pod)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:108 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:59
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:61 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:48
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:192
msgid "These are this module's particular options:"
msgstr "Aquestes sテウn les opcions particulars d'aquest mテイdul:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:112
msgid "B<debug>"
msgstr "B<debug>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:114 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:128
msgid ""
"Activate debugging for some internal mechanisms of this module.  Use the "
"source to see which parts can be debugged."
msgstr ""
"Activa la depuraciテウ d'alguns mecanismes interns d'aquest mテイdul.  Mireu el "
"codi per veure quines parts es poden depurar."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<verbose>"
msgstr "verbose"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "Increase verbosity."
msgstr "Ajusta el nivell d'informaciテウ extra."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:121
msgid "B<groff_code>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:123
msgid ""
"This option permits to change the behavior of the module when it encounter "
"a .de, .ie or .if section. It can take the following values:"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:128 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:226
msgid "I<fail>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:130
msgid ""
"This is the default value.  The module will fail when a .de, .ie or .if "
"section is encountered."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "I<verbatim>"
msgstr "verbatim"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:135
msgid ""
"Indicates that the .de, .ie or .if sections must be copied as is from the "
"original to the translated document."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "I<translate>"
msgstr "translate"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:140
msgid ""
"Indicates that the .de, .ie or .if sections will be proposed for the "
"translation.  You should only use this option if a translatable string is "
"contained in one of these section. Otherwise, I<verbatim> should be "
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<generated>"
msgstr "untranslated"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:150
msgid ""
"This option specifies that the file was generated, and that po4a should not "
"try to detect if the man pages was generated from another format.  This "
"permits to use po4a on generated man pages.  This option does not take any "
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:155
msgid "B<mdoc>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:157
msgid "This option is only useful for mdoc pages."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:159
msgid ""
"It selects a stricter support of the mdoc format by telling po4a not to "
"translate the 'NAME' section.  mdoc pages whose 'NAME' section is translated "
"won't generate any header of footer."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:164
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"According to the groff_mdoc page, the NAME, SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION\n"
"sections are mandatory.\n"
"There are no known issues with translated SYNOPSIS or DESCRIPTION section,\n"
"but you can also specify these sections this way:\n"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:170
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This mdoc issue can also be solved with an addendum like this one:\n"
" PO4A-HEADER:mode=before;position=^.Dd\n"
" .TH DOCUMENT_TITLE 1 \"Month day, year\" OS \"Section Name\"\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:177
msgid ""
"The following options permit to specify the behavior of a new macro (defined "
"with a .de request), or of a macro not supported by po4a.  They take in "
"argument a coma separated list of macros.  For example:"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:182
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" -o noarg=FO,OB,AR -o translate_joined=BA,ZQ,UX\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:184
msgid ""
"Note: if a macro is not supported by po4a and if you consider that it is a "
"standard roff macro, you should submit it to the po4a development team."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<untranslated>"
msgstr "untranslated"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:191
msgid ""
"B<untranslated> indicates that this macro (at its arguments) don't have to "
"be translated."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:194
msgid "B<noarg>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:196
msgid ""
"B<noarg> is like B<untranslated>, except that po4a will verify that no "
"argument is added to this macro."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<translate_joined>"
msgstr "translate_joined"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:201
msgid ""
"B<translate_joined> indicates that po4a must propose to translate the "
"arguments of the macro."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<translate_each>"
msgstr "translate"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:206
msgid ""
"With B<translate_each>, the arguments will also be proposed for the "
"translation, except that each one will be translated separately."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<no_wrap>"
msgstr "no_wrap"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:211
msgid ""
"This option takes in argument a list of coma-separated couples I<begin>:"
"I<end>, where I<begin> and I<end> are commands that delimit the begin and "
"end of a section that should not be rewrapped."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:215
msgid ""
"Note: no test is done to ensure that an I<end> command matches its I<begin> "
"command; any ending command stop the no_wrap mode.  If you have a I<begin> "
"(respectively I<end>) macro that has no I<end> (respectively I<begin>), you "
"can specify an existing I<end> (like fi) or I<begin> (like nf) as a "
"counterpart.  These macros (and their arguments) wont be translated."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<inline>"
msgstr "inline"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:224
msgid ""
"This option specifies a list of coma-separated macros that must not split "
"the current paragraph. The string to translate will then contain I<foo E<lt>."
"bar baz quxE<gt> quux>, where I<bar> is the command that should be inlined, "
"and I<baz qux> its arguments."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:229
msgid "B<unknown_macros>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:231
msgid ""
"This option indicates how po4a should behave when an unknown macro is "
"found.  By default, po4a fails with a warning.  It can take the following "
"values: I<failed> (the default value), I<untranslated>, I<noarg>, "
"I<translate_joined>, I<translate_each>."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:238

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:240
msgid ""
"This module is still very limited, and will always be, because it's not a "
"real nroff interpreter. It would be possible to do a real nroff interpreter, "
"to allow authors to use all the existing macros, or even to define new ones "
"in their pages, but we didn't want to. It would be too difficult, and we "
"thought it wasn't necessary. We do think that if manpages' authors want to "
"see their productions translated, they may have to adapt to ease the work of "
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul encara テゥs molt limitat, i sempre ho serテ�, ja que no テゥs un "
"intティrpret real de nroff. Seria possible fer un intティrpret real de nroff, i "
"permetre que els autors utilitzin totes les macros existents, o fins i tot "
"que en defineixin de noves a les seves pテ�gines, perテイ no テゥs el quティ volem. "
"Aixテイ seria massa difテュcil, i vam pensar que no era necessari. Creiem que si "
"els autors de pテ�gines de manual volen veure les seves produccions traduテッdes, "
"han d'adaptar-se per facilitar la feina dels traductors."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:248
msgid ""
"So, the man parser implemented in po4a have some known limitations we are "
"not really inclined to correct, and which will constitute some pitfalls "
"you'll have to avoid if you want to see translators taking care of your "
msgstr ""
"Per tant, l'analitzador de man implementat a po4a tテゥ algunes limitacions "
"conegudes que no estem predisposats a arreglar, i que constitueixen alguns "
"esvorancs que haureu d'evitar si voleu que els traductors es preocupin de la "
"vostra documentaciテウ."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:253
msgid "Don't program in nroff"
msgstr "No programeu en nroff"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:255
msgid ""
"nroff is a complete programming language, with macro definition, "
"conditionals and so on. Since this parser isn't a fully featured nroff "
"interpreter, it will fail on pages using these facilities (There are about "
"200 such pages on my box)."
msgstr ""
"nroff テゥs un llenguatge de programaciテウ complet, amb definicions de macros, "
"condicionals i molt mテゥs. Com que aquest analitzador no テゥs un intティrpret "
"complet de nroff, fallarテ� en pテ�gines que utilitzin aquestes caracterテュstiques "
"(hi ha unes 200 pテ�gines d'aquestes a la meva mテ�quina)."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:260
msgid "Use the plain macro set"
msgstr "Utilitzeu el joc de macros estテ�ndards"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:262
msgid ""
"There are still some macros which are not supported by po4a::man. This is "
"only because I failed to find any documentation about them. Here is the list "
"of unsupported macros used on my box. Note that this list isn't exhaustive "
"since the program fails on the first encountered unsupported macro. If you "
"have any information about some of these macros, I'll happily add support "
"for them. Because of these macros, about 250 pages on my box are "
"inaccessible to po4a::man."
msgstr ""
"Encara hi ha algunes macros no suportades per po4a::man. Aixテイ テゥs perquティ no "
"he aconseguit trobar-ne documentaciテウ. Aquテュ hi ha una llista de macros no "
"suportades que hi ha a la meva mテ�quina. Tingueu en compte que aixテイ no テゥs una "
"llista exhaustiva, ja que el programa falla en la primera macro no "
"suportada. Si teniu informaciテウ sobre algunes d'aquestes macros, intentarテゥ "
"afegir-ne suport. Degut a aquestes macros, hi ha unes 250 pテ�gines de la meva "
"mテ�quina que sテウn inaccessibles per a po4a::man."

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:270
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ..               .\"              .AT             .b              .bank\n"
" .BE              ..br            .Bu             .BUGS           .BY\n"
" .ce              .dbmmanage      .do                             .En\n"
" .EP              .EX             .Fi             .hw             .i\n"
" .Id              .l              .LO             .mf             \n"
" .N               .na             .NF             .nh             .nl\n"
" .Nm              .ns             .NXR            .OPTIONS        .PB\n"
" .pp              .PR             .PRE            .PU             .REq\n"
" .RH              .rn             .S<             .sh             .SI\n"
" .splitfont       .Sx             .T              .TF             .The\n"
" .TT              .UC             .ul             .Vb             .zZ\n"
msgstr ""
" ..               .\"              .AT             .b              .bank\n"
" .BE              ..br            .Bu             .BUGS           .BY\n"
" .ce              .dbmmanage      .do                             .En\n"
" .EP              .EX             .Fi             .hw             .i\n"
" .Id              .l              .LO             .mf             \n"
" .N               .na             .NF             .nh             .nl\n"
" .Nm              .ns             .NXR            .OPTIONS        .PB\n"
" .pp              .PR             .PRE            .PU             .REq\n"
" .RH              .rn             .S<             .sh             .SI\n"
" .splitfont       .Sx             .T              .TF             .The\n"
" .TT              .UC             .ul             .Vb             .zZ\n"

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:282
msgid "Conclusion"
msgstr "Conclusiテウ"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:284
msgid ""
"To summarise this section, keep simple, and don't try to be clever while "
"authoring your man pages. A lot of things are possible in nroff, and not "
"supported by this parser. For example, don't try to mess with \\c to "
"interrupt the text processing (like 40 pages on my box do). Or, be sure to "
"put the macro arguments on the same line that the macro itself. I know that "
"it's valid in nroff, but would complicate too much the parser to be handled."
msgstr ""
"Per concloure aquesta secciテウ, no us compliqueu, i no intenteu demostrar la "
"vostra inteligティncia a l'hora d'escriure les vostres pテ�gines de manual. Es "
"poden fer moltes coses amb nroff, i no estan suportades per aquest "
"analitzador. Per exemple, no us compliqueu amb \\c per interrompre el "
"processat de text (com fan 40 pテ�gines de la meva mテ�quina). O assegureu-vos "
"de posar els parテ�metres de les macros a la mateixa lテュnia que la macro. Ja sテゥ "
"que テゥs vテ�lid a nroff, perテイ si ho volguテゥssim tractar, es complicaria molt "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:292
msgid ""
"Of course, another possibility is to use another format, more translator "
"friendly (like pod using po4a::pod, or one of the xml familly like sgml), "
"but thanks to po4a::man it isn't needed anymore. That being said, if the "
"source format of your documentation is pod, or xml, it may be clever to "
"translate the source format and not this generated one. In most cases, po4a::"
"man will detect generated pages and issue a warning. It will even refuse to "
"process Pod generated pages, because those pages are perfectly handled by "
"po4a::pod, and because their nroff counterpart defines a lot of new macros I "
"didn't want to write support for. On my box, 1432 of the 4323 pages are "
"generated from pod and will be ignored by po4a::man."
msgstr ""
"Per suposat, una altra possibilitat テゥs utilitzar un altre format, mテゥs "
"amigable per als traductors (com ara pod, utilitzant po4a::pod, o algun de "
"la famテュlia xml, com ara sgml), perテイ aixテイ ja no テゥs necessari grテ�cies a po4a::"
"man. Un cop dit aixテイ, si el format font de la vostra documentaciテウ テゥs pod, o "
"xml, テゥs molt millor traduir el format font i no aquest generat. A la majoria "
"de casos, po4a::man detectarテ� les pテ�gines generades i mostrarテ� un avテュs. Fins "
"i tot es negarテ� a processar pテ�gines generades a partir de Pod, perquティ po4a::"
"pod tracta aquestes pテ�gines a la perfecciテウ, i el seu equivalent en nroff "
"defineix un pilot de noves macros que no estテ�n suportades encara. A la meva "
"mテ�quina, 1432 de les 4323 pテ�gines estan generades a partir de pod i po4a::"
"man les ignorarテ�."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:303
msgid ""
"In most cases, po4a::man will detect the problem and refuse to process the "
"page, issuing an adapted message. In some rare cases, the program will "
"complete without warning, but the output will be wrong. Such cases are "
"called \"bugs\" ;) If you encounter such case, be sure to report this, along "
"with a fix when possible..."
msgstr ""
"A la majoria de casos, po4a::man detectarテ� el problema i es negarテ� a "
"processar la pテ�gina, mostrant un missatge adaptat. En alguns casos estranys, "
"el programa acabarテ� sense errors, perテイ la sortida serテ� incorrecta. Aquests "
"sテウn els casos que anomenem \"errors\" ;) Si en trobeu algun d'aquests, feu-"
"nos-en arribar un informe, junt amb la soluciテウ, quan sigui possible..."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:311
msgid "This module can be used for most of the existing man pages."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:313
msgid "Some tests are regularly run on Linux boxes:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:319
msgid ""
"one third of the pages are refused because they were generated from another "
"format supported by po4a (e.g. pod or SGML)."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:324
msgid ""
"10% of the remaining pages are rejected with an error (e.g. a groff macro is "
"not supported)."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:329
msgid ""
"Then, less than 1% of the pages are accepted silently by po4a, but with "
"significant issues (i.e. missing words, or new words inserted)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:334
msgid ""
"The other pages are usually handled without differences more important than "
"spacing differences or line rewrapped (font issues in less than 10% of the "
"processed pages)."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:342
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Pod"
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, L<Locale::Po4a::Pod"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:347
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
msgstr ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm:353
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:13
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Po - po file manipulation module"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Po - mテイdul per a la manipulaciテウ de fitxers po"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:15 lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:176
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:117 po4a:17 po4a-gettextize:17
#: po4a-normalize:17 po4a-translate:17 po4a-updatepo:17 scripts/msguntypot:22
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SINOPSI"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:17
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    use Locale::Po4a::Po;\n"
"    my $pofile=Locale::Po4a::Po->new();\n"
msgstr ""
"    use Locale::Po4a::Po;\n"
"    my $fitxerpo=Locale::Po4a::Po->new();\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:20
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Read po file\n"
"    $pofile->read('file.po');\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Llegim el fitxer po\n"
"    $fitxerpo->load('fitxer.po');\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:23
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Add an entry\n"
"    $pofile->push('msgid' => 'Hello', 'msgstr' => 'bonjour', \n"
"                  'flags' => \"wrap\", 'reference'=>'file.c:46');\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Afegim una entrada\n"
"    $fitxerpo->push('msgid' => 'Hello', 'msgstr' => 'Hola', \n"
"                    'flags' => \"wrap\", 'reference'=>'fitxer.c:46');\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:27
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Extract a translation\n"
"    $pofile->gettext(\"Hello\"); # returns 'bonjour'\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Extraiem una traducciテウ\n"
"    $fitxerpo->gettext(\"Hello\"); # retorna 'Hola'\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:30
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Write back to a file\n"
"    $pofile->write('otherfile.po');\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Escrivim el nou fitxer po\n"
"    $fitxerpo->write('unaltrefitxer.po');\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:35
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Po is a module that allows you to manipulate message catalogs. "
"You can load and write from/to a file (which extension is often I<po>), you "
"can build new entries on the fly or request for the translation of a string."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Po テゥs un mテイdul que permet manipular catテ�legs de missatges. "
"Podeu carregar i escriure des de/a un fitxer (l'extensiテウ del qual テゥs "
"habitualment I<po>, podeu crear noves entrades sobre la marxa i demanar la "
"traducciテウ de cadenes."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:40
msgid ""
"For a more complete description of message catalogs in the po format and "
"their use, please refer to the documentation of the gettext program."
msgstr ""
"Per una descripciテウ mテゥs completa dels catテ�legs de missatges en el format po i "
"el seu テコs, consulteu la documentaciテウ del programa gettext."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:43
msgid ""
"This module is part of the PO4A project, which objective is to use po files "
"(designed at origin to ease the translation of program messages) to "
"translate everything, including documentation (man page, info manual), "
"package description, debconf templates, and everything which may benefit "
"from this."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul テゥs part del projecte PO4A, que tテゥ per objectiu utilitzar "
"fitxers po (dissenyats originalment per facilitar la traducciテウ de missatges "
"de programa) per traduir de tot, incloent documentaciテウ (pテ�gines de manual, "
"manuals d'info), descripcions de paquets, plantilles de debconf, i qualsevol "
"altra cosa que se'n pugui beneficiar."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:53
msgid "porefs"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:55
msgid ""
"This specifies the reference format. It can be one of 'none' to not produce "
"any reference, 'noline' to not specify the line number, and 'full' to "
"include complete references."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:102
msgid "Functions about whole message catalogs"
msgstr "Funcions sobre el catテ�leg de missatges sencer"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:106
msgid "new()"
msgstr "new()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:108
msgid ""
"Creates a new message catalog. If an argument is provided, it's the name of "
"a po file we should load."
msgstr ""
"Crea un nou catテ�leg de missatges. Si se li passa un parテ�metre, serテ� el nom "
"del fitxer po que ha de carregar."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:193 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:378
msgid "read($)"
msgstr "read($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:195
msgid ""
"Reads a po file (which name is given as argument).  Previously existing "
"entries in self are not removed, the new ones are added to the end of the "
msgstr ""
"Llegeix un fitxer po (el nom del qual es passa com a parテ�metre).  Les "
"entrades que ja existien al catテ�leg actual no s'eliminen, les noves "
"s'afegeixen al final del catテ�leg."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:266 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:421
msgid "write($)"
msgstr "write($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:268
msgid "Writes the current catalog to the given file."
msgstr "Escriu el catテ�leg actual al fitxer donat."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:349
msgid "write_if_needed($$)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:351
msgid ""
"Like write, but if the PO or POT file already exists, the object will be "
"written in a temporary file which will be compared with the existing file to "
"check that the update is needed (this avoids to change a POT just to update "
"a line reference or the POT-Creation-Date field)."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:407
msgid "gettextize($$)"
msgstr "gettextize($$)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:409
msgid ""
"This function produces one translated message catalog from two catalogs, an "
"original and a translation. This process is described in L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, "
"section I<Gettextization: how does it work?>."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ produeix un catテ�leg de missatges traduテッt a partir de dos "
"catテ�legs, l'original i la traducciテウ. Aquest procテゥs es descriu a la secciテウ "
"I<Gettextitzaciテウ: com funciona?> de L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:519
msgid "filter($)"
msgstr "filter($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:521
msgid ""
"This function extracts a catalog from an existing one. Only the entries "
"having a reference in the given file will be placed in the resulting catalog."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ extreu un catテ�leg a partir de l'actual. Nomテゥs desarテ� al "
"catテ�leg resultant les entrades que tinguin una referティncia al fitxer donat."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:524
msgid ""
"This function parses its argument, converts it to a perl function "
"definition, eval this definition and filter the fields for which this "
"function returns true."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ analitza els seu parテ�metre, el converteix a una definiciテウ de "
"funciテウ de perl, avalua aquesta definiciテウ i filtra els camps pels que aquesta "
"funciテウ retorna cert."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:528
msgid "I love perl sometimes ;)"
msgstr "M'encanta perl a vegades ;)"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:734
msgid "to_utf8()"
msgstr "to_utf8()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:736
msgid ""
"Recodes to utf-8 the po's msgstrs. Does nothing if the charset is not "
"specified in the po file (\"CHARSET\" value), or if it's already utf-8 or "
msgstr ""
"Recodifica a utf-8 els msgstrs del po. No fa res si el joc de caracters no "
"estテ� especificat en el fitxer po (el valor \"CHARSET\"), o si ja estテ� en utf-"
"8 o ascii."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:758
msgid "Functions to use a message catalog for translations"
msgstr "Funcions per utilitzar el catテ�leg de missatges per les traduccions"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:762
msgid "gettext($%)"
msgstr "gettext($%)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:764
msgid ""
"Request the translation of the string given as argument in the current "
"catalog.  The function returns the original (untranslated) string if the "
"string was not found."
msgstr ""
"Retorna la traducciテウ de la cadena donada com a parテ�metre al catテ�leg actual.  "
"La funciテウ retorna l'original (sense traduir) si no troba la cadena."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:768
msgid ""
"After the string to translate, you can pass a hash of extra arguments. Here "
"are the valid entries:"
msgstr ""
"Desprテゥs de la cadena a traduir, podeu passar un hash de parテ�metres extra. "
"Aquestes sテウn les entrades vテ�lides:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:773 lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:934
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:769 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:200
msgid "wrap"
msgstr "wrap"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:775
msgid ""
"boolean indicating whether we can consider that whitespaces in string are "
"not important. If yes, the function canonizes the string before looking for "
"a translation, and wraps the result."
msgstr ""
"booleテ� que indica si podem considerar que els espais de la cadena no sテウn "
"importants. En cas afirmatiu, la funciテウ canonitza la cadena abans de buscar-"
"ne la traducciテウ, i justifica el resultat."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:779 lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:941
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:775
msgid "wrapcol"
msgstr "wrapcol"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:781 lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:943
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:777
msgid "The column at which we should wrap (default: 76)."
msgstr "La columna a la que s'ha de justificar (per defecte: 76)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:835
msgid "stats_get()"
msgstr "stats_get()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:837
msgid ""
"Returns statistics about the hit ratio of gettext since the last time that "
"stats_clear() was called. Please note that it's not the same statistics than "
"the one printed by msgfmt --statistic. Here, it's statistics about recent "
"usage of the po file, while msgfmt reports the status of the file.  Example "
"of use:"
msgstr ""
"Retorna les estadテュstiques sobre la quantitat d'encerts de gettext des de la "
"darrera vegada que s'ha cridat stats_clear(). Tingueu en compte que no sテウn "
"les mateixes estadテュstiques que mostra msgfmt --statistic. Aquestes sテウn sobre "
"l'テコs recent del fitxer po, mentre que msgfmt informa sobre l'estat del "
"fitxer.  Exemple d'テコs:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:843
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    [some use of the po file to translate stuff]\n"
msgstr ""
"    [テコs del fitxer po per traduir coses]\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:845
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    ($percent,$hit,$queries) = $pofile->stats_get();\n"
"    print \"So far, we found translations for $percent\\%  ($hit of $queries) of strings.\\n\";\n"
msgstr ""
"    ($percentatge,$encerts,$peticions) = $fitxerpo->stats_get();\n"
"    print \"Fins ara, s'han trobat traduccions per al $percentatge\\%  ($encerts de $peticions) de les cadenes.\\n\";\n"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:861
msgid "stats_clear()"
msgstr "stats_clear()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:863
msgid "Clears the statistics about gettext hits."
msgstr "Neteja les estadテュstiques sobre els encerts de gettext."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:875
msgid "Functions to build a message catalog"
msgstr "Funcions per construir un catテ�leg de missatges"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:879
msgid "push(%)"
msgstr "push(%)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:881
msgid ""
"Push a new entry at the end of the current catalog. The arguments should "
"form a hash table. The valid keys are:"
msgstr ""
"Insereix una nova entrada al final del catテ�leg actual. Els parテ�metres han de "
"formar una taula de hash. Les claus vテ�lides sテウn :"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:886
msgid "msgid"
msgstr "msgid"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:888
msgid "the string in original language."
msgstr "la cadena en l'idioma original."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:890
msgid "msgstr"
msgstr "msgstr"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:892
msgid "the translation."
msgstr "la traducciテウ."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:894
msgid "reference"
msgstr "reference"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:896
msgid ""
"an indication of where this string was found. Example: file.c:46 (meaning in "
"'file.c' at line 46). It can be a space-separated list in case of multiple "
msgstr ""
"una indicaciテウ d'on s'ha trobat la cadena. Exemple: fitxer.c:46 (significa a "
"la lテュnia 46 del 'fitxer.c'). Pot ser una llista separada per espais en cas "
"de mテコltiples ocurrティncies."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:900 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:779
msgid "comment"
msgstr "comment"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:902
msgid ""
"a comment added here manually (by the translators). The format here is free."
msgstr "un comentari afegir manualment (pels traductors). El format テゥs lliure."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:904
msgid "automatic"
msgstr "automatic"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:906
msgid ""
"a comment which was automatically added by the string extraction program. "
"See the I<--add-comments> option of the B<xgettext> program for more "
msgstr ""
"un comentari que ha afegit automテ�ticament el programa d'extracciテウ de "
"cadenes. Vegeu l'opciテウ I<--add-comments> del programa B<xgettext> per a mテゥs "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:910
msgid "flags"
msgstr "flags"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:912
msgid "space-separated list of all defined flags for this entry."
msgstr "llista separada per espais dels flags definits per aquesta entrada."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:914
msgid ""
"Valid flags are: c-text, python-text, lisp-text, elisp-text, librep-text, "
"smalltalk-text, java-text, awk-text, object-pascal-text, ycp-text, tcl-text, "
"wrap, no-wrap and fuzzy."
msgstr ""
"Els flags vテ�lids sテウn: c-text, python-text, lisp-text, elisp-text, librep-"
"text, smalltalk-text, java-text, awk-text, object-pascal-text, ycp-text, tcl-"
"text, wrap, no-wrap i fuzzy."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:918
msgid "See the gettext documentation for their meaning."
msgstr "Vegeu la documentaciテウ de gettext pels seus significats."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:920
msgid "type"
msgstr "type"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:922
msgid ""
"This is mostly an internal argument: it is used while gettextizing "
"documents. The idea here is to parse both the original and the translation "
"into a po object, and merge them, using one's msgid as msgid and the other's "
"msgid as msgstr. To make sure that things get ok, each msgid in po objects "
"are given a type, based on their structure (like \"chapt\", \"sect1\", \"p\" "
"and so on in docbook). If the types of strings are not the same, that means "
"that both files do not share the same structure, and the process reports an "
msgstr ""
"Aquest テゥs mテゥs aviat un parテ�metre intern: s'utilitza a l'hora de gettextitzar "
"documents. La idea テゥs analitzar el document original i la traducciテウ a "
"objectes po, i ajuntar-los, utilitzant els msgid d'un com a msgid, i els "
"msgid de l'altre com a msgstr. Per assegurar que les coses van bテゥ, es dテウna "
"un tipus a cada msgid dels objectes po, segons la seva estructura (com ara "
"\"chapt\", \"sect1\", \"p\" i aixテュ a docbook). Si els tipus de les cadenes "
"no coincideixen, significa que ambdテウs documents no comparteixen la mateixa "
"estructura, i el procテゥs acaba amb un error."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:931
msgid ""
"This information is written as automatic comment in the po file since this "
"gives to translators some context about the strings to translate."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta informaciテウ s'escriu com a comentari automテ�tic al fitxer po ja que "
"dテウna informaciテウ de context sobre les cadenes a traduir als traductors."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:936
msgid ""
"boolean indicating whether whitespaces can be mangled in cosmetic "
"reformattings. If true, the string is canonized before use."
msgstr ""
"booleテ� que indica si els espais en blanc es poden tractar en reformatejats "
"cosmティtics. En cas afirmatiu, abans d'utilitzar la cadena, aquesta テゥs "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:939
msgid ""
"This information is written to the po file using the 'wrap' or 'no-wrap' "
msgstr ""
"Aquesta informaciテウ s'escriu al fitxer po utilitzant el flag 'wrap' o 'no-"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:945
msgid "This information is not written to the po file."
msgstr "Aquesta informaciテウ no s'escriu al fitxer po."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1089
msgid "Miscellaneous functions"
msgstr "Funcions diverses"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1093
msgid "count_entries()"
msgstr "count_entries()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1095
msgid "Returns the number of entries in the catalog (without the header)."
msgstr "Retorna el nombre d'entrades del catテ�leg (sense la capテァalera)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1104
#, fuzzy
msgid "count_entries_doc()"
msgstr "count_entries()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1106
msgid ""
"Returns the number of entries in document. If a string appears multiple "
"times in the document, it will be counted multiple times"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1116
msgid "msgid($)"
msgstr "msgid($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1118
msgid "Returns the msgid of the given number."
msgstr "Retorna el msgid del nombre donat."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1132
#, fuzzy
msgid "msgid_doc($)"
msgstr "msgid($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Returns the msgid with the given position in the document."
msgstr "Retorna el msgid del nombre donat."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1150
msgid "get_charset()"
msgstr "get_charset()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1152
msgid ""
"Returns the character set specified in the po header. If it hasn't been set, "
"it will return \"CHARSET\"."
msgstr ""
"Retorna el joc de carテ�cters especificat a la capテァalera po. Si encara no s'ha "
"ajustat, retornarテ� \"CHARSET\"."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1163
msgid "set_charset($)"
msgstr "set_charset($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:1165
msgid ""
"This sets the character set of the po header to the value specified in its "
"first argument. If you never call this function (and no file with a "
"specified character set is read), the default value is left to \"CHARSET\". "
"This value doesn't change the behavior of this module, it's just used to "
"fill that field in the header, and to return it in get_charset()."
msgstr ""
"Defineix el joc de carテ�cters de la capテァalera po al valor especificat com a "
"primer parテ�metre. Si no crideu mai aquesta funciテウ (i no es llegeix cap "
"fitxer amb un joc de carテ�cters especificat), el valor per defecte es deixa a "
"\"CHARSET\". Aquest valor no canvia el comportament d'aquest mテイdul, nomテゥs "
"s'utilitza per omplir el camp de la capテァalera, i es retorna a get_charset()."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:174
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Pod - Convert POD data from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Pod - Converteix dades POD des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:178
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    use Locale::Po4a::Pod;\n"
"    my $parser = Locale::Po4a::Pod->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);\n"
msgstr ""
"    use Locale::Po4a::Pod;\n"
"    my $analitzador = Locale::Po4a::Pod->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.\n"
"    $parser->parse_from_filehandle;\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Llegim el POD de l'entrada estテ�ndard i escrivim a la sortida estテ�ndard.\n"
"    $analitzador->parse_from_filehandle;\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:184
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    # Read POD from file.pod and write to file.txt.\n"
"    $parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.txt');\n"
msgstr ""
"    # Llegim el POD de fitxer.pod i escrivim a fitxer.txt.\n"
"    $analitzador->parse_from_file ('fitxer.pod', 'fitxer.txt');\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:189
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Pod is a module to help the translation of documentation in "
"the POD format (the preferred language for documenting Perl) into other "
"[human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Pod テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en el "
"format POD (el llenguatge preferit per documentar Perl) a altres llenguatges "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:195
msgid ""
"I think that this module is rock stable, and there is only one known bug:"
msgstr ""
"Crec que aquest mテイdul テゥs completament estable, nomテゥs hi ha una fallada "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:197
msgid ""
"I have another problem with /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/MainWindow.pod (and some other "
"pages, see below) which contains:"
msgstr ""
"Tinc un altre problema amb /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/MainWindow.pod (i algunes "
"altres pテ�gines, vegeu mテゥs avall) que contenen:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:200
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  CE<lt>\" #n\"E<gt>\n"
msgstr ""
"  CE<lt>\" #n\"E<gt>\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:202
msgid ""
"Lack of luck, in the po4a version, this was splited on the space by the "
"wrapping. As result, in the original version, the man contain"
msgstr ""
"Per mala sort, a la versiテウ de po4a, aixテイ es parteix per l'espai per "
"justificar. Com a resultat, a la versiテウ original, la pテ�gina de manual contテゥ"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" \" #n\"\n"
msgstr ""
" \" #n\"\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:207
msgid "and mine contain"
msgstr "i la meva contテゥ"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:209
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" \"\" #n\"\"\n"
" \n"
msgstr ""
" \"\" #n\"\"\n"
" \n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:211
msgid "which is logic since C<foobar> is rewritten \"foobar\""
msgstr "que テゥs lテイgic, ja que C<foobar> es reescriu com a \"foobar\""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:213
msgid ""
"Complete list of pages having this problem on my box (from 564 pages ; note "
"that it depends on the chosen wrapping column): /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/MainWindow."
"pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/overload.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlapi."
"pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perldelta.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/"
"perlfaq5.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlpod.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/"
"perlre.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlretut.pod"
msgstr ""
"Llistat complet de les pテ�gines de la meva mテ�quina que tenen aquest problema "
"(de 564 pテ�gines ; tingueu en compte que aixテイ depティn de la columna escollida "
"per justificar): /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/MainWindow.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/"
"overload.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlapi.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/"
"perldelta.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlfaq5.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/"
"pod/perlpod.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/pod/perlre.pod /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:226

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:228
msgid ""
"As a derived class from Pod::Parser, Locale::Po4a::Pod supports the same "
"methods and interfaces.  See L<Pod::Parser> for all the details; briefly, "
"one creates a new parser with C<< Locale::Po4a::Pod->new() >> and then calls "
"either parse_from_filehandle() or parse_from_file()."
msgstr ""
"Com a classe derivada de Pod::Parser, Locale::Po4a::Pod suporta els mateixos "
"mティtodes i interfテュcies.  Consulteu L<Pod::Parser> per tots els detalls; "
"breument, es crea un nou analitzador amb C<< Locale::Po4a::Pod->new() >> i "
"desprテゥs es crida la funciテウ parse_from_filehandle() o la funciテウ "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:233
msgid ""
"new() can take options, in the form of key/value pairs, that control the "
"behavior of the parser.  The recognized options common to all Pod::Parser "
"children are:"
msgstr ""
"new() pot rebre opcions, en la forma de parells clau/valor, que controlen el "
"comportament de l'analitzador.  Tots els fills de Pod::Parser reconeixen "
"aquestes opcions:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:239
msgid "alt"
msgstr "alt"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:241
msgid ""
"If set to a true value, selects an alternate output format that, among other "
"things, uses a different heading style and marks C<=item> entries with a "
"colon in the left margin.  Defaults to false."
msgstr ""
"Si tテゥ valor cert, selecciona un format de sortida alternativa, que entre "
"d'altres coses, utilitza un estil d'encapテァalament diferent i marca les "
"entrades C<=item> amb un punt al marge esquerre.  Per defecte tテゥ el valor "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:245
msgid "code"
msgstr "code"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:247
msgid ""
"If set to a true value, the non-POD parts of the input file will be included "
"in the output.  Useful for viewing code documented with POD blocks with the "
"POD rendered and the code left intact."
msgstr ""
"Si tテゥ valor cert, les parts no-POD del fitxer d'entrada s'inclouran tambテゥ a "
"la sortida.  テ鋭 テコtil per veure el codi documentat amb blocs POD, amb el POD "
"tractat i el codi deixat intacte."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:251 lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:67
msgid "indent"
msgstr "indent"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:253
msgid ""
"The number of spaces to indent regular text, and the default indentation for "
"C<=over> blocks.  Defaults to 4."
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 el nombre d'espais per indentar el text regular, i la indentaciテウ per "
"defecte pels blocs C<=over>.  Per defecte val 4."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:256
msgid "loose"
msgstr "loose"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:258
msgid ""
"If set to a true value, a blank line is printed after a C<=head1> heading.  "
"If set to false (the default), no blank line is printed after C<=head1>, "
"although one is still printed after C<=head2>.  This is the default because "
"it's the expected formatting for manual pages; if you're formatting "
"arbitrary text documents, setting this to true may result in more pleasing "
msgstr ""
"Si tテゥ valor cert, s'afegeix una lテュnia en blanc desprテゥs de les capテァaleres "
"C<=head1>.  Si tテゥ valor fals (per defecte), no s'afegeixen lテュnies en blanc "
"desprテゥs de C<=head1>, encara que se segueix afegint desprテゥs de C<=head2>.  "
"Aquest テゥs el comportament per defecte perquティ テゥs el format esperat per les "
"pテ�gines de manual; si esteu formatejant documents de text arbitraris, "
"obtindreu una sortida mテゥs amena si li doneu valor cert."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:265
msgid "quotes"
msgstr "quotes"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:267
msgid ""
"Sets the quote marks used to surround CE<lt>> text.  If the value is a "
"single character, it is used as both the left and right quote; if it is two "
"characters, the first character is used as the left quote and the second as "
"the right quoted; and if it is four characters, the first two are used as "
"the left quote and the second two as the right quote."
msgstr ""
"Indica les marques que s'utilitzaran al voltant del text CE<lt>>.  Si el "
"valor テゥs un テコnic carテ�cter, s'utilitzarテ� com a marca esquerra i dreta; si sテウn "
"dos carテ�cters, el primer s'utilitzarテ� com a marca esquerra, i el segon com a "
"marca dreta; i si sテウn quatre carテ�cters, els dos primers s'utilitzaran com a "
"marca esquerra, i els dos テコltims com a marca dreta."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:273
msgid ""
"This may also be set to the special value C<none>, in which case no quote "
"marks are added around CE<lt>> text."
msgstr ""
"Tambテゥ es pot assignar el valor especial C<none>. En aquest cas no s'afegiran "
"marques al voltant del text CE<lt>>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:276
msgid "sentence"
msgstr "sentence"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:278
msgid ""
"If set to a true value, Locale::Po4a::Pod will assume that each sentence "
"ends in two spaces, and will try to preserve that spacing.  If set to false, "
"all consecutive whitespace in non-verbatim paragraphs is compressed into a "
"single space.  Defaults to true."
msgstr ""
"Si tテゥ valor cert, Locale::Po4a::Pod assumirテ� que cada frase acaba en dos "
"espais, i intentarテ� conservar aquest espaiat.  Si tテゥ valor fals, es "
"comprimiran a un tots els espais consecutius dels parテ�grafs no-verbatim.  "
"Per defecte val cert."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:283
msgid "width"
msgstr "width"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:285
msgid ""
"The column at which to wrap text on the right-hand side.  Defaults to 76."
msgstr "La columna a la que es justificarテ� el text.  Per defecte val 76."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Pod.pm:291
msgid ""
"L<Pod::Parser>, L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, "
msgstr ""
"L<Pod::Parser>, L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)>, "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:34
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Sgml - Convert sgml documents from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Sgml - Converteix documents sgml des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:42
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Sgml is a module to help the translation of documentation in "
"the SGML format into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::SgmL テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en el "
"format SGML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:49 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:126
msgid "debug"
msgstr "debug"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:51
msgid ""
"Space separated list of keywords indicating which part you want to debug. "
"Possible values are: tag, generic, entities and refs."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais de les paraules clau que indiquen quina part "
"voleu depurar. Els valors possibles sテウn: tag, generic, entities i refs."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:53
msgid "verbose"
msgstr "verbose"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:55
msgid "Give more information about what's going on."
msgstr "Dテウna mテゥs informaciテウ sobre quティ estテ� passant."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:57 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:370
msgid "translate"
msgstr "translate"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:59
msgid ""
"Space separated list of extra tags (beside the dtd provided ones) whose "
"content should form an extra msgid."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels tags extra (a part dels que proveeix el dtd) "
"el contingut dels quals ha de formar un msgid extra."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:62
msgid "section"
msgstr "section"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:64
msgid ""
"Space separated list of extra tags (beside the dtd provided ones)  "
"containing other tags, some of them being of category 'translate'."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels tags extra (a part dels que proveeix el "
"dtd)  que contenen altres tags, alguns dels quals poden ser de la categoria "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Space separated list of tags which increase the indentation level."
msgstr "llista separada per espais dels flags definits per aquesta entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:71 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:153
msgid "verbatim"
msgstr "verbatim"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:73
msgid ""
"The layout within those tags should not be changed. The paragraph won't get "
"wrapped, and no extra indentation space or new line will be added for "
"cosmetic purpose."
msgstr ""
"La disposiciテウ dins d'aquests tags no s'ha de canviar. El parテ�graf no es "
"justificarテ�, i no s'afegiran espais d'indentaciテウ ni noves lテュnies amb "
"propテイsits cosmティtics."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:77
msgid "empty"
msgstr "empty"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:79
msgid "Tags not needing to be closed."
msgstr "Tags que no necessiten tancament."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:81
msgid "ignore"
msgstr "ignore"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:83
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Tags ignored and considered as plain char data by po4a. That is to say that "
"they can be part of an msgid. For example, E<lt>bE<gt> is a good candidate "
"for this category since putting it in the translate section would create "
"msgids not being whole sentences, which is bad."
msgstr ""
"Tags ignorats i considerats com a dades normals per po4a. Aixテイ vol dir que "
"poden utilitzar-se com a part d'un msgid. Per exemple, E<lt>bE<gt> テゥs un bon "
"candidat per aquesta categoria ja que posar-lo a la categoria translate "
"crearia msgids que no serien frases senceres, cosa que no volem."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:88 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:268
msgid "attributes"
msgstr "attributes"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:90
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A space separated list of attributes that need to be translated. You can "
"specify the attributes by their name (for example, \"lang\"), but you can "
"also prefix it with a tag hierarchy, to specify that this attribute will "
"only be translated when it is into the specified tag. For example: "
"E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>lang specifies that the lang attribute will only "
"be translated if it is in an E<lt>aaaE<gt> tag, which is in a E<lt>bbbE<gt> "
"tag.  The tag names are actually regular expressions so you can also write "
"things like E<lt>aaa|bbbbE<gt>lang to only translate lang attributes that "
"are in an E<lt>aaaE<gt> or a E<lt>bbbE<gt> tag."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels atributs dels tags que voleu traduir.  Podeu "
"especificar els atributs pel seu nom (per exemple, \"lang\"), perテイ tambテゥ "
"podeu prefixar-los amb una jerarquia de tags, per especificar que nomテゥs es "
"tradueixi quan estigui dins del tag especificat. Per exemple: "
"E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>lang especifica que l'atribut lang nomテゥs es "
"traduirテ� quan estigui dins d'un tag E<lt>aaaE<gt>, i aquest estigui dins "
"d'un tag E<lt>bbbE<gt>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:100
msgid "qualify"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:102
msgid ""
"A space separated list of attributes for which the translation must be "
"qualified by the attribute name. Note that this setting automatically adds "
"the given attribute into the 'attributes' list too."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:106
msgid "force"
msgstr "force"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:108
msgid "Proceed even if the DTD is unknown."
msgstr "Procedir encara que es desconegui el DTD."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:110
msgid "include-all"
msgstr "include-all"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:112
msgid ""
"By default, msgids containing only one entity (like '&version;') are skipped "
"for the translator comfort. Activating this option prevents this "
"optimisation. It can be useful if the document contains a construction like "
"\"<title>&Aacute;</title>\", even if I doubt such things to ever happen..."
msgstr ""
"Per defecte, per la comoditat del traductor, se salten els msgids que "
"contenen nomテゥs una entitat (com ara '&version;'). Si no es vol aquesta "
"optimitzaciテウ, es pot activar aquesta opciテウ. Pot ser テコtil si el document "
"contテゥ construccions com ara \"<title>&Aacute;</title>\", encara que dubto "
"que mai passin coses aixテュ..."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "ignore-inclusion"
msgstr "Conclusiテウ"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:119
msgid ""
"Space separated list of entities that won't be inlined.  Use this option "
"with caution: it may cause nsgmls (used internally) to add tags and render "
"the output document invalid."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:127
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The result is perfect. I.e., the generated documents are exactly the same. "
"But there are still some problems:"
msgstr ""
"El resultat テゥs perfecte. テ鋭 a dir, els documents generats sテウn idティntics. Perテイ "
"encara hi ha alguns problemes:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:134
msgid ""
"the error output of nsgmls is redirected to /dev/null, which is clearly bad. "
"I don't know how to avoid that."
msgstr ""
"la sortida d'error de nsgmls es redirigeix cap a /dev/null, cosa clarament "
"negativa. No sテゥ com millorar-ho."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:137
msgid ""
"The problem is that I have to \"protect\" the conditional inclusions (ie, "
"the C<E<lt>! [ %foo [> and C<]]E<gt>> stuff) from nsgmls. Otherwise nsgmls "
"eats them, and I don't know how to restore them in the final document. To "
"prevent that, I rewrite them to C<{PO4A-beg-foo}> and C<{PO4A-end}>."
msgstr ""
"El problema テゥs que he de \"protegir\" les inclusions condicionals (com ara, "
"les coses com C<E<lt>! [ %foo [> i C<]]E<gt>>) abans de passar-ho a nsgmls. "
"Sinテウ, nsgmls s'ho menja, i no sテゥ com restaurar-ho al document final. Per tal "
"d'evitar-ho, ho reescric com a C<{PO4A-beg-foo}> i C<{PO4A-end}>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:143
msgid ""
"The problem with this is that the C<{PO4A-end}> and such I add are valid in "
"the document (not in a E<lt>pE<gt> tag or so)."
msgstr ""
"El problema d'aixテイ テゥs que C<{PO4A-end}> i companyia sテウn vテ�lids en el "
"document (perテイ no en un tag E<lt>pE<gt> o semblant)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:146
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Everything works well with nsgmls's output redirected that way, but it will "
"prevent us from detecting that the document is badly formatted."
msgstr ""
"Tot funciona bテゥ amb la sortida de nsgmls redirigida d'aquesta forma, perテイ "
"aixテイ no ens permet detectar si el document estテ� mal formatat."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:151
msgid ""
"It does work only with the debiandoc and docbook dtd. Adding support for a "
"new dtd should be very easy. The mechanism is the same for every dtd, you "
"just have to give a list of the existing tags and some of their "
msgstr ""
"Nomテゥs funciona amb els dtds de debiandoc i docbook dtd. Hauria de ser molt "
"fテ�cil afegir suport per a un nou dtd. El mecanisme テゥs el mateix per a tots "
"els dtd, tan sols heu de donar una llista dels tags existents i algunes de "
"les seves caracterテュstiques."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:155
msgid ""
"I agree, this needs some more documentation, but it is still considered as "
"beta, and I hate to document stuff which may/will change."
msgstr ""
"Estic d'acord, aixテイ s'ha de documentar millor, perテイ encara es considera "
"beta, i odio documentar coses que poden/han de canviar."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:160
msgid ""
"Warning, support for dtds is quite experimental. I did not read any "
"reference manual to find the definition of every tag. I did add tag "
"definition to the module 'till it works for some documents I found on the "
"net. If your document use more tags than mine, it won't work. But as I said "
"above, fixing that should be quite easy."
msgstr ""
"Atenciテウ, el suport de dtds encara テゥs forテァa experimental. No he llegit cap "
"manual de referティncia per trobar la definiciテウ de tots els tags. Nomテゥs he "
"afegit la definiciテウ de tags al mテイdul fins que ha funcionat per alguns "
"documents que he trobat a la xarxa. Si el vostre document utilitza mテゥs tags "
"que el meu, no funcionarテ�. Perテイ com he dit abans, hauria de ser molt fテ�cil "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:166
msgid ""
"I did test docbook against the SAG (System Administrator Guide) only, but "
"this document is quite big, and should use most of the docbook specificities."
msgstr ""
"Nomテゥs he provat docbook amb SAG (Guia d'Administrador de Sistemes, System "
"Administrator Guide), perテイ テゥs un document forテァa gran, i hauria d'utilitzar "
"la majoria de caracterテュstiques de docbook."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:170
msgid ""
"For debiandoc, I tested some of the manuals from the DDP, but not all yet."
msgstr ""
"Per debiandoc, he provat amb alguns manuals del DDP, perテイ no tots encara."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:174
msgid ""
"In case of file inclusion, string reference of messages in po files (ie, "
"lines like C<#: en/titletoc.sgml:9460>) will be wrong."
msgstr ""
"En cas d'inclusiテウ de fitxers, la cadena de referティncia del fitxer po (テゥs a "
"dir, lテュnies com ara C<#: en/titletoc.sgml:9460>) serテ� errテイnia."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:177
msgid ""
"This is because I preprocess the file to protect the conditional inclusion "
"(ie, the C<E<lt>! [ %foo [> and C<]]E<gt>> stuff) and some entities (like "
"&version;) from nsgmls because I want them verbatim to the generated "
"document. For that, I make a temp copy of the input file and do all the "
"changes I want to this before passing it to nsgmls for parsing."
msgstr ""
"Aixテイ passa perquティ preprocesso el fitxer per protegir les inclusions "
"condicionals (テゥs a dir, les coses com C<E<lt>! [ %foo [> i C<]]E<gt>>) i "
"algunes entitats (com &version;) de nsgmls perquティ vull que es conservin "
"sense canvis en el document generat. Per fer-ho, faig una cテイpia temporal del "
"fitxer d'entrada i li faig tots els canvis que vull abans de passar-lo a "
"nsgmls per analitzar-lo."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:183
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"So that it works, I replace the entities asking for a file inclusion by the "
"content of the given file (so that I can protect what needs to in subfile "
"also). But nothing is done so far to correct the references (i.e., filename "
"and line number) afterward. I'm not sure what the best thing to do is."
msgstr ""
"Perquティ funcioni, reemplaテァo les entitats que volen incloure un fitxer pel "
"contingut del fitxer (de manera que tambテゥ puc protegir el quティ calgui al "
"fitxer inclテイs). Perテイ no es fa res per corregir les referティncies (el nom de "
"fitxer i el nテコmero de lテュnia) desprテゥs. No sテゥ quina テゥs la millor alternativa."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1220
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This module is an adapted version of sgmlspl (SGML postprocessor for the "
"SGMLS and NSGMLS parsers) which was:"
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul テゥs una versiテウ adaptada de sgmlspl (postprocessador de SGML per "
"als analitzadors SGMLS i NSGMLS) que era:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1223
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Copyright (c) 1995 by David Megginson <dmeggins@aix1.uottawa.ca>\n"
msgstr ""
" Copyright (c) 1995 per David Megginson <dmeggins@aix1.uottawa.ca>\n"
" \n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1225
msgid "The adaptation for po4a was done by:"
msgstr "L'adaptaciテウ per po4a ha estat feta per:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:1232
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Copyright (c) 1995 by David Megginson <dmeggins@aix1.uottawa.ca>\n"
" Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by SPI, inc.\n"
msgstr ""
" Copyright (c) 1995 per David Megginson <dmeggins@aix1.uottawa.ca>\n"
" Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 per SPI, inc.\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:27
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::TeX - Convert TeX documents and derivates from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::TeX - Converteix documents TeX i derivats des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:35
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::TeX is a module to help the translation of TeX documents into "
"other [human] languages. It can also be used as a base to build modules for "
"TeX-based documents."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::TeX テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents TeX a "
"altres llenguatges [humans]. Tambテゥ es pot utilitzar com a base per construir "
"mテイduls per documents basats en TeX."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:39
msgid ""
"Users should probably use the LaTeX module, which inherite from the TeX "
"module and contains the definitions of common LaTeX commands."
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 probable que els usuaris vulguin utilitzar el mテイdul LaTeX, que hereda del "
"mテイdul TeX i contテゥ les definicions de les comandes mテゥs habituals de LaTeX."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:42

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:44
msgid ""
"This module can be used directly to handle generic TeX documents.  This will "
"split your document in smaller blocks (paragraphs, verbatim blocks, or even "
"smaller like titles or indexes)."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul es pot utilitzar directament per tractar documents TeX "
"genティrics.  Aquest partirテ� el document en blocs mテゥs petits (parテ�grafs, blocs "
"literals, o fins i tot mテゥs petits, com ara tテュtols o テュndexs)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:48 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:162
msgid ""
"There are some options (described in the next section) that can customize "
"this behavior.  If this doesn't fit to your document format you're "
"encouraged to write your own module derived from this, to describe your "
"format's details.  See the section \"Writing derivate modules\" below, for "
"the process description."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha algunes opcions (descrites a la propera secciテウ) que permeten "
"personalitzar aquest comportament.  Si aixテイ no acaba d'encaixar amb el "
"vostre format de document, us animo a escriure el vostre propi mテイdul derivat "
"d'aquest, per descriure els detalls del vostre format.  Consulteu la secciテウ "
"\"Escrivint mテイduls derivats\" mテゥs avall, per la descripciテウ del procテゥs."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:53
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This module can also be customized by lines starting with \"% po4a:\" in the "
"TeX file.  These customizations are described in the B<INLINE CUSTOMIZATION> "
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul tambテゥ es pot personalitzar amb lテュnies que comencin amb \"% po4a:"
"\"\" en els fitxers TeX.  Es descriuen aquestes personalitzacions a la "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:131
msgid "no_wrap"
msgstr "no_wrap"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:133
msgid "Coma-separated list of environments which should not be re-wrapped."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per comes dels entorns, els parテ�metres dels quals no s'han "
"de justificar."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:135
msgid ""
"Note that there is a difference between verbatim and no_wrap environments.  "
"There is no command and comments analysis in verbatim blocks."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que els entorns verbatim i no_wrap sテウn diferents.  En els "
"blocs verbatim no s'analitzen les comandes ni els comentaris."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:138 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:157
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:277
msgid ""
"If this environment was not already registered, po4a will consider that this "
"environment does not take any parameters."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:141
msgid "exclude_include"
msgstr "exclude_include"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:143
msgid ""
"Colon-separated list of files that should not be included by \\input and "
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per dos punts dels fitxers que no s'han d'incloure amb "
"\\input i \\include."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "definitions"
msgstr "parse_definition_file"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:148
msgid ""
"The name of a file containing definitions for po4a, as defined in the "
"B<INLINE CUSTOMIZATION> section.  You can use this option if it is not "
"possible to put the definitions in the document being translated."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Coma-separated list of environments which should be taken as verbatim."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per comes dels entorns, els parテ�metres dels quals no s'han "
"de justificar."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:162
msgid ""
"Using these options permits to override the behaviour of the commands "
"defined in the default lists."
msgstr ""
"Utilitzant aquestes opcions es pot modificar el comportament de les comandes "
"definit a les llistes per defecte."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:165

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:167
msgid ""
"The TeX module can be customized with lines starting by \"% po4a:\".  These "
"lines are interpreted as commands to the parser.  The following commands are "
msgstr ""
"El mテイdul TeX es pot personalitzar amb lテュnies que comencin amb \"% po4a:\".  "
"Aquestes lテュnies s'interpreten com a comandes per l'analitzador.  Es "
"reconeixen les segテシents comandes:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:173
msgid "% po4a: command I<command1> alias I<command2>"
msgstr "% po4a: command I<comanda1> alias I<comanda2>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:175
msgid ""
"Indicates that the arguments of the I<command1> command should be treated as "
"the arguments of the I<command2> command."
msgstr ""
"Indica que els parテ�metres de la I<comanda1> s'han de tractar com els "
"parテ�metres de la I<comanda2>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "% po4a: command I<command1> I<parameters>"
msgstr "% po4a: command I<comanda1> I<funciテウ1>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:180
msgid ""
"This permit to describe in detail the parameters of the I<command1> "
"command.  This information will be used to check the number of arguments and "
"their types."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:185
msgid "You can precede the I<command1> command by"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:189
msgid "an asterisk (*)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:191
msgid ""
"po4a will extract this command from paragraphs (if it is located at the "
"beginning or the end of a paragraph).  The translators will then have to "
"translate the parameters that are marked as translatable."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:196
msgid "a plus (+)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:198
msgid ""
"As for an asterisk, the command will be extracted if it appear at an "
"extremity of a block, but the parameters won't be translated separately.  "
"The translator will have to translate the command concatenated to all its "
"parameters.  This permits to keep more context, and is usefull for commands "
"with small words in parameter, which can have multiple meanings (and "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:205
msgid ""
"Note: In this case you don't have to specify which parameters are "
"translatable, but po4a must know the type and number of parameters."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:208
msgid "a minus (-)"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:210
msgid ""
"In this case, the command won't be extracted from any block.  But if it "
"appear alone on a bloc, then only the parameters marked as translatable will "
"be presented to the translator.  This is usefull for font command.  These "
"commands should generally not be separated from their paragraph (to keep the "
"context), but there is no reason to annoy the translator with them if a "
"whole string is enclosed in such a command."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The I<parameters> argument is a set of [] (to indicate an optional\n"
"argument) or {} (to indicate a mandatory argument).\n"
"You can place an underscore (_) between these brackets to indicate that\n"
"the parameter must be translated. For example:\n"
" % po4a: command *chapter [_]{_}\n"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:226
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This indicates that the chapter command has two parameters: an optional\n"
"(short title) and a mandatory one, which must both be translated.\n"
"If you want to specify that the href command has two mandatory parameters,\n"
"that you don't want to translate the URL (first parameter), and that you\n"
"don't want this command to be separated from its paragraph (which allow\n"
"the translator to move the link in the sentence), you can use:\n"
" % po4a: command -href {}{_}\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:234
msgid ""
"In this case, the information indicating which arguments must be translated "
"is only used if a paragraph is only composed of this href command."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "% po4a: environment I<env> I<parameters>"
msgstr "% po4a: environment <ent1> <funciテウ1>"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:240
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This permits to define the parameters accepted by the I<env> environment.\n"
"This information is latter used to check the number of arguments of the\n"
"\\begin command, and permit to specify which one must be translated.\n"
"The syntax of the I<parameters> argument is the same as described for the\n"
"The first parameter of the \\begin command is the name of the environment.\n"
"This parameter must not be specified in the list of parameters. Here are\n"
"some examples:\n"
" % po4a: environment multicols {}\n"
" % po4a: environment equation\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:251
msgid ""
"As for the commands, I<env> can be preceded by a plus (+) to indicate that "
"the \\begin command must be translated with all its arguments."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:254
msgid "% po4a: separator I<env> \"I<regex>\""
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:256
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Indicates that an environment should be split according to the given regular "
msgstr "Indica que l'entorn I<ent1> s'ha de tractar amb la I<funciテウ1>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:259
msgid ""
"The regular expression is delimited by quotes.  It should not create any "
"backreference.  You should use (?:) if you need a group.  It may also need "
"some escapes."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:264
msgid ""
"For example, the LaTeX module uses the \"(?:&|\\\\\\\\)\" regular expression "
"to translate separately each cell of a table (lines are separated by '\\\\' "
"and cells by '&')."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:268
msgid ""
"The notion of environment is expended to the type displayed in the PO file.  "
"This can be used to split on \"\\\\\\\\\" in the first mandatory argument of "
"the title command.  In this case, the environment is title{#1}."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "% po4a: verbatim environment I<env>"
msgstr "% po4a: environment <ent1> <funciテウ1>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:274
msgid ""
"Indicate that I<env> is a verbatim environment.  Comments and commands will "
"be ignored in this environment."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:307 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:342

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:311
msgid "pre_trans"
msgstr "pre_trans"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:339
msgid "post_trans"
msgstr "post_trans"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:372
msgid ""
"Wrapper around Transtractor's translate, with pre- and post-processing "
msgstr ""
"Crida la funciテウ translate del Transtractor, amb filtres de pre- i post-"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:375
msgid ""
"Comments of a paragraph are inserted as a PO comment for the first "
"translated string of this paragraph."
msgstr ""
"Els comentaris d'un parテ�graf s'inserten com a comentaris del PO en la "
"primera cadena traduテッble del parテ�graf."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:429
msgid "get_leading_command($buffer)"
msgstr "get_leading_command($buffer)"

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:431
msgid "This function returns:"
msgstr "Aquesta funciテウ retorna:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:435 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1207
msgid "A command name"
msgstr "Un nom de comanda"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:437
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If no command is found at the beginning of the given buffer, this string "
"will be empty.  Only commands that can be separated are considered.  The %"
"separated_command hash contains the list of these commands."
msgstr ""
"Si no es troba una comanda al principi del buffer donat, aquesta comanda "
"estarテ� buida.  Nomテゥs es consideren comandes que es poden separar.  La "
"variable $separated_commands contテゥ una llista separada per espais d'aquestes "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:441 lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1209
msgid "A variant"
msgstr "Una variant"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:443
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This indicate if a variant is used.  For example, an asterisk (*) can be "
"added at the end of sections command to specify that they should not be "
"numbered.  In this case, this field will contain \"*\".  If there is no "
"variant, the field is an empty string."
msgstr ""
"Indica si s'utilitza una variant.  Per exemple, es pot afegir un asterisc "
"(*) al final de la comanda de sections per especificar que no s'han "
"d'enumerar.  En aquest cas, aquest camp contindria \"*\".  Si no tテゥ variant, "
"aquest camp tindria una cadena buida."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:448
#, fuzzy
msgid "An array of tuples (type of argument, argument)"
msgstr "Un vector de parテ�metres opcionals"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:450
msgid ""
"The type of argument can be either '{' (for mandatory arguments) or '[' (for "
"optional arguments)."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:453
msgid "The remaining buffer"
msgstr "El buffer restant"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:455
msgid ""
"The rest of the buffer after the removal of this leading command and its "
"arguments.  If no command is found, the original buffer is not touched and "
"returned in this field."
msgstr ""
"La resta del buffer, desprテゥs de l'eliminaciテウ de la comanda inicial i els "
"seus parテ�metres.  Si no es troba la comanda, no es toca el buffer original i "
"es retorna en aquest camp."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:540
msgid "get_trailing_command($buffer)"
msgstr "get_trailing_command($buffer)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:542
msgid ""
"The same as get_leading_command, but for commands at the end of a buffer."
msgstr ""
"El mateix que get_leading_command, perテイ per comandes al final del buffer."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:624
msgid "translate_buffer"
msgstr "translate_buffer"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:626
msgid ""
"Recursively translate a buffer by separating leading and trailing commands "
"(those which should be translated separately) from the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Tradueix un buffer recursivament separant del buffer les comandes inicials i "
"finals (aquelles que s'han de traduir per separat)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:875
msgid "read"
msgstr "read"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:877
msgid "Overload Transtractor's read"
msgstr "Sobrecarrega el read del Transtractor"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:891
msgid "read_file"
msgstr "read_file"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:893
msgid ""
"Recursively read a file, appending included files which are not listed in "
"the @exclude_include array.  Included files are searched in the directory of "
"the input document or in a directory listed in the TEXINPUTS environment "
msgstr ""
"Llegeix recursivament un fitxer, afegint els fitxers inclosos que no estan "
"llistats al vector @exclude_include.  Els fitxers inclosos es busquen en el "
"directori del document d'entrada o en un directori llistat a la variable "
"d'entorn TEXINPUTS."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:897
msgid ""
"Except from the file inclusion part, it is a cut and paste from "
"Transtractor's read."
msgstr ""
"A part de la part d'inclusiテウ de fitxers, テゥs una cテイpia del read del "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:992
msgid "parse_definition_file"
msgstr "parse_definition_file"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:994
msgid ""
"Subroutine for parsing a file with po4a directive (definitions for "
msgstr ""
"Subrutina per analitzar un fitxer amb directives po4a (definicions de noves "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1031
msgid "parse_definition_line"
msgstr "parse_definition_line"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1033
msgid "Parse a definition line of the form \"% po4a: \"."
msgstr "Analitza una lテュnia de definiciテウ de la forma \"% po4a: \"."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1035
msgid "See the INLINE CUSTOMIZATION section for more details."
msgstr "Consulteu la secciテウ PERSONALITZACIテ� INCRUSTADA per a mテゥs detalls."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1083
msgid "is_closed"
msgstr "is_closed"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1184
#, fuzzy
msgid "docheader"
msgstr "docheader()"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1200 lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:690
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:727
msgid "INTERNAL FUNCTIONS used to write derivated parsers"
msgstr "FUNCIONS INTERNES utilitzades per escriure analitzadors derivats"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1202
msgid ""
"Command and environment functions take the following arguments (in addition "
"to the $self object):"
msgstr ""
"Les funcions de comandes i d'entorns prenen els segテシents parテ�metres (a mテゥs "
"de l'objecte $self):"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1211
#, fuzzy
msgid "An array of (type, argument) tuples"
msgstr "Un vector de parテ�metres obligatoris"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1213
msgid "The current environment"
msgstr "L'entorn actual"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1217
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The first 3 arguments are extracted by get_leading_command or "
msgstr ""
"Els primers 4 parテ�metres s'extreuen amb get_leading_command o "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1220
msgid ""
"Command and environment functions return the translation of the command with "
"its arguments and a new environment."
msgstr ""
"Les funcions de comandes i d'entorns retornen la traducciテウ de la comanda amb "
"els seus parテ�metres i un nou entorn."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1223
msgid ""
"Environment functions are called when a \\begin command is found. They are "
"called with the \\begin command and its arguments."
msgstr ""
"Les funcions d'entorn es criden quan es troba una comanda \\begin. Es criden "
"amb la comanda \\begin i els seus parテ�metres."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1226
msgid ""
"The TeX module only proposes one command function and one environment "
"function: generic_command and generic_environment."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1229
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"generic_command uses the information specified by\n"
"register_generic_command or by adding definition to the TeX file:\n"
" % po4a: command I<command1> I<parameters>\n"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"generic_environment uses the information specified by\n"
"register_generic_environment or by adding definition to the TeX file:\n"
" % po4a: environment I<env> I<parameters>\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1237
msgid ""
"Both functions will only translate the parameters that were specified as "
"translatable (with a '_').  generic_environment will append the name of the "
"environment to the environment stack and generic_command will append the "
"name of the command followed by an identifier of the parameter (like {#7} or "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1651
msgid "This module needs more tests."
msgstr "Aquest mテイdul necessita mテゥs proves."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1653
msgid "It was tested on a book and with the Python documentation."
msgstr "S'ha provat amb un llibre i amb la documentaciテウ de Python."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1655 lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1531
msgid "TODO LIST"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1659
msgid "Automatic detection of new commands"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1661
msgid ""
"The TeX module could parse the newcommand arguments and try to guess the "
"number of arguments, their type and whether or not they should be translated."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1665
msgid "Tranlation of the environment separator"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1667
msgid ""
"When \\item is used as an environment separator, the item argument is "
"attached to the following string."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1670
msgid "Some commands should be added to the environment stack"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1672
msgid ""
"These commands should be specified by couples.  This could allow to specify "
"commands beginning or ending a verbatim environment."
msgstr ""

# type: =head3
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1676
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altres"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1678
msgid "Various other points are tagged TODO in the source."
msgstr "Hi ha altres punts marcats TODO en el codi."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1682
msgid "KNOWN BUGS"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1684
#, fuzzy
msgid "Various points are tagged FIXME in the source."
msgstr "Hi ha altres punts marcats FIXME en el codi."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm:1688
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"
"TransTractor>, L<Locale::Po4a::LaTeX(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::LaTeX>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"
"TransTractor>, L<Locale::Po4a::TeX(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::TeX>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:26
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Texinfo - Convert Texinfo documents and derivates from/to PO "
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::TeX - Converteix documents TeX i derivats des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:34
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Texinfo is a module to help the translation of Texinfo "
"documents into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en "
"el format DocBook XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:37
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This module contains the definitions of common Texinfo commands and "
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul contテゥ les definicions de les comandes i els entorns habituals "
"de LaTeX."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Texinfo.pm:42
msgid "This module is still beta.  Please send feedback and feature requests."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:26
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Text - Convert text documents from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Html - Converteix documents html des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:34
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Text is a module to help the translation of text documents "
"into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en "
"el format DocBook XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:37
msgid ""
"Paragraphs are splitted on empty lines (or lines containing only spaces or "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:40
msgid ""
"If a paragraph contains a line starting by a space (or tabulation), this "
"paragraph won't be rewrapped."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<nobullet>"
msgstr "inline"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:67
msgid "Deactivate detection of bullets."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:69
msgid ""
"By default, when a bullet is detected, the bullet paragraph is not "
"considered as a verbatim paragraph (with the no-wrap flag in the PO file), "
"but the module rewrap this paragraph in the generated PO file and in the "
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:77
msgid "B<debianchangelog>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:79
msgid ""
"Handle the header and footer of released versions, which only contain non "
"translatable informations."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:225
msgid "Tested successfully on simple text files and NEWS.Debian files."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm:233
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Copyright 2005,2007 by Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>.\n"
msgstr "Copyright 2004, 2005 per Nicolas FRANテ⑯IS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:34
msgid "Po4a TransTractor - Generic trans(lator ex)tractor."
msgstr ""
"Po4a TransTractor - Trans(lator ex)tractor genティric (traductor extractor)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:42
msgid ""
"This class is the ancestor of every po4a parsers used to parse a document to "
"search translatable strings, extract them to a po file and replace them by "
"their translation in the output document."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta classe テゥs l'antecessor de tots els analitzadors de po4a, utilitzats "
"per analitzar documents buscant-ne les cadenes traduテッbles, extraient-les cap "
"a un fitxer po, i reemplaテァant-les per la seva traducciテウ en el document de "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:46
msgid "More formally, it takes the following arguments as input:"
msgstr "Mテゥs formalment, agafa els segテシents parテ�metres com a entrada:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:52
msgid "a document to translate ;"
msgstr "un document a traduir ;"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:56
msgid "a po file containing the translations to use."
msgstr "un fitxer po que contテゥ les traduccions a utilitzar."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:60
msgid "As output, it produces:"
msgstr "Com a sortida, genera:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:66
msgid ""
"another po file, resulting of the extraction of translatable strings from "
"the input document ;"
msgstr ""
"un altre fitxer po, resultat de l'extracciテウ de les cadenes traduテッbles del "
"document d'entrada ;"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:71
msgid ""
"a translated document, with the same structure than the one in input, but "
"with all translatable strings replaced with the translations found in the po "
"file provided in input."
msgstr ""
"un document traduテッt, amb la mateixa estructura que el de l'entrada, perテイ amb "
"totes les cadenes traduテッbles substituテッdes per les traduccions del fitxer po "
"passat a l'entrada."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:77
msgid "Here is a graphical representation of this:"
msgstr "Aquテュ hi ha una representaciテウ grテ�fica:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:79
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"   Input document --\\                             /---> Output document\n"
"                     \\                           /       (translated)\n"
"                      +-> parse() function -----+\n"
"                     /                           \\\n"
"   Input po --------/                             \\---> Output po\n"
"                                                         (extracted)\n"
msgstr ""
"   Document d'entrada -\\                          /---> Document de sortida\n"
"                         \\                        /          (traduテッt)\n"
"                          +--> funciテウ parse() --+\n"
"                         /                        \\\n"
"   po d'entrada --------/                          \\---> po de sortida\n"
"                                                            (extret)\n"

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:86

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:90
msgid "parse()"
msgstr "parse()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:92
msgid ""
"This is where all the work takes place: the parsing of input documents, the "
"generation of output, and the extraction of the translatable strings. This "
"is pretty simple using the provided functions presented in the section "
"\"INTERNAL FUNCTIONS\" below. See also the synopsis, which present an "
msgstr ""
"Aquテュ テゥs on es fa tota la feina: s'analitzen els documents d'entrada, es "
"genera la sortida, i s'extreuen les cadenes traduテッbles. テ鋭 molt simple "
"donades les funcions presentades a la secciテウ \"FUNCIONS INTERNES\" de mテゥs "
"avall. Consulteu tambテゥ la sinopsi, que en mostra un exemple."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:98
msgid ""
"This function is called by the process() function bellow, but if you choose "
"to use the new() function, and to add content manually to your document, you "
"will have to call this function yourself."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ es crida des de la funciテウ process() de mテゥs avall, perテイ si "
"escolliu d'utilitzar la funciテウ new(), i afegir els continguts manualment al "
"vostre document, haureu de cridar aquesta funciテウ manualment."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:102
msgid "docheader()"
msgstr "docheader()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:104
msgid ""
"This function returns the header we should add to the produced document, "
"quoted properly to be a comment in the target language.  See the section "
"\"Educating developers about translations\", from L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, for "
"what it is good for."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna la capテァalera que hauriem d'afegir als documents "
"traduテッts, tractada adequadament perquティ sigui un comentari en el format "
"destテュ.  Vegeu la secciテウ \"Educant els desenvolupadors sobre les traduccions"
"\", a L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, per veure perquティ serveix."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:119
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following example parses a list of paragraphs beginning with \"<p>\". "
"For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the document is well formatted, i."
"e. that '<p>' tags are the only tags present, and that this tag is at the "
"very beginning of each paragraph."
msgstr ""
"El segテシent exemple analitza una llista de parテ�grafs que comencen amb \"<p>"
"\". Per simplificar-ho, suposarem que el document estテ� formatejat "
"correctament, テゥs a dir, que nomテゥs hi ha tags '<p>', i que aquest estテ� "
"present al principi de cada parテ�graf."

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:124
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" sub parse {\n"
"   my $self = shift;\n"
msgstr ""
" sub parse {\n"
"   my $self = shift;\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:127
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"   PARAGRAPH: while (1) {\n"
"       my ($paragraph,$pararef)=(\"\",\"\");\n"
"       my $first=1;\n"
"       my ($line,$lref)=$self->shiftline();\n"
"       while (defined($line)) {\n"
"\t   if ($line =~ m/<p>/ && !$first--; ) {\n"
"\t       # Not the first time we see <p>. \n"
"\t       # Reput the current line in input,\n"
"\t       #  and put the built paragraph to output\n"
"\t       $self->unshiftline($line,$lref);\n"
"\t      \n"
msgstr ""
"   PARAGRAF: while (1) {\n"
"       $my ($paragraf,$pararef)=(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");\n"
"       $my $primera=1;\n"
"       my ($linia,$lref)=$self->shiftline();\n"
"       while (defined($linia)) {\n"
"\t   if ($linia =~ m/<p>/ && !$primera--; ) {\n"
"\t       # No テゥs la primera vegada que veiem <p>. \n"
"\t       # Tornem a posar la lテュnia actual a l'entrada,\n"
"\t       #  i posem el parテ�graf construテッt a la sortida\n"
"\t       $document->unshiftline($linia,$lref);\n"
"\t      \n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:138
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"\t       # Now that the document is formed, translate it:\n"
"\t       #   - Remove the leading tag\n"
"\t       $paragraph =~ s/^<p>//s;\n"
msgstr ""
"\t       # Ara que el document estテ� construテッt, el traduテッm:\n"
"\t       #   - Eliminem el tag del principi\n"
"\t       $paragraf =~ s/^<p>//s;\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:142
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"\t       #   - push to output the leading tag (untranslated) and the\n"
"\t       #     rest of the paragraph (translated)\n"
"\t       $self->pushline(  \"<p>\"\n"
"                               . $document->translate($paragraph,$pararef)\n"
"                               );\n"
msgstr ""
"\t       #   - posem a la sortida el tag inicial (sense traduir) i la resta\n"
"\t       #     del parテ�graf (traduテッda)\n"
"\t       $document->pushline(  \"<p>\"\n"
"                                   . $document->translate($paragraf,$pararef)\n"
"                                   );\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:148
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" \t       next PARAGRAPH;\n"
"\t   } else {\n"
"\t       # Append to the paragraph\n"
"\t       $paragraph .= $line;\n"
"\t       $pararef = $lref unless(length($pararef));\n"
"\t   }\n"
msgstr ""
" \t       next PARAGRAF;\n"
"\t   } else {\n"
"\t       # L'afegim al parテ�graf\n"
"\t       $paragraf .= $linia;\n"
"\t       $pararef = $lref unless(length($pararef));\n"
"\t   }\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:155
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"           # Reinit the loop\n"
"           ($line,$lref)=$self->shiftline();\n"
"       }\n"
"       # Did not get a defined line? End of input file.\n"
"       return;\n"
"   }\n"
" } \n"
msgstr ""
"           # Reiniciem el bucle\n"
"           ($linia,$lref)=$self->shiftline();\n"
"       }\n"
"       # La lテュnia no estテ� definida? Final del fitxer d'entrada.\n"
"       return;\n"
"   }\n"
" } \n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:163
msgid ""
"Once you've implemented the parse function, you can use your document class, "
"using the public interface presented in the next section."
msgstr ""
"Un cop hagueu implementat la vostra funciテウ parse, ja podeu utilitzar la "
"vostra classe de documents, a travテゥs de la interfテュcie pテコblica presentada a "
"la segテシent secciテウ."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:166
msgid "PUBLIC INTERFACE for scripts using your parser"
msgstr "INTERFテ垢IE Pテ咤LICA per guions que utilitzin el vostre analitzador"

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:168
msgid "Constructor"
msgstr "Constructor"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:172
msgid "process(%)"
msgstr "process(%)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:174
msgid ""
"This function can do all you need to do with a po4a document in one "
"invocation. Its arguments must be packed as a hash. ACTIONS:"
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ pot fer tot el que necessiteu fer amb un document po4a en una "
"テコnica invocaciテウ. Els seus parテ�metres han d'estar empaquetats com a un hash. "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:179
msgid "a."
msgstr "a."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:181
msgid "Reads all the po files specified in po_in_name"
msgstr "Llegeix tots els fitxers po especificats a po_in_name"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:183
msgid "b."
msgstr "b."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:185
msgid "Reads all original documents specified in file_in_name"
msgstr "Llegeix tots els documents originals especificats a file_in_name"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:187
msgid "c."
msgstr "c."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:189
msgid "Parses the document"
msgstr "Analitza el document"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:191
msgid "d."
msgstr "d."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:193
msgid "Reads and applies all the addenda specified"
msgstr "Llegeix i aplica els annexes especificats"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:195
msgid "e."
msgstr "e."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:197
msgid "Writes the translated document to file_out_name (if given)"
msgstr "Escriu el document traduテッt a file_out_name (si es dテウna)"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:199
msgid "f."
msgstr "f."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:201
msgid "Writes the extracted po file to po_out_name (if given)"
msgstr "Escriu el fitxer po extret a po_out_name (si es dテウna)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:205
msgid "ARGUMENTS, beside the ones accepted by new() (with expected type):"
msgstr "PARテ€METRES, a part dels acceptats per new() (amb el tipus esperat):"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:209
msgid "file_in_name (@)"
msgstr "file_in_name (@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:211
msgid "List of filenames where we should read the input document."
msgstr ""
"Llista dels noms dels fitxers dels que s'ha de llegir el document d'entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:213
msgid "file_in_charset ($)"
msgstr "file_in_charset ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:215
msgid ""
"Charset used in the input document (if it isn't specified, it will try to "
"detect it from the input document)."
msgstr ""
"Joc de carテ�cters utilitzat en el document d'entrada (si no s'especifica, "
"s'intentarテ� detectar del document d'entrada)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:218
msgid "file_out_name ($)"
msgstr "file_out_name ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:220
msgid "Filename where we should write the output document."
msgstr "Nom del fitxer on s'ha d'escriure el document de sortida."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:222
msgid "file_out_charset ($)"
msgstr "file_out_charset ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:224
msgid ""
"Charset used in the output document (if it isn't specified, it will use the "
"po file charset)."
msgstr ""
"Joc de carテ�cters utilitzat en el document de sortida (si no s'especifica, "
"s'utilitzarテ� el joc de carテ�cters del fitxer po)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:227
msgid "po_in_name (@)"
msgstr "po_in_name (@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:229
msgid ""
"List of filenames where we should read the input po files from, containing "
"the translation which will be used to translate the document."
msgstr ""
"Llistat dels noms dels fitxers dels que llegirem els po d'entrada, que "
"contindran la traducciテウ que s'utilitzarテ� per traduir el document."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:232
msgid "po_out_name ($)"
msgstr "po_out_name ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:234
msgid ""
"Filename where we should write the output po file, containing the strings "
"extracted from the input document."
msgstr ""
"Nom del fitxer on s'escriurテ� el fitxer po de sortida, que contindrテ� les "
"cadenes extretes del document d'entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:237
msgid "addendum (@)"
msgstr "addendum (@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:239
#, fuzzy
msgid "List of filenames where we should read the addenda from."
msgstr "llistat dels noms dels fitxers dels que s'han de llegir els annexes."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:241
msgid "addendum_charset ($)"
msgstr "addendum_charset ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:243
msgid "Charset for the addenda."
msgstr "Joc de carテ�cters dels annexes."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:247
msgid "new(%)"
msgstr "new(%)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:249
msgid "Create a new Po4a document. Accepted options (but be in a hash):"
msgstr ""
"Crea un nou document de Po4a. Accepta les segテシents opcions (empaquetades en "
"un hash):"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:253
msgid "verbose ($)"
msgstr "verbose ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:255
msgid "Sets the verbosity."
msgstr "Ajusta el nivell d'informaciテウ extra."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:257
msgid "debug ($)"
msgstr "debug ($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:259
msgid "Sets the debugging."
msgstr "Activa la depuraciテウ."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:374
msgid "Manipulating document files"
msgstr "Manipulant fitxers de documentaciテウ"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:380
msgid ""
"Add another input document at the end of the existing one. The argument is "
"the filename to read."
msgstr ""
"Afegeix un altre document d'entrada al final de l'actual. El parテ�metre テゥs el "
"nom del fitxer a llegir."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:383
msgid ""
"Please note that it does not parse anything. You should use the parse()  "
"function when you're done with packing input files into the document."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que aixテイ no analitza res. Haureu de cridar la funciテウ parse"
"() quan hagueu acabat d'empaquetar els fitxers d'entrada en el document."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:423
msgid "Write the translated document to the given filename."
msgstr "Escriu el document traduテッt al fitxer amb el nom donat."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:459
msgid "Manipulating po files"
msgstr "Manupulant fitxers po"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:463
msgid "readpo($)"
msgstr "readpo($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:465
msgid ""
"Add the content of a file (which name is passed in argument) to the existing "
"input po. The old content is not discarded."
msgstr ""
"Afegeix el contingut d'un fitxer (el nom del qual s'ha de passar com a "
"parテ�metre) al po d'entrada actual. No es descarta el contingut anterior."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:468
msgid "writepo($)"
msgstr "writepo($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:470
msgid "Write the extracted po file to the given filename."
msgstr "Escriu el fitxer po extret al fitxer amb el nom donat."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:472
msgid "stats()"
msgstr "stats()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:474
msgid ""
"Returns some statistics about the translation done so far. Please note that "
"it's not the same statistics than the one printed by msgfmt --statistic. "
"Here, it's stats about recent usage of the po file, while msgfmt reports the "
"status of the file. It is a wrapper to the Locale::Po4a::Po::stats_get "
"function applied to the input po file. Example of use:"
msgstr ""
"Retorna algunes estadテュstiques de la traducciテウ feta fins al moment. Tingueu "
"en compte que no sテウn les mateixes estadテュstiques que mostra msgfmt --"
"statistic. Aquestes sテウn estadテュstiques sobre l'テコs recent del fitxer po, "
"mentre que msgfmt mostra l'estat del fitxer. Simplement crida la funciテウ "
"Locale::Po4a::Po::stats_get sobre el fitxer po d'entrada. Exemple d'テコs:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:481
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    [normal use of the po4a document...]\n"
msgstr ""
"    [テコs normal del document po4a...]\n"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:483
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    ($percent,$hit,$queries) = $document->stats();\n"
"    print \"We found translations for $percent\\%  ($hit from $queries) of strings.\\n\";\n"
msgstr ""
"    ($percentatge,$encerts,$peticions) = $document->stats();\n"
"    print \"S'han trobat traduccions per al $percentatge\\%  ($encerts de $peticions) de cadenes.\\n\";\n"

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:508
msgid "Manipulating addenda"
msgstr "Manipulant annexes"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:512
msgid "addendum($)"
msgstr "addendum($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:514
msgid ""
"Please refer to L<po4a(7)|po4a.7> for more information on what addenda are, "
"and how translators should write them. To apply an addendum to the "
"translated document, simply pass its filename to this function and you are "
"done ;)"
msgstr ""
"Consulteu L<po4a(7)|po4a.7> per mテゥs informaciテウ sobre quティ sテウn els annexes, i "
"com els han d'escriure els traductors. Per tal d'aplicar un annex al "
"document traduテッt, simplement passeu el nom del fitxer a aquesta funciテウ i ja "
"estテ� ;)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:518
msgid "This function returns a non-null integer on error."
msgstr "Aquesta funciテウ retorna un enter no nul en cas d'error."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:692
msgid "Getting input, providing output"
msgstr "Obtenint entrada, proporcionant sortida"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:694
msgid ""
"Four functions are provided to get input and return output. They are very "
"similar to shift/unshift and push/pop. The first pair is about input, while "
"the second is about output. Mnemonic: in input, you are interested in the "
"first line, what shift gives, and in output you want to add your result at "
"the end, like push does."
msgstr ""
"Es proporcionen quatre funcions per obtenir l'entrada i retornar la sortida. "
"Sテウn molt similars a shift/unshift i push/pop. El primer parell テゥs sobre "
"l'entrada, mentre que el segon テゥs sobre la sortida. Comparaciテウ: a l'entrada, "
"estem interessats en la primera lテュnia, el quティ dテウna shift, mentre que a la "
"sortida volem afegir el resultat al final, tal com fa push."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:702
msgid "shiftline()"
msgstr "shiftline()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:704
msgid ""
"This function returns the next line of the doc_in to be parsed and its "
"reference (packed as an array)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna la propera lテュnia a analitzar de doc_in i la seva "
"referティncia (empaquetat com a vector)."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:707
msgid "unshiftline($$)"
msgstr "unshiftline($$)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:709
msgid "Unshifts a line of the input document and its reference."
msgstr "Torna una lテュnia i la seva referティncia al document d'entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:711
msgid "pushline($)"
msgstr "pushline($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:713
msgid "Push a new line to the doc_out."
msgstr "Injecta una nova lテュnia a doc_out."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:715
msgid "popline()"
msgstr "popline()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:717
msgid "Pop the last pushed line from the doc_out."
msgstr "Extreu la darrera lテュnia injectada a doc_out."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:733
msgid "Marking strings as translatable"
msgstr "Marcant cadenes com a traduテッbles"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:735
msgid "One function is provided to handle the text which should be translated."
msgstr "Es proporciona una funciテウ per tractar el text que s'ha de traduir."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:739
msgid "translate($$$)"
msgstr "translate($$$)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:741
msgid "Mandatory arguments:"
msgstr "Parテ�metres obligatoris:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:747
msgid "A string to translate"
msgstr "La cadena a traduir"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:751
msgid "The reference of this string (ie, position in inputfile)"
msgstr "La cadena de referティncia (テゥs a dir, la posiciテウ al fitxer d'entrada)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:755
msgid ""
"The type of this string (ie, the textual description of its structural "
"role ; used in Locale::Po4a::Po::gettextization() ; see also L<po4a(7)|"
"po4a.7>, section I<Gettextization: how does it work?>)"
msgstr ""
"El tipus de la cadena (テゥs a dir, la descripciテウ textual del seu significat "
"estructural ; s'utilitza a Locale::Po4a::Po::gettextization() ; consulteu "
"tambテゥ la secciテウ I<Gettextitzaciテウ: com funciona?> de L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:761
msgid ""
"This function can also take some extra arguments. They must be organized as "
"a hash. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ tambテゥ pot rebre alguns parテ�metres extra. Aquests han d'estar "
"agrupats en un hash. Per exemple:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:764
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  $self->translate(\"string\",\"ref\",\"type\",\n"
"\t\t   'wrap' => 1);\n"
msgstr ""
"  $self->translate(\"cadena\",\"ref\",\"tipus\",\n"
"\t\t   'wrap' => 1);\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:771
msgid ""
"boolean indicating whether we can consider that whitespaces in string are "
"not important. If yes, the function canonizes the string before looking for "
"a translation or extracting it, and wraps the translation."
msgstr ""
"booleテ� que indica si podem considerar que els espais de la cadena no sテウn "
"importants. Si tテゥ valor cert, la funciテウ canonitzarテ� la cadena abans de "
"buscar-ne la traducciテウ o d'extreure-la, i en justificarテ� la traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:781
msgid "An extra comment to add to the entry."
msgstr "Un comentari extra per afegir a l'entrada."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:785
msgid "Actions:"
msgstr "Accions:"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:791
msgid "Pushes the string, reference and type to po_out."
msgstr "Insereix la cadena, la referティncia i el tipus a po_out."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:795
msgid ""
"Returns the translation of the string (as found in po_in) so that the parser "
"can build the doc_out."
msgstr ""
"Retorna la traducciテウ de la cadena (trobada a po_in) per tal que "
"l'analitzador pugui construir el doc_out."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:800
msgid ""
"Handles the charsets to recode the strings before sending them to po_out and "
"before returning the translations."
msgstr ""
"Tracta els jocs de carテ�cters per recodificar les cadenes abans d'enviar-les "
"a po_out i abans de retornar les traduccions."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:900
msgid "Misc functions"
msgstr "Funcions diverses"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:904
msgid "verbose()"
msgstr "verbose()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:906
msgid ""
"Returns if the verbose option was passed during the creation of the "
msgstr ""
"Retorna el nivell d'informaciテウ extra que es va passar durant la creaciテウ del "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:919
msgid "debug()"
msgstr "debug()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:921
msgid ""
"Returns if the debug option was passed during the creation of the "
msgstr ""
"Retorna si s'ha passat l'opciテウ de depuraciテウ durant la creaciテウ del "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:930
msgid "detected_charset($)"
msgstr "detected_charset($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:932
msgid ""
"This tells TransTractor that a new charset (the first argument) has been "
"detected from the input document. It can usually be read from the document "
"header. Only the first charset will remain, coming either from the process() "
"arguments or detected from the document."
msgstr ""
"Aixテイ informa al TransTractor que s'ha detectat un nou joc de caracters (el "
"primer parテ�metre) del document d'entrada. Habitualment es pot trobar a la "
"capテァalera dels documents. Tan sols es mantindrテ� el primer joc de caracters "
"trobat, ja sigui un parテ�metre de process() o bテゥ sigui detectat del document."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:956
msgid "get_out_charset()"
msgstr "get_out_charset()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:958
msgid ""
"This function will return the charset that should be used in the output "
"document (usually useful to substitute the input document's detected charset "
"where it has been found)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna el joc de carテ�cters que s'ha d'utilitzar en el "
"document de sortida (habitualment テゥs テコtil per substituir el joc de carテ�cters "
"del document d'entrada en el lloc on s'ha trobat)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:962
msgid ""
"It will use the output charset specified in the command line. If it wasn't "
"specified, it will use the input po's charset, and if the input po has the "
"default \"CHARSET\", it will return the input document's charset, so that no "
"encoding is performed."
msgstr ""
"Utilitzarテ� el joc de carテ�cters especificat a la lテュnia de comandes. Si no "
"s'ha especificat, utilitzarテ� el joc de carテ�cters del po d'entrada, i si el "
"po d'entrada contテゥ el valor per defecte \"CHARSET\", retornarテ� el joc de "
"carテ�cters del document d'entrada, de forma que no es realitzi recodificaciテウ."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:993
msgid "recode_skipped_text($)"
msgstr "recode_skipped_text($)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:995
msgid ""
"This function returns the recoded text passed as argument, from the input "
"document's charset to the output document's one. This isn't needed when "
"translating a string (translate() recodes everything itself), but it is when "
"you skip a string from the input document and you want the output document "
"to be consistent with the global encoding."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna el text passat com a parテ�metre recodificat, des del "
"joc de carテ�cters del document d'entrada cap al del document de sortida. Aixテイ "
"no テゥs necessari quan es tradueix una cadena (la funciテウ translate() ja "
"recodifica les traduccions), perテイ テゥs important quan se salta una cadena del "
"document d'entrada i es vol conservar la consistティncia en la codificaciテウ "
"global del document de sortida."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1052

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1054
msgid ""
"One shortcoming of the current TransTractor is that it can't handle "
"translated document containing all languages, like debconf templates, or ."
"desktop files."
msgstr ""
"Una deficiティncia del TransTractor actual テゥs que no pot tractar documents "
"traduテッts que continguin tots els idiomes, com ara les plantilles de debconf, "
"o els fitxers .desktop."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1058
msgid "To address this problem, the only interface changes needed are:"
msgstr ""
"Per resoldre aquest problema, els テコnics canvis necessaris a la interfテュcie "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1064
#, fuzzy
msgid "take a hash as po_in_name (a list per language)"
msgstr "utilitzar un hash com a po_in_name (una llista per idioma)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1068
msgid "add an argument to translate to indicate the target language"
msgstr "afegir un parテ�metre a translate per indicar l'idioma destテュ"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1072
msgid ""
"make a pushline_all function, which would make pushline of its content for "
"all language, using a map-like syntax:"
msgstr ""
"fer una funciテウ pushline_all, que podria fer un pushline del seu contingut "
"per tots els idiomes, utilitzant una sintaxi semblant a la de map:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1075
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    $self->pushline_all({ \"Description[\".$langcode.\"]=\".\n"
"\t\t\t  $self->translate($line,$ref,$langcode) \n"
"\t\t        });\n"
msgstr ""
"    $self->pushline_all({ \"Description[\".$codiidioma.\"]=\".\n"
"\t\t\t  $self->translate($linia,$ref,$codiidioma) \n"
"\t\t        });\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1081
msgid "Will see if it's enough ;)"
msgstr "Ja veurem si テゥs suficient ;)"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:1085
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
" Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>\n"
msgstr ""
" Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>\n"
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
" Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locale::Po4a::Xhtml - Convert Xhtml documents from/to PO files"
msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Html - Converteix documents html des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The goal of the po4a (po for anything) project is to ease translations (and "
"more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on "
"areas where they were not originally expected like documentation."
msgstr ""
"L'objectiu del projecte po4a (po per a tot) テゥs facilitar la traducciテウ (i "
"sobretot el manteniment de les traduccions) utilitzant les eines de gettext "
"en テ�rees on no eren d'esperar, com ara en la documentaciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:39
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Xhtml is a module to help the translation of Xhtml documents "
"into other [human] languages."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Docbook テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents en "
"el format DocBook XML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please note that this module is still experimental. It is not distributed in "
"the official po4a releases since we don't feel it to be mature enough. If "
"you insist on trying, check the CVS out."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que aquest mテイdul encara estテ� en desenvolupament, i no es "
"distribueix en les versions oficials de po4a perquティ creiem que encara no テゥs "
"prou madur. Si el voleu provar de totes maneres, agafeu-lo del CVS."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:52
msgid "B<includessi>[=I<rootpath>]"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:54
msgid ""
"Include files specified by an include SSI (Server Side Includes) element (e."
"g. <!--#include virtual=\"/foo/bar.html\" -->)."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:57
msgid "B<Note:> You should use it only for static files."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:59
msgid ""
"An additional I<rootpath> parameter can be specified. It specifies the root "
"path to find files included by a B<virtual> attribute."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:69
msgid "It is derived from Jordi's DocBook module."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:71
msgid ""
"\"It works for me\", which means I use it successfully on my personal Web "
"site.  However, YMMV: please let me know if something doesn't work for you. "
"In particular, tables are getting no testing whatsoever, as we don't use "
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Yves Rテシtschlテゥ <po4a@rutschle.net>\n"
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
msgstr ""
" Nicolas Franテァois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xhtml.pm:86
msgid "Copyright (c) 2004 by Yves Rテシtschlテゥ <po4a@rutschle.net>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:32
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Xml - Convert XML documents and derivates from/to PO files"
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::Xml - Converteix documents XML i derivats des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:40
msgid ""
"Locale::Po4a::Xml is a module to help the translation of XML documents into "
"other [human] languages. It can also be used as a base to build modules for "
"XML-based documents."
msgstr ""
"Locale::Po4a::XmL テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents XML a "
"altres llenguatges [humans]. Tambテゥ es pot utilitzar com a base per construir "
"mテイduls per documents basats en XML."

# type: =head1
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:156

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:158
msgid ""
"This module can be used directly to handle generic XML documents.  This will "
"extract all tag's content, and no attributes, since it's where the text is "
"written in most XML based documents."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mテイdul es pot utilitzar directament per tractar documents XML "
"genティrics.  Aquest extraurテ� el contingut de tots els tags, i cap atribut, ja "
"que aquテュ テゥs on s'escriu el text en la majoria de documents basats en XML."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:189
msgid ""
"The global debug option causes this module to show the excluded strings, in "
"order to see if it skips something important."
msgstr ""
"L'opciテウ global de depuraciテウ fa que aquest mテイdul mostri les cadenes excloses, "
"per tal de comprovar si se salta quelcom important."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:196
msgid "nostrip"
msgstr "nostrip"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:198
msgid "Prevents it to strip the spaces around the extracted strings."
msgstr "Evita que es netegin els espais al voltant de les cadenes extretes."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:202
msgid ""
"Canonizes the string to translate, considering that whitespaces are not "
"important, and wraps the translated document. This option can be overridden "
"by custom tag options. See the \"tags\" option below."
msgstr ""
"Canonitza les cadenes a traduir, considerant que els espais no sテウn "
"importants, i justifica el document traduテッt. Aquest comportament es pot "
"modificar des de les opcions personalitzades de cada tag. Vegeu l'opciテウ "
"\"tags\" de mテゥs avall."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:206
msgid "caseinsensitive"
msgstr "caseinsensitive"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:208
msgid ""
"It makes the tags and attributes searching to work in a case insensitive "
"way.  If it's defined, it will treat E<lt>BooKE<gt>laNG and "
"E<lt>BOOKE<gt>Lang as E<lt>bookE<gt>lang."
msgstr ""
"Fa que la cerca de tags i atributs es faci independentment de majテコscules i "
"minテコscules.  Si estテ� definit, tractarテ� els tags E<lt>BooKE<gt>laNG i "
"E<lt>BOOKE<gt>Lang com E<lt>bookE<gt>lang."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "includeexternal"
msgstr "include-all"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:213
msgid ""
"When defined, external entities are included in the generated (translated)  "
"document, and for the extraction of strings.  If it's not defined, you will "
"have to translate external entities separately as independent documents."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:218
msgid "ontagerror"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:220
msgid ""
"This option defines the behavior of the module when it encounter a invalid "
"closing tag (a tag is closed, which does not match the last opening tag).  "
"It can take the following values:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:228
msgid "This is the default value.  The module will exit with an error."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:231
msgid "I<warn>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:233
msgid "The module will continue, and will issue a warning."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:235
msgid "I<silent>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:237
msgid "The module will continue without any warnings."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:241
msgid ""
"Be careful when using this option.  It is generally recommended to fix the "
"input file."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:244
msgid "tagsonly"
msgstr "tagsonly"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:246
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Extracts only the specified tags in the \"tags\" option.  Otherwise, it will "
"extract all the tags except the ones specified."
msgstr ""
"Tan sols extreu els tags especificats a l'opciテウ \"translate\".  En cas "
"contrari, extraurテ� tots els tags excepte els especificats."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:249
msgid "doctype"
msgstr "doctype"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:251
msgid ""
"String that will try to match with the first line of the document's doctype "
"(if defined). If it doesn't, the document will be considered of a bad type."
msgstr ""
"Cadena que s'intentarテ� encaixar amb la primera lテュnia del tipus de document "
"(si estテ� definit). Si falla, es considerarテ� que el document テゥs de tipus "

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:254
msgid "tags"
msgstr "tags"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:256
msgid ""
"Space-separated list of the tags you want to translate or skip.  By default, "
"the specified tags will be excluded, but if you use the \"tagsonly\" option, "
"the specified tags will be the only ones included.  The tags must be in the "
"form E<lt>aaaE<gt>, but you can join some (E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>) to "
"say that the content of the tag E<lt>aaaE<gt> will only be translated when "
"it's into a E<lt>bbbE<gt> tag."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels tags que voleu traduir o saltar.  Per "
"defecte, els tags especificats s'exclouran, perテイ si utilitzeu l'opciテウ "
"\"tagsonly\", els tags especificats seran els テコnics inclosos.  Els tags han "
"d'estar en la forma E<lt>aaaE<gt>, perテイ podeu ajuntar-ne alguns "
"(E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>) per dir que nomテゥs s'ha de traduir el contingut "
"del tag E<lt>aaaE<gt> quan estigui dins d'un tag E<lt>bbbE<gt>."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:262
msgid ""
"You can also specify some tag options putting some characters in front of "
"the tag hierarchy. For example, you can put 'w' (wrap) or 'W' (don't wrap)  "
"to override the default behavior specified by the global \"wrap\" option."
msgstr ""
"Tambテゥ podeu especificar algunes opcions de cada tag posant alguns carテ�cters "
"davant de la gerarquia de tags. Per exemple, podeu posar 'w' (wrap, "
"justificar) o 'W' (no justificar)  per saltar el comportament per defecte "
"especificat en l'opciテウ global \"wrap\"."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:266
msgid "Example: WE<lt>chapterE<gt>E<lt>titleE<gt>"
msgstr "Exemple: WE<lt>chapterE<gt>E<lt>titleE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:270
msgid ""
"Space-separated list of the tag's attributes you want to translate.  You can "
"specify the attributes by their name (for example, \"lang\"), but you can "
"prefix it with a tag hierarchy, to specify that this attribute will only be "
"translated when it's into the specified tag. For example: "
"E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>lang specifies that the lang attribute will only "
"be translated if it's into an E<lt>aaaE<gt> tag, and it's into a "
"E<lt>bbbE<gt> tag."
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels atributs dels tags que voleu traduir.  Podeu "
"especificar els atributs pel seu nom (per exemple, \"lang\"), perテイ tambテゥ "
"podeu prefixar-los amb una jerarquia de tags, per especificar que nomテゥs es "
"tradueixi quan estigui dins del tag especificat. Per exemple: "
"E<lt>bbbE<gt>E<lt>aaaE<gt>lang especifica que l'atribut lang nomテゥs es "
"traduirテ� quan estigui dins d'un tag E<lt>aaaE<gt>, i aquest estigui dins "
"d'un tag E<lt>bbbE<gt>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:277
msgid "inline"
msgstr "inline"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:279
msgid ""
"Space-separated list of the tags you want to treat as inline.  By default, "
"all tags break the sequence.  This follows the same syntax as the tags "
msgstr ""
"Llista separada per espais dels tags que voleu tractar com a inline (que no "
"trenquin la seqテシティncia).  Per defecte, tots els tags trenquen la seqテシティncia.  "
"Aquesta opciテウ segueix la mateixa sintaxi de l'opciテウ tags."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:282
msgid "nodefault"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:284
msgid ""
"Space separated list of tags that the module should not try to set by "
"default in the \"tags\" or \"inline\" category."
msgstr ""

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:344

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:346
msgid ""
"The simplest customization is to define which tags and attributes you want "
"the parser to translate.  This should be done in the initialize function.  "
"First you should call the main initialize, to get the command-line options, "
"and then, append your custom definitions to the options hash.  If you want "
"to treat some new options from command line, you should define them before "
"calling the main initialize:"
msgstr ""
"La personalitzaciテウ mテゥs simple tracta de definir quins tags i atributs voleu "
"que l'analitzador tradueixi.  Aixテイ s'ha de fer en la funciテウ initialize.  "
"Primer haureu de cridar l'initialize principal, per tal d'obtenir les "
"opcions de la lテュnia de comandes, i desprテゥs afegir les definicions "
"personalitzades al hash d'opcions.  Si voleu tractar algunes opcions noves "
"de la lテュnia de comandes, haureu de definir-les abans de cridar l'initialize "

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:353
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  $self->{options}{'new_option'}='';\n"
"  $self->SUPER::initialize(%options);\n"
"  $self->{options}{'tags'}.=' <p> <head><title>';\n"
"  $self->{options}{'attributes'}.=' <p>lang id';\n"
"  $self->{options}{'inline'}.=' <br>';\n"
"  $self->treat_options;\n"
msgstr ""
"  $self->{options}{'nova_opcio'}='';\n"
"  $self->SUPER::initialize(%options);\n"
"  $self->{options}{'tags'}.=' <p> <head><title>';\n"
"  $self->{options}{'attributes'}.=' <p>lang id';\n"
"  $self->{options}{'inline'}.=' <br>';\n"
"  $self->treat_options;\n"

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:360
msgid "OVERRIDING THE found_string FUNCTION"
msgstr "REESCRIVINT LA FUNCIテ� found_string"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:362
msgid ""
"Another simple step is to override the function \"found_string\", which "
"receives the extracted strings from the parser, in order to translate them.  "
"There you can control which strings you want to translate, and perform "
"transformations to them before or after the translation itself."
msgstr ""
"Una altra forma simple テゥs sobreescriure la funciテウ \"found_string\", que rep "
"les cadenes que extreu l'analitzador, per tal de traduir-les.  Aquテュ podeu "
"controlar quines cadenes voleu traduir, i aplicar-los transformacions abans "
"i desprテゥs de la mateixa traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:367
msgid ""
"It receives the extracted text, the reference on where it was, and a hash "
"that contains extra information to control what strings to translate, how to "
"translate them and to generate the comment."
msgstr ""
"Rep el text extret, la referティncia d'on s'ha trobat, i un hash que contテゥ "
"informaciテウ extra per controlar quines cadenes s'han de traduir, com traduir-"
"les, i com generar el comentari."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:371
msgid ""
"The content of these options depends on the kind of string it is (specified "
"in an entry of this hash):"
msgstr ""
"El contingut d'aquestes opcions depティn del tipus de cadena que sigui "
"(especificat en una entrada d'aquest hash):"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:376
msgid "type=\"tag\""
msgstr "type=\"tag\""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:378
msgid ""
"The found string is the content of a translatable tag. The entry "
"\"tag_options\" contains the option characters in front of the tag hierarchy "
"in the module \"tags\" option."
msgstr ""
"La cadena trobada テゥs el contingut d'un tag traduテッble. L'entrada \"tag_options"
"\" contテゥ els carテ�cters d'opcions de davant la jerarquia de tags de l'opciテウ "
"\"tags\" del mテイdul."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:382
msgid "type=\"attribute\""
msgstr "type=\"attribute\""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:384
msgid ""
"Means that the found string is the value of a translatable attribute. The "
"entry \"attribute\" has the name of the attribute."
msgstr ""
"Significa que la cadena trobada テゥs el valor d'un atribut traduテッble. "
"L'entrada \"attribute\" contテゥ el nom de l'atribut."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:389
msgid ""
"It must return the text that will replace the original in the translated "
"document. Here's a basic example of this function:"
msgstr ""
"Ha de retornar el text que reemplaテァarテ� l'original al document traduテッt. Aquテュ "
"hi ha un exemple bテ�sic d'aquesta funciテウ:"

# type: verbatim
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:392
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  sub found_string {\n"
"    my ($self,$text,$ref,$options)=@_;\n"
"    $text = $self->translate($text,$ref,\"type \".$options->{'type'},\n"
"      'wrap'=>$self->{options}{'wrap'});\n"
"    return $text;\n"
"  }\n"
msgstr ""
"  sub found_string {\n"
"    my ($self,$text,$ref,$opcions)=@_;\n"
"    $text = $self->translate($text,$ref,\"type \".$opcions->{'type'},\n"
"      'wrap'=>$self->{options}{'wrap'});\n"
"    return $text;\n"
"  }\n"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:399
msgid ""
"There's another simple example in the new Dia module, which only filters "
"some strings."
msgstr ""
"Podeu trobar un altre exemple simple en el mテイdul de Dia, que tan sols filtra "
"algunes cadenes."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:431

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:433
msgid ""
"This is a more complex one, but it enables a (almost) total customization.  "
"It's based in a list of hashes, each one defining a tag type's behavior. The "
"list should be sorted so that the most general tags are after the most "
"concrete ones (sorted first by the beginning and then by the end keys). To "
"define a tag type you'll have to make a hash with the following keys:"
msgstr ""
"Aquesta テゥs mテゥs complexa, perテイ permet una personalitzaciテウ (prテ�cticament) "
"total.  Estテ� basada en una llista de hashs, on cadascun defineix el "
"comportament d'un tipus de tag. La llista ha d'estar ordenada de forma que "
"els tags mテゥs generals apareguin desprテゥs dels mテゥs concrets (ordenats primer "
"per la clau de principi i desprテゥs per la de final). Per definir un tipus de "
"tag haureu de construir un hash amb les segテシents claus:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:441
msgid "beginning"
msgstr "beginning"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:443
msgid "Specifies the beginning of the tag, after the \"E<lt>\"."
msgstr "Especifica el principi del tag, desprテゥs de \"E<lt>\"."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:445
msgid "end"
msgstr "end"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:447
msgid "Specifies the end of the tag, before the \"E<gt>\"."
msgstr "Especifica el final del tag, abans de \"E<gt>\"."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:449
msgid "breaking"
msgstr "breaking"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:451
msgid ""
"It says if this is a breaking tag class.  A non-breaking (inline) tag is one "
"that can be taken as part of the content of another tag.  It can take the "
"values false (0), true (1) or undefined.  If you leave this undefined, "
"you'll have to define the f_breaking function that will say whether a "
"concrete tag of this class is a breaking tag or not."
msgstr ""
"Indica si aquesta classe de tags テゥs trencadora.  Un tag no-trencador "
"(inline) テゥs un que es pot agafar com a part del contingut d'un altre tag.  "
"Pot prendre els valors fals (0), cert (1) o indefinit.  Si el deixeu "
"indefinit, haureu de definir la funciテウ f_breaking que dirテ� si un tag concret "
"d'aquesta classe テゥs trencador o no."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:457
msgid "f_breaking"
msgstr "f_breaking"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:459
msgid ""
"It's a function that will tell if the next tag is a breaking one or not.  It "
"should be defined if the \"breaking\" option is not."
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 una funciテウ que dirテ� si el segテシent tag テゥs trencador o no.  S'ha de definir "
"si l'opciテウ \"breaking\" no ho estテ�."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:462
msgid "f_extract"
msgstr "f_extract"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:464
msgid ""
"If you leave this key undefined, the generic extraction function will have "
"to extract the tag itself.  It's useful for tags that can have other tags or "
"special structures in them, so that the main parser doesn't get mad.  This "
"function receives a boolean that says if the tag should be removed from the "
"input stream or not."
msgstr ""
"Si deixeu aquesta funciテウ indefinida, la funciテウ d'extracciテウ genティrica "
"s'encarregarテ� d'extreure aquests tags.  テ鋭 テコtil per tags que poden contenir "
"altres tags o estructures especials a dins, per tal que l'analitzador "
"principal no es torni boig.  Aquesta funciテウ rep un booleテ� que indica si el "
"tag s'ha d'eliminar de la seqテシティncia d'entrada o no."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:470
msgid "f_translate"
msgstr "f_translate"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:472
msgid ""
"This function receives the tag (in the get_string_until() format) and "
"returns the translated tag (translated attributes or all needed "
"transformations) as a single string."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ rep el tag (en el format de get_string_until()) i retorna el "
"tag traduテッt (amb els atributs traduテッts o totes les transformacions "
"necessテ�ries) com una テコnica cadena."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:729

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:733
msgid "get_path()"
msgstr "get_path()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:735
msgid ""
"This function returns the path to the current tag from the document's root, "
"in the form E<lt>htmlE<gt>E<lt>bodyE<gt>E<lt>pE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna el camテュ des de l'arrel del document fins al tag "
"actual, de la forma E<lt>htmlE<gt>E<lt>bodyE<gt>E<lt>pE<gt>."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:749
msgid "tag_type()"
msgstr "tag_type()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:751
msgid ""
"This function returns the index from the tag_types list that fits to the "
"next tag in the input stream, or -1 if it's at the end of the input file."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna l'テュndex de la llista tag_types que encaixa amb el "
"segテシent tag de la seqテシティncia d'entrada, o -1 si s'ha arribat al final del "
"document d'entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:796
msgid "extract_tag($$)"
msgstr "extract_tag($$)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:798
msgid ""
"This function returns the next tag from the input stream without the "
"beginning and end, in an array form, to maintain the references from the "
"input file.  It has two parameters: the type of the tag (as returned by "
"tag_type) and a boolean, that indicates if it should be removed from the "
"input stream."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna el segテシent tag de la seqテシティncia d'entrada sense el "
"principi i el final, en forma de vector, per tal de mantenir les referティncies "
"del fitxer d'entrada.  Tテゥ dos parテ�metres: el tipus del tag (de la forma "
"retornada per tag_type) i un booleテ�, que indica si s'ha d'eliminar de la "
"seqテシティncia d'entrada."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:821
msgid "get_tag_name(@)"
msgstr "get_tag_name(@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:823
msgid ""
"This function returns the name of the tag passed as an argument, in the "
"array form returned by extract_tag."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna el nom del tag passar com a parテ�metre, en la forma de "
"vector retornat per extract_tag."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:834
msgid "breaking_tag()"
msgstr "breaking_tag()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:836
msgid ""
"This function returns a boolean that says if the next tag in the input "
"stream is a breaking tag or not (inline tag).  It leaves the input stream "
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna un booleテ� que diu si el segテシent tag de la seqテシティncia "
"d'entrada テゥs un tag trencador de seqテシティncia o no (tag inline).  Deixa la "
"seqテシティncia d'entrada intacta."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:859
msgid "treat_tag()"
msgstr "treat_tag()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:861
msgid ""
"This function translates the next tag from the input stream.  Using each tag "
"type's custom translation functions."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ tradueix el segテシent tag de la seqテシティncia d'entrada.  Utilitza "
"les funcions de traducciテウ personalitzades de cada tipus de tag."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:887
msgid "tag_in_list($@)"
msgstr "tag_in_list($@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:889
msgid ""
"This function returns a string value that says if the first argument (a tag "
"hierarchy) matches any of the tags from the second argument (a list of tags "
"or tag hierarchies). If it doesn't match, it returns 0. Else, it returns the "
"matched tag's options (the characters in front of the tag) or 1 (if that tag "
"doesn't have options)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna una cadena que indica si el primer parテ�metre (una "
"jerarquia de tags) encaixa amb algun dels tags del segon parテ�metre (una "
"llista de tags o jerarquies de tags). Si no encaixa, retorna 0. En cas "
"contrari, retorna les opcions del tag encaixat (els carテ�cters davant del "
"tag) o 1 (si el tag no tテゥ opcions)."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:933

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:937
msgid "treat_attributes(@)"
msgstr "treat_attributes(@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:939
msgid ""
"This function handles the translation of the tags' attributes. It receives "
"the tag without the beginning / end marks, and then it finds the attributes, "
"and it translates the translatable ones (specified by the module option "
"\"attributes\").  This returns a plain string with the translated tag."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ tracta la traducciテウ dels atributs dels tags. Rep un tag sense "
"les marques de principi i final, busca els atributs, i tradueix els "
"traduテッbles (especificats a l'opciテウ \"attributes\" del mテイdul).  Retorna una "
"cadena plana amb el tag traduテッt."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1332

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1336
msgid "treat_options()"
msgstr "treat_options()"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1338
msgid ""
"This function fills the internal structures that contain the tags, "
"attributes and inline data with the options of the module (specified in the "
"command-line or in the initialize function)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ omple les estructures internes que contenen els tags, "
"atributs i dades inline amb les opcions del mテイdul (especificades a la lテュnia "
"de comandes o a la funciテウ d'inicialitzaciテウ)."

# type: =head2
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1381

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1385
msgid "get_string_until($%)"
msgstr "get_string_until($%)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1387
msgid ""
"This function returns an array with the lines (and references) from the "
"input document until it finds the first argument.  The second argument is an "
"options hash. Value 0 means disabled (the default) and 1, enabled."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna un vector amb les lテュnies (i les referティncies) del "
"document d'entrada fins que troba el primer parテ�metre.  El segon parテ�metre "
"テゥs un hash d'opcions. El valor 0 significa desactivat (per defecte) i 1, "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1391
msgid "The valid options are:"
msgstr "Les opcions vテ�lides sテウn:"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1395
msgid "include"
msgstr "include"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1397
msgid "This makes the returned array to contain the searched text"
msgstr "Fa que la cadena retornada contingui el text buscat"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1399
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1401
msgid "This removes the returned stream from the input"
msgstr "Elimina de l'entrada la cadena retornada"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1403
msgid "unquoted"
msgstr "unquoted"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1405
msgid "This ensures that the searched text is outside any quotes"
msgstr "Assegura que el text buscat no estテ� envoltat de cometes"

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1477
msgid "skip_spaces(\\@)"
msgstr "skip_spaces(\\@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1479
msgid ""
"This function receives as argument the reference to a paragraph (in the "
"format returned by get_string_until), skips his heading spaces and returns "
"them as a simple string."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ rep com a parテ�metre la referティncia a un parテ�graf (en el format "
"retornat per get_string_until), se salta els espais del principi, i els "
"retorna com una cadena simple."

# type: =item
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1503
msgid "join_lines(@)"
msgstr "join_lines(@)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1505
msgid ""
"This function returns a simple string with the text from the argument array "
"(discarding the references)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funciテウ retorna una cadena simple amb el text del vector de parテ�metre "
"(descartant les referティncies)."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1525
msgid "This module can translate tags and attributes."
msgstr "Aquest mテイdul pot traduir tags i atributs."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1527
msgid "Support for entities and included files is in the TODO list."
msgstr ""
"El suport d'entitats i fitxers inclosos estテ� a la llista de tasques pendents."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1529
msgid "The writing of derivate modules is rather limited."
msgstr "L'escriptura de mテイduls derivats encara テゥs forテァa limitada."

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1533

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1535
msgid ""
"There is a minimal support for the translation of entities. They are "
"translated as a whole, and tags are not taken into account. Multilines "
"entities are not supported and entities are always rewrapped during the "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1540

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1542
msgid ""
"MODIFY TAG TYPES FROM INHERITED MODULES (move the tag_types structure inside "
"the $self hash?)"
msgstr ""
"tag_types dins del hash $self?)"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1545
msgid "breaking tag inside non-breaking tag (possible?) causes ugly comments"
msgstr ""
"tag trencador dins d'un tag no-trencador (possible?) provoca comentaris "

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1549
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, L<Locale::Po4a::TransTractor(3pm)|Locale::Po4a::"

# type: textblock
#: lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm:1557
msgid "Copyright (c) 2004 by Jordi Vilalta E<lt>jvprat@gmail.comE<gt>"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2004 per Jordi Vilalta E<lt>jvprat@gmail.comE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:15
msgid "po4a - update both the po files and translated documents in one shot"
msgstr "po4a - actualitza els fitxers po i els documents traduテッts alhora"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:19
msgid "po4a [-dhvV] E<lt>config_fileE<gt>"
msgstr "po4a [-dhvV] E<lt>fitxer_configE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:27
msgid ""
"The C<po4a> program is in charge of updating both the po files (to sync them "
"to the original documents) and the translated documents (to sync them to the "
"po files). The main point is to make the use of po4a easier without having "
"to remember of the command line options."
msgstr ""
"El programa C<po4a> estテ� a cテ�rrec d'actualitzar tant els fitxers po (per "
"sincronitzar-los amb els documents originals) com els documents traduテッts "
"(per sincronitzar-los amb els fitxers po). L'objectiu principal テゥs fer mテゥs "
"fテ�cil la utilitzaciテウ de po4a sense haver de recordar les opcions de la lテュnia "
"de comandes."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:32
msgid ""
"It also allows you to mix documents having different formats into the same "
"pot file so that you can have only one such file per project."
msgstr ""
"Tambテゥ permet barrejar documents de diferents formats en uns mateixos fitxers "
"pot de forma que pugui tenir un テコnic d'aquests fitxers per projecte."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:35
msgid ""
"This behaviour can be mimicked by the other tools of the po4a suite (for "
"example with makefiles), but it is rather difficult to do, and exhausting to "
"redo the same complicated makefiles for each project using po4a."
msgstr ""
"Aquest comportament es pot simular amb les altres eines de po4a (per exemple "
"amb makefiles), perテイ テゥs mテゥs difテュcil de fer, i estressant de refer els "
"mateixos complicats makefiles per cada projecte que utilitzi po4a."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:39
msgid ""
"The dataflow can be summarized as follow. Any changes to the master document "
"will be reflected in the po files, and all changes to the po files (either "
"manual or caused by previous step) will be reflected in translation "
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:44
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" master document --> po files --> translations\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:46
msgid ""
"The dataflow cannot be inversed in this tool, and changes in translations "
"are overwritten by the content of the po files. As a matter of fact, this "
"tool cannot be used to convert existing translations to the po4a system. For "
"that task, please refer to L<po4a-gettextize(1)>."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: po4a:51

# type: textblock
#: po4a:53
msgid ""
"The (mandatory) argument is the path to the configuration file to use.  Its "
"syntax aims at being simple and close to the configuration files used by the "
"intl-tools projects."
msgstr ""
"El parテ�metre (obligatori) テゥs el camテュ al fitxer de configuraciテウ a utilitzar.  "
"La seva sintaxi vol ser simple i propera als fitxers de configuraciテウ emprats "
"en els projectes d'intl-tools."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:57
msgid ""
"Comments in this files are noted by the char '#'. It comments everything "
"until the end of the line. Lines can be continued by escaping the end of "
"line.  All non blank lines must begin with a [] command, followed by its "
"arguments.  (sound difficult said that way, but it is rather easy, I hope ;)"
msgstr ""
"Els comentaris en aquests fitxers s'indoquen amb el caracter '#'. Aixテイ ho "
"comenta tot fins al final de la lテュnia. Les lテュnies es poden continuar "
"escapant el final de lテュnia.  Totes les lテュnies no-blanques han de comenテァar "
"amb una comanda [], seguida dels seus parテ�metres.  (sona difテュcil dit aixテュ, "
"perテイ テゥs molt fテ�cil, espero ;)"

# type: =head2
#: po4a:62
msgid "Specifying the template languages"
msgstr "Especificant la plantilla d'idiomes"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:64
msgid ""
"This is an optional command that can simplify the whole config file, and "
"will make it more scalable. You have to specify a list of the languages in "
"which you want to translate the documents. This is as simple as:"
msgstr ""
"Aquesta テゥs una comanda opcional que pot simplificar tot el fitxer de "
"configuraciテウ, i el farテ� mテゥs escalable. Heu d'especificar un llistat dels "
"idiomes als que voleu traduir els documents. テ鋭 tan simple com aixテイ:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:68
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [po4a_langs] fr de\n"
msgstr ""
" [po4a_langs] fr de\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:70
msgid ""
"This will enable you to expand $lang to all the specified languages in the "
"rest of the config file."
msgstr ""
"Aixテイ us permetrテ� expandir $lang a tots els idiomes especificats a la resta "
"del fitxer de configuraciテウ."

# type: =head2
#: po4a:73
msgid "Specifying the paths to translator inputs"
msgstr "Especificant els camins de les entrades del traductor"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:75
msgid ""
"First, you have to specify where the translator input files (ie, the files "
"used by translators to do their job) are located. It can be done by such a "
msgstr ""
"Primer, heu d'especificar on sテウn els fitxers d'entrada del traductor (テゥs a "
"dir, els fitxers utilitzats pels traductors per fer la seva feina). Aixテイ es "
"pot fer amb una lテュnia com la segテシent:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:78
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/project.doc.pot fr:doc/l10n/fr.po de:doc/l10n/de.po\n"
msgstr ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/projecte.doc.pot fr:doc/l10n/fr.po de:doc/l10n/de.po\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:80
msgid ""
"The command is thus 'po4a_paths'. The first argument is the path to the pot "
"file to use. All subsequent arguments are of the self-explanationary form:"
msgstr ""
"La comanda, per tant, テゥs 'po4a_paths'. El primer parテ�metre テゥs el camテュ al "
"fitxer pot a utilitzar. Tots els segテシents parテ�metres sテウn de la forma forma "

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:83
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"    <lang>:<path to the po file for this lang>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <idioma>:<camテュ al fitxer po d'aquest idioma>\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:85 po4a:115
msgid ""
"If you've defined the template languages, you can rewrite the line above "
"this way:"
msgstr ""
"Si heu definit la plantilla d'idiomes, podeu reescriure la lテュnia anterior "
"d'aquesta forma:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:88
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/project.doc.pot $lang:doc/l10n/$lang.po\n"
msgstr ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/projecte.doc.pot $lang:doc/l10n/$lang.po\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:90
msgid ""
"You can also use $master to refer to the document basename. In this case, "
"po4a will use a splitted mode: one POT and one PO (for each language) will "
"be created for each document specified in the po4a configuration file.  See "
"the B<Splitted mode> section."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:95
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/$master/$master.pot $lang:doc/$master/$lang.po\n"
msgstr ""
" [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/projecte.doc.pot $lang:doc/l10n/$lang.po\n"

# type: =head2
#: po4a:97
msgid "Specifying the documents to translate"
msgstr "Especificant els documents a traduir"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:99
msgid ""
"You now naturally have to specify which documents are translated, their "
"format, and where to put the translations. It can be made by such lines:"
msgstr ""
"Naturalment, ara heu d'especificar quins documents s'han de traduir, el seu "
"format, i on desar les traduccions. Aixテイ es pot fer amb lテュnies com aquesta:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:102
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [type: sgml] doc/my_stuff.sgml fr:doc/fr/mon_truc.sgml \\\n"
"              de:doc/de/mein_cram.sgml\n"
" [type: pod] script fr:doc/fr/script.1 de:doc/de/script.1 \\\n"
"             add_fr:doc/l10n/script.fr.add\n"
msgstr ""
" [type: sgml] doc/my_stuff.sgml fr:doc/fr/mon_truc.sgml de:doc/de/mein_cram.sgml\n"
" [type: pod] script fr:doc/fr/script.1 de:doc/de/script.1 \\\n"
"             add_fr:doc/l10n/script.fr.add\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:107
msgid ""
"This should be rather self-explanatory also. Note that in the second case, "
"doc/l10n/script.fr.add is an addendum to add to the French version of this "
"document.  Please refer to po4a(7) for more information about the addenda."
msgstr ""
"Aixテイ hauria de ser forテァa intuテッtiu tambテゥ. Fixeu-vos que en el segon cas, doc/"
"l10n/script.fr.add テゥs l'annex a afegir a la versiテウ francesa del document.  "
"Consulteu po4a(7) per a mテゥs informaciテウ sobre els annexes."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:111
msgid "More formally, the format is:"
msgstr "Mテゥs formalment, el format テゥs:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [type: <format>] <master_doc> <lang>:<localized_doc>* add_<lang>:<addendum>*\n"
msgstr ""
" [type: <format>] <doc_principal> <idioma>:<doc_localitzat>* add_<idioma>:<annex>*\n"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:118
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 \\\n"
"             add_fr:doc/l10n/script.fr.add\n"
msgstr ""
" [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 add_fr:doc/l10n/script.fr.add\n"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:121
msgid ""
"If all the languages had addenda with similar paths, you could also write "
"something like:"
msgstr ""
"Si tots els idiomes tinguessin annexes amb camins similars, podrテュeu escriure-"
"ho d'una forma semblant a:"

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:124
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 \\\n"
"             add_$lang:doc/l10n/script.$lang.add\n"
msgstr ""
" [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 add_$lang:doc/l10n/script.$lang.add\n"

# type: =item
#: po4a:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specifying options for the modules"
msgstr "5 Notes especテュfiques dels mテイduls"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:129
msgid ""
"po4a accepts options that will be passed to the module. These options are "
"module specific and are specified with the -o switch."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:132
msgid ""
"If you need a specific option for one of the document you want to translate, "
"you can also specify it in the configuration file. Options are introduced by "
"the I<opt> keyword. The argument of the I<opt> keyword must be quoted with "
"double quotes if it contains a space (e.g. if you specify multiple options, "
"or an option with an argument).  You can also specify options that will only "
"apply to a specific language by using the opt_I<lang> keyword."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:140
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Here is an example:\n"
" [type:man] data-05/test2_man.1 $lang:tmp/test2_man.$lang.1 \\\n"
"            opt:\"-k 75\" opt_it:\"-L UTF-8\" opt_fr:-v\n"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:144
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Arguments may contain spaces if you use single quotes or escaped double\n"
" [po4a_alias:man] man opt:\"-o \\\"mdoc=NAME,SEE ALSO\\\" -k 20\"\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:148
msgid ""
"If you want to specify the same options for many documents, you may want to "
"use an alias (see the B<Specifying aliases> section below)."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:151
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"You can also set options for all the documents specified in the\n"
"configuration file:\n"
" [options] opt:\"...\" opt_fr:\"...\"\n"
msgstr ""

# type: =head2
#: po4a:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specifying aliases"
msgstr "Especificant la plantilla d'idiomes"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:157
msgid ""
"If you must specify the same options for multiple files, you may be "
"interested in defining a module alias. This can be done this way:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:160
msgid "[po4a_alias:test] man opt:\"-k 21\" opt_es:\"-o debug=splitargs\""
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:162
msgid ""
"This define a module alias named I<test>, based on the I<man> module, with "
"the I<-k 21> apply to all the languages and with I<-o debug=splitargs> "
"applied to the Spanish translation."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:166
msgid "This module alias can then be use like a regular module:"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: po4a:168
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"[type:test] data-05/test2_man.1 $lang:tmp/test2_man.$lang.1 \\\n"
"            opt_it:\"-L UTF-8\" opt_fr:-v\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:171
msgid "Note that you can specify additional options on a per file basis."
msgstr ""

# type: =head2
#: po4a:173
msgid "Splitted mode"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:175
msgid ""
"The splitted mode is used when $master is used in the [po4a_paths] line."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:177
msgid ""
"When the splitted mode is used, a temporary big POT and temporary big POs "
"are used. This permits to share the translations between all the POs."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:180
msgid ""
"If two POs have different translations for the same string, po4a will mark "
"this string as fuzzy and will submit both translations in all the POs which "
"contain this string. Then, when a translator updates the translation and "
"removes the fuzzy tag in one PO, the translation of this string will be "
"updated in every POs automatically."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: po4a:186 po4a-gettextize:57 po4a-normalize:35 po4a-translate:34
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:18
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPCIONS"

# type: =item
#: po4a:190 po4a-translate:81
msgid "-k, --keep"
msgstr "-k, --keep"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:192 po4a-translate:83
msgid ""
"Minimal threshold for translation percentage to keep (ie, write) the "
"resulting file (default: 80). Ie, by default, files have to be translated at "
"at least 80% to get written."
msgstr ""
"Mテュnim llindar del percentatge de traducciテウ per mantenir (テゥs a dir, escriure) "
"el fitxer resultant (per defecte: 80). テ鋭 a dir, per defecte, els fitxers "
"han d'estar traduテッts com a mテュnim en un 80% per poder ser escrits."

# type: =item
#: po4a:196 po4a-gettextize:96 po4a-normalize:45 po4a-translate:91
#: po4a-updatepo:80
msgid "-h, --help"
msgstr "-h, --help"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:198 po4a-gettextize:98 po4a-normalize:47 po4a-translate:93
#: po4a-updatepo:82
msgid "Show a short help message."
msgstr "Mostra un breu missatge d'ajuda."

# type: =item
#: po4a:200 po4a-gettextize:71 po4a-normalize:58 po4a-translate:59
#: po4a-updatepo:55
msgid "-M, --master-charset"
msgstr "-M, --master-charset"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:202
msgid ""
"Charset of the files containing the documents to translate. Note that all "
"master documents must use the same charset for now. This is a known "
"limitation, and we are working on solving this."
msgstr ""
"Joc de caracters dels fitxers que contenen el document a traduir. Tingui en "
"compte que tots els documents principals han de compartir el mateix joc de "
"caracters per ara. Aquesta テゥs una limitaciテウ coneguda, i estem treballant per "

# type: =item
#: po4a:206 po4a-gettextize:81 po4a-translate:67
msgid "-L, --localized-charset"
msgstr "-L, --localized-charset"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:208
msgid ""
"Charset of the files containing the localized documents. Note that all "
"translated documents will use the same charset for now. This is a known "
"limitation, and we are working on solving this."
msgstr ""
"Joc de caracters dels fitxers que contenen els documents localitzats. Tingui "
"en compte que tots els documents traduテッts utilitzaran el mateix joc de "
"caracters per ara. Aquesta テゥs una limitaciテウ coneguda, i estem treballant per "

# type: =item
#: po4a:212 po4a-translate:50
msgid "-A, --addendum-charset"
msgstr "-A, --addendum-charset"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:214 po4a-translate:52
msgid ""
"Charset of the addenda. Note that all the addenda should be in the same "
msgstr ""
"Joc de carテ�cters dels annexos. Tingueu en compte que tots els annexos han "
"d'estar en el mateix joc de carテ�cters."

# type: =item
#: po4a:217 po4a-gettextize:104 po4a-normalize:62 po4a-translate:99
#: po4a-updatepo:88
msgid "-V, --version"
msgstr "-V, --version"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:219 po4a-gettextize:106 po4a-normalize:64 po4a-translate:101
#: po4a-updatepo:90
msgid "Display the version of the script and exit."
msgstr "Mostra la versiテウ dels guions i acaba."

# type: =item
#: po4a:221 po4a-gettextize:108 po4a-translate:103 po4a-updatepo:92
msgid "-v, --verbose"
msgstr "-v, --verbose"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:223 po4a-gettextize:110 po4a-translate:105 po4a-updatepo:94
msgid "Increase the verbosity of the program."
msgstr "Incrementa el nivell d'informaciテウ del programa."

# type: =item
#: po4a:225
msgid "-q, --quiet"
msgstr "-q, --quiet"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:227
msgid "Decrease the verbosity of the program."
msgstr "Disminueix el nivell d'informaciテウ del programa."

# type: =item
#: po4a:229 po4a-gettextize:112 po4a-translate:107 po4a-updatepo:96
msgid "-d, --debug"
msgstr "-d, --debug"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:231 po4a-gettextize:114 po4a-translate:109 po4a-updatepo:98
msgid "Output some debugging information."
msgstr "Mostra alguna informaciテウ de depuraciテウ."

# type: =item
#: po4a:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "-f, --force"
msgstr "-f, --format"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:235
msgid ""
"Always generate the POT and PO files, even if po4a considers it is not "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:238
msgid "The default behavior (when --force is not specified) is the following:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:242
msgid ""
"If the POT file already exists, it is regenerated if a master document or "
"the configuration file is more recent.  The POT file is also written in a "
"temporary document and po4a verifies that the changes are really needed."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:247
msgid ""
"Also, a translation is regenerated only if its master document, the PO file, "
"one of its addenda or the configuration file is more recent.  To avoid "
"trying to regenerate translations which do not pass the threshold test (see "
"B<--keep>), a file with the '.po4a-stamp' extension can be created (see B<--"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:255
msgid ""
"If a master document includes files, you should use the B<--force> flag "
"because the modification time of these included files are not taken into "
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:259
msgid ""
"The PO files are always re-generated based on the POT with B<msgmerge -U>."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:261
msgid "--stamp"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:263
msgid ""
"Tells po4a to create stamp files when a translation is not generated because "
"it it does not reach the threshold. These stamp files are named according to "
"the expected translated document, with the I<.po4a-stamp> extension."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:268
msgid ""
"Note: This only activates the creation of the I<.po4a-stamp> files. The "
"stamp files are always used if they exist, and they are removed with B<--rm-"
"translations> or when the file is finally translated."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "--no-translations"
msgstr "la traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:274
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Do not generate the translated documents, only update the POT and PO files."
msgstr "Escriu el document traduテッt al fitxer amb el nom donat."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "--rm-translations"
msgstr "la traducciテウ."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:278
msgid "Remove the translated files (implies --no-translations)."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:280
msgid "--no-backups"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:282
msgid "Do not generate the .po~ backup files."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:284
msgid "--rm-backups"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:286
msgid "Remove the .po~ backup files (implies --no-backups)."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:288
msgid "--variable I<var>=I<value>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:290
msgid ""
"Define a variable that will be expanded in the po4a configuration file.  "
"Every occurrence of I<$(var)> will be replaced by I<value>.  This option can "
"be used multiple times."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:294
msgid "--msgid-bugs-address email@address"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:296
msgid ""
"Set the report address for msgid bugs. By default, the created POT files "
"have no Report-Msgid-Bugs-To fields."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:299
msgid "--copyright-holder string"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:301
msgid ""
"Set the copyright holder in the POT header. The default value is \"Free "
"Software Foundation, Inc.\""
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:304 po4a-updatepo:76
msgid "--msgmerge-opt options"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:306 po4a-updatepo:78
msgid "Extra options for msgmerge."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: po4a:308 po4a-updatepo:71
msgid "--previous"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a:310 po4a-updatepo:73
msgid ""
"This option adds '--previous' to the options passed to msgmerge.  It "
"requires gettext 0.16 or later."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: po4a:315

# type: textblock
#: po4a:321
msgid "Duplicates some code with the po4a-* programs."
msgstr "Contテゥ codi duplicat amb els programes po4a-*."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:325
msgid "Patch welcome ;)"
msgstr "Els pegats seran benvinguts ;)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a:329
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)"
">, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)"
">, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."

# type: textblock
#: po4a:338 po4a-gettextize:129 po4a-normalize:79 po4a-translate:144
msgid "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:15
msgid ""
"po4a-gettextize - convert an original file (and its translation) to a po file"
msgstr ""
"po4a-gettextize - converteix un fitxer original (i la seva traducciテウ) en un "
"fitxer po"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:19
msgid ""
"po4a-gettextize -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> -m E<lt>master.docE<gt> [-l E<lt>XX."
"docE<gt>] -p E<lt>XX.poE<gt>"
msgstr ""
"po4a-gettextize -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> -m E<lt>principal.docE<gt> [-l E<lt>XX."
"docE<gt>] -p E<lt>XX.poE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:21
msgid "(XX.po is the output, all others are inputs)"
msgstr "(XX.po テゥs la sortida, tots els altres sテウn l'entrada)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:29
msgid ""
"The C<po4a-gettextize> script is in charge of converting documentation files "
"to po files.  If you start a new translation, C<po4a-gettextize> will "
"extract the translatable strings from the documentation file and write a pot "
"file from it."
msgstr ""
"El guiテウ C<po4a-gettextize> estテ� a cテ�rrec de convertir els fitxers de "
"documentaciテウ en fitxers po.  Si comenceu una nova traducciテウ, C<po4a-"
"gettextize> extraurテ� les cadenes traduテッbles del fitxer de documentaciテウ i les "
"escriurテ� en fitxer pot."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:34
msgid ""
"If you already have a translated file, C<po4a-gettextize> will try to "
"extract the translations it contains and put them in place in the written po "
"file. Be warned that very few intelligence is used in this process: the Nth "
"string of the translated file is supposed to be the translation of the Nth "
"string in the original. If it's not the case, you're dead. That's why it is "
"very important that both files share exactly the same structure."
msgstr ""
"Si ja teniu un fitxer traduテッt, C<po4a-gettextize> intentarテ� extreure les "
"traduccions que contテゥ i posar-les a lloc en el fitxer po de sortida. Teniu "
"en compte que aquest procテゥs tテゥ una inteligティncia molt escassa: se suposa que "
"l'enティssima cadena del fitxer traduテッt テゥs la traducciテウ de l'enティssima cadena de "
"l'original. Si no テゥs el cas, esteu mort. テ鋭 per aixテイ que テゥs molt important "
"que ambdテウs fitxers comparteixin exactament la mateixa estructura."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:41
msgid ""
"However, C<po4a-gettextize> will diagnose your death by detecting any "
"desynchronisation between files, and reporting where they occur. In that "
"case, you should edit manually the files to solve the reported disparity. "
"Even if no error were reported, you should check carefully that the "
"generated po file is correct (ie, that each msgstr is the translation of the "
"associated msgid, and not the one before or after)."
msgstr ""
"Tanmateix, C<po4a-gettextize> diagnosticarテ� la vostra mort detectant "
"qualsevol desincronitzaciテウ entre els fitxers, i informant d'on succeeixen. "
"En aquest cas, heu d'editar els fitxers manualment per solucionar la "
"disparitat informada. Fins i tot si no s'ha informat de cap error, heu de "
"comprovar detalladament que el fitxer po generat テゥs correcte (テゥs a dir, que "
"cada msgstr テゥs la traducciテウ del msgid associat, i no d'un anterior o "

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:48
msgid ""
"Even if the script manages to do its job without any apparent problem, it "
"still marks all extracted translations as fuzzy, to make sure that the "
"translator will have a look at them, and detect any remaining problem."
msgstr ""
"Fins i tot si el guiテウ aconsegueix fer la seva feina sense problemes "
"aparents, marcarテ� les traduccions extretes com a difuses, per assegurar-se "
"que el traductor els donarテ� un cop d'ull, i detectarテ� els problemes que "
"pugui haver-hi."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:52
msgid ""
"If the master document has non-ascii characters, the new generated po file "
"will be in utf-8, in order to allow non-standard characters in a culture "
"independent way. Else (if the master document is completely in ascii), the "
"generated po will use the encoding of the translated input document."
msgstr ""
"Si el document principal tテゥ caracters no-ascii, el fitxer po generat estarテ� "
"en utf-8, per tal de permetre caracters no-estテ�ndards de forma independent "
"de la cultura. Sinテウ (si el document principal estテ� completament en ascii), "
"el fitxer po generat utilitzarテ� la codificaciテウ del document traduテッt "

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:61 po4a-normalize:53 po4a-translate:38 po4a-updatepo:46
msgid "-f, --format"
msgstr "-f, --format"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:63 po4a-normalize:55 po4a-translate:40 po4a-updatepo:48
msgid ""
"Format of the documentation you want to handle. Use the --help-format option "
"to see the list of available formats."
msgstr ""
"Tipus de format de la documentaciテウ que vol tractar. Utilitzi l'opciテウ --help-"
"format per veure el llistat de formats disponibles."

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:66 po4a-translate:55 po4a-updatepo:51
msgid "-m, --master"
msgstr "-m, --master"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:68
msgid ""
"File containing the master document to translate. You can use this option "
"multiple times if you want to gettextize multiple documents."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:73 po4a-normalize:60 po4a-translate:61
msgid "Charset of the file containing the document to translate."
msgstr "Joc de caracters del fitxer que contテゥ el document a traduir."

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:75 po4a-translate:63
msgid "-l, --localized"
msgstr "-l, --localized"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:77
msgid ""
"File containing the localized (translated) document. If you provided "
"multiple master files, you may wish to provide multiple localized file by "
"using this option more than once."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:83 po4a-translate:69
msgid "Charset of the file containing the localized document."
msgstr "Joc de caracters del fitxer que contテゥ el document localitzat."

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:85 po4a-translate:71 po4a-updatepo:60
msgid "-p, --po"
msgstr "-p, --po"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:87
msgid ""
"File where the message catalog should be written. If not given, the message "
"catalog will be written to the standard output."
msgstr ""
"Fitxer on s'escriurテ� el catテ�leg de missatges. Si no es proporciona, el "
"catテ�leg de missatges s'escriurテ� a la sortida estテ�ndard."

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:90 po4a-normalize:39 po4a-translate:75 po4a-updatepo:65
msgid "-o, --option"
msgstr "-o, --option"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:92 po4a-normalize:41 po4a-translate:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Extra option(s) to pass to the format plugin. Specify each option in the "
"'name=value' format. See the documentation of each plugin for more "
"information about the valid options and their meanings."
msgstr ""
"Passa una opciテウ extra al plugin de format. Consulti la documentaciテウ de cada "
"plugin per a mテゥs informaciテウ sobre les opcions vテ�lides i els seus significats."

# type: =item
#: po4a-gettextize:100 po4a-normalize:49 po4a-translate:95 po4a-updatepo:84
msgid "--help-format"
msgstr "--help-format"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:102 po4a-normalize:51 po4a-translate:97
msgid "List the documentation format understood by po4a."
msgstr "Llista els formats de documentaciテウ reconeguts per po4a."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-gettextize:120
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-normalize:15
msgid ""
"po4a-normalize - normalize a documentation file by parsing it in po4a, and "
"writing it back"
msgstr ""
"po4a-normalize - normalitza un fitxer de documentaciテウ analitzant-lo amb "
"po4a, i tornant-lo a escriure"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-normalize:19
msgid "po4a-normalize -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> E<lt>master.docE<gt>"
msgstr "po4a-normalize -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> E<lt>principal.docE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-normalize:27
msgid ""
"The C<po4a-normalize> script is a debugging tool used to make sure that po4a "
"don't change the document when it's not supposed to. Only use it if you're "
"developing a new module, or if you doubt the sanity of the tools."
msgstr ""
"El guiテウ C<po4a-normalize> テゥs una eina de depuraciテウ emprada per comprovar que "
"po4a no canvia els documents quan no ha de fer-ho. Tan sols s'utilitza "
"durant el desenvolupament de nous mテイduls, o si dubta de la validesa de les "

# type: textblock
#: po4a-normalize:31
msgid ""
"The generated document will be written to po4a-normalize.output while the "
"generated po file will be written to po4a-normalize.po. No way to change "
"that ;)"
msgstr ""
"El document generat s'escriurテ� a po4a-normalize.output mentre que el fitxer "
"po generat s'escriurテ� a po4a-normalize.po. No hi ha manera de canviar-ho ;)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-normalize:70
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:15
msgid "po4a-translate - convert a po file back to documentation format"
msgstr "po4a-translate - retorna un fitxer po al format de documentaciテウ"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:19
msgid ""
"po4a-translate -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> -m E<lt>master.docE<gt> -p E<lt>XX.poE<gt> -"
"l E<lt>XX.docE<gt>"
msgstr ""
"po4a-translate -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> -m E<lt>principal.docE<gt> -p E<lt>XX."
"poE<gt> -l E<lt>XX.docE<gt>"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:21
msgid "(XX.doc is the output, all others are inputs)"
msgstr "(XX.doc テゥs la sortida, tots els altres sテウn l'entrada)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:29
msgid ""
"The C<po4a-translate> script is in charge of converting the translation "
"(which was done in a po file) under the documentation format back. The "
"provided C<po> file should be the translation of the C<pot> file which were "
"produced by po4a-gettextize(1)."
msgstr ""
"El guiテウ C<po4a-translate> estテ� a cテ�rrec de convertir la traducciテウ (que s'ha "
"fet en un fitxer po) altre cop cap al format de documentaciテウ. El fitxer "
"C<po> proporcionat ha de ser la traducciテウ del fitxer C<pot> que havia "
"produテッt po4a-gettextize(1)."

# type: =item
#: po4a-translate:43
msgid "-a, --addendum"
msgstr "-a, --addendum"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:45
msgid ""
"Add a file to the resulting file (to put translator's name or a section "
"\"About this translation\", for example). The first line of the file to "
"insert should be a PO4A header indicating where it should be added (see "
"section I<HOWTO add extra text to translations> in po4a(7))."
msgstr ""
"Afegeix un fitxer al fitxer resultant (per posar el nom del traductor o una "
"secciテウ \"Sobre aquesta traducciテウ\", per exemple). La primera lテュnia del "
"fitxer a insertar ha de ser una capテァalera de PO4A indicant on s'ha d'afegir "
"(consulti la secciテウ I<Com afegir text addicional que no テゥs traducciテウ> a po4a"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:57
msgid "File containing the master document to translate."
msgstr "Fitxer que contテゥ el document principal a traduir."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:65
msgid "File where the localized (translated) document should be written."
msgstr "Fitxer on s'haurテ� d'escriure el document localitzat (traduテッt)."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:73
msgid "File from which the message catalog should be read."
msgstr "Fitxer del quan s'ha de llegir el catテ�leg de missatges."

# type: =item
#: po4a-translate:87
msgid "-w, --width"
msgstr "-w, --width"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:89
msgid "Column at which we should wrap the resulting file."
msgstr "Columna a la que s'ha de justificar el fitxer resultant."

# type: =head1
#: po4a-translate:113
msgid "Adding content (beside translations) to generated files"
msgstr "Afegint contingut (a part de la traducciテウ) als fitxers generats"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:115
msgid ""
"To add some extra content to the generated document beside what you "
"translated (like the name of the translator, or a \"about this translation\" "
"section), you should use the C<--addendum> option."
msgstr ""
"Per afegir algun contingut extra al document generat a part del quティ hagueu "
"traduテッt (com ara el nom del traductor, o una secciテウ \"sobre aquesta traducciテウ"
"\"), heu d'utilitzar l'opciテウ C<--addendum>."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:119
msgid ""
"The first line of the addendum must be a header indicating where to put it "
"in the document (it can be before or after a given part of the document).  "
"The rest of the file will be added verbatim to the resulting file without "
"further processing."
msgstr ""
"La primera lテュnia de l'apティndix ha de ser una capテァalera que indiqui en quin "
"punt del document s'ha d'insertar (pot ser abans o desprテゥs d'una part "
"indicada del document).  La resta del fitxer s'afegirテ� al fitxer resultant "
"sense cap mena de processat."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:124
msgid ""
"Note that if po4a-translate fails to add one of the given files, it discards "
"the whole translation (because the missing file could be the one indicating "
"the author, what would prevent the users to contact him to report bugs in "
"the translation)."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que si po4a-translate no aconsegueix afegir algun dels "
"fitxers donats, descartarテ� la traducciテウ completa (perquティ el fitxer faltant "
"pot ser el que indiqui l'autor, cosa que evitaria que els usuaris poguessin "
"contactar amb ell per informar-lo d'errors en la traducciテウ)."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:129
msgid ""
"The header has a pretty rigid syntax. For more information on how to use "
"this feature and how it works, please refer to the po4a(7) man page."
msgstr ""
"La capテァalera tテゥ una sintaxi forテァa rテュgida. Per a mテゥs informaciテウ sobre com "
"utilitzar aquesta caracterテュstica i com funciona, consulti la pテ�gina de "
"manual de po4a(7)."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-translate:134
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:15
msgid "po4a-updatepo - update the translation (in po format) of documentation"
msgstr ""
"po4a-updatepo - actualitza la traducciテウ (en format po) de la documentaciテウ"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:19
msgid ""
"po4a-updatepo -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> (-m E<lt>master.docE<gt>)+ (-p E<lt>XX."
msgstr ""
"po4a-updatepo -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> (-m E<lt>principal.docE<gt>)+ (-p E<lt>XX."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:21
msgid "(XX.po are the outputs, all others are inputs)"
msgstr "(XX.po sテウn les sortides, tots els altres sテウn l'entrada)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:29
msgid ""
"The C<po4a-updatepo> script is in charge of updating po files to make them "
"reflect the changes made to the original documentation file. For that, it "
"converts the documentation file to a pot file, and call L<msgmerge(1)> on "
"this new pot and on the provided po files."
msgstr ""
"El guiテウ C<po4a-updatepo> estテ� a cテ�rrec d'actualitzar els fitxers po per quティ "
"reflecteixin els canvis fets al fitxer de documentaciテウ original. Per aixテイ, "
"converteix el fitxer de documentaciテウ en un fitxer pot, i desprテゥs crida "
"L<msgmerge(1)> sobre aquest nou pot i els fitxers po proporcionats."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:34
msgid ""
"It is possible to give more than one po file (if you want to update several "
"languages at once), and several documentation files (if you want to store "
"the translations of several documents in the same po file)."
msgstr ""
"テ鋭 possible proporcionar mテゥs d'un fitxer po (si vol actualitzar mテゥs d'un "
"idioma a la vegada), i diversos fitxers de documentaciテウ (si vol emmagatzemar "
"les traduccions de diversos documents en els mateixos fitxers po)."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:38
msgid ""
"If the master document has non-ascii characters, it will convert the po "
"files to utf-8 (if they weren't already), in order to allow non-standard "
"characters in a culture independent way."
msgstr ""
"Si el document principal tテゥ caracters no-ascii, convertirテ� els fitxers po a "
"utf-8 (si no ho eren ja), per tal de permetre caracters no-estテ�ndards de "
"forma independent de la cultura."

# type: =head1
#: po4a-updatepo:42
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:53
msgid "File(s) containing the master document to translate."
msgstr "Fitxer(s) que contenen el document principal a traduir."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:57
msgid ""
"Charset of the files containing the document to translate. Note that all "
"files must have the same charset."
msgstr ""
"Joc de caracters dels fitxers que contenen el document a traduir. Tingui en "
"compte que tots els fitxers han de tenir el mateix joc de caracters."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:62
msgid ""
"Po file(s) to update. If these files do not exist, they are created by "
msgstr ""
"Fitxer(s) po a actualitzar. Si aquests no existeixen, C<po4a-updatepo> els "

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:67
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Extra option(s) to pass to the format plugin and other po4a internal "
"module.  Specify each option in the 'name=value' format. See the "
"documentation of each plugin for more information about the valid options "
"and their meanings."
msgstr ""
"Passa una opciテウ extra al plugin de format. Consulti la documentaciテウ de cada "
"plugin per a mテゥs informaciテウ sobre les opcions vテ�lides i els seus significats."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "List the documentation format handled by po4a."
msgstr "Llista els formats de documentaciテウ reconeguts per po4a."

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:104
msgid ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)"
msgstr ""
"L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)"

# type: textblock
#: po4a-updatepo:113
msgid "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by SPI, inc."
msgstr "Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 per SPI, inc."

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:20
msgid "msguntypot - update po files when a typo is fixed in pot file"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:24
msgid "msguntypot -o E<lt>old_potE<gt> -n E<lt>new_potE<gt> pofiles..."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:28
msgid ""
"When you fix a trivial error which surely doesn't affect translations (e.g.  "
"a typo) in a .pot file, you should unfuzzy the corresponding msgstr in the "
"translated .po files to avoid so extra work to the translators."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:32
msgid ""
"This task is difficult and error prone when done manually, and this tool is "
"there to help doing so correctly. You just need to provide the two versions "
"of the pot file: before the edition and after as marked in the above "
"synopsis, and it all becomes automatic."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: scripts/msguntypot:37
msgid "HOW TO USE IT"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:39
msgid ""
"In short, when you discover a typo in one of your [english] message, do the "
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:44 scripts/msguntypot:65
msgid "- Regenerate your pot and po files."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:46
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  make -C po/ update-po # for message program translations\n"
"  debconf-updatepo      # for debconf translations\n"
"  po4a po4a.conf        # for po4a based documentation translations\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:50
msgid ""
"or something else, depending on your project's building settings. You know "
"how to make sure your pot an po files are uptodate, don't you??"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:53
msgid "- Make a copy of your pot file."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  cp myfile.pot myfile.pot.orig\n"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:57
msgid "- Make a copy of all your files."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:59
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  mkdir po_fridge; cp *.po po_fridge\n"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:61
msgid "- Fix your typo"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:63
msgid "$EDITOR the_file_in_which_there_is_a_typo"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:67
msgid "See above."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:71
msgid ""
"At this point, the typo fix fuzzied all the translations, and this "
"unfortunate change is the only one between the po files of your main "
"directory and the one from the fridge. Here is how to solve this."
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:77
msgid "- Discard fuzzy translation, restore the ones from the fridge."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:79
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  cp po_fridge/*.po .\n"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:81
msgid ""
"- Manually merge the po files with the new pot file, but taking the useless "
"fuzzy into account"
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:83
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  msguntypot -o myfile.pot.orig -n myfile.pot *.po\n"
msgstr ""

# type: =item
#: scripts/msguntypot:85
msgid "- Cleanups."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:87
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  rm -rf myfile.pot.orig po_fridge\n"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:91
msgid ""
"You're done. The typo was eradicated from msgstr of both your pot and po "
"files, and the po files were not fuzzyied in the process. Your translators "
"love you already."
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:97
msgid ""
"Despite its name, this tool is not part of the gettext tool suite. It is "
"instead part of po4a. More precisely, it's a random perl script using the "
"fine po4a modules. For more information about po4a, please see:"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/msguntypot:101
msgid "L<po4a(7)>."
msgstr ""

# type: verbatim
#: scripts/msguntypot:105
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian,org)\n"
msgstr ""
" Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"

# type: TH
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "2006-04-08"
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Po4a Tools"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:4
msgid "po4aman-display-po - display a translated man page according to a PO"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:13
msgid ""
"B<po4aman-display-po> B<-p> I<PO_FILE> [B<-m> I<MASTER_FILE>] [B<-o> "
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:17
msgid ""
"B<po4aman-display-po> can be used by a translator who wants to check how the "
"man page being translated in a PO will be displayed."
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-p >I<PO_FILE>"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:22
#, fuzzy
msgid "The PO file containing the translations."
msgstr "un fitxer po que contテゥ les traduccions a utilitzar."

# type: TP
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-m >I<MASTER_FILE>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:28
msgid ""
"The original man page.  It can be the absolute or relative path to the "
"original man page (gzipped or not), the name the man page or the name and "
"section of the man page (using the man.section format)."
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:32
msgid ""
"When the master document is not provided with the B<-m> option, B<po4aman-"
"display-po> tries to find the original man page based on the line reference "
"of the first string in the PO."
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-o >I<PO4A_OPT>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:35
msgid "Some options to pass to B<po4a-translate>."
msgstr ""

# type: =head1
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:36
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTORS"

# type: Plain text
#: scripts/po4aman-display-po.1:37
msgid "Thomas Huriaux"
msgstr ""

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "Locale::Po4a::Debconf - Convert debconf templates from/to PO files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Debconf - Converteix les plantilles de debconf des de/a "
#~ "fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Debconf is a module to help the translation of the debconf "
#~ "templates into other [human] languages."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Debconf テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de les "
#~ "plantilles de debconf a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "Not tested."
#~ msgstr "No s'ha provat."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "DO NOT USE THIS MODULE TO PRODUCE TEMPLATES. It's only good to extract "
#~ "data."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "extreure dades."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This module is loosely inspired from both po-debconf and debconf code. "
#~ "The adaptation for po4a was done by:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest mテイdul estテ� vagament inspirat en el codi de po-debconf i debconf. "
#~ "L'adaptaciテウ per a po4a テゥs obra de:"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Copyright 2005 by SPI, inc.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Copyright 2005 per SPI, inc.\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "Locale::Po4a::Html - Convert html documents from/to PO files"
#~ msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Html - Converteix documents html des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Html is a module to help the translation of documentation "
#~ "in the HTML format into other [human] languages."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Html テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documentaciテウ "
#~ "en el format HTML a altres llenguatges [humans]."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please note that this module is not distributed with the main po4a "
#~ "archive because we don't feel it mature enough for that. If you insist on "
#~ "using it anyway, check it from the CVS out."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tingueu en compte que aquest mテイdul no es distribueix en les versions "
#~ "oficials de po4a perquティ creiem que encara no テゥs prou madur. Si el voleu "
#~ "provar de totes maneres, agafeu-lo del CVS."

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Laurent Hausermann <laurent@hausermann.org>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Laurent Hausermann <laurent@hausermann.org>\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "Laurent Hausermann <laurent@hausermann.org>"
#~ msgstr "Laurent Hausermann <laurent@hausermann.org>"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian - Convert NEWS.Debian documents from/to PO files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian - Converteix documents NEWS.Debian des de/a "
#~ "fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian is a module to help the translation of the NEWS."
#~ "Debian files into other [human] languages. Those files are where "
#~ "maintainer are supposed to write the important news about their package."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de "
#~ "documents NEWS.Debian a altres llenguatges [humans]. Aquests fitxers テゥs "
#~ "on se suposa que els mantenidors escriuen les notテュcies importants sobre "
#~ "els paquets."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A finer split of the entries may be preferable (search for /^ */, for "
#~ "example), but this version is more robust and NEWS.Debian entries are not "
#~ "supposed to change that often."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Seria preferible utilitzar una forma millor de partir les entrades "
#~ "(buscant /^ */, per exemple), perテイ aquesta versiテウ テゥs mテゥs robusta, i les "
#~ "entrades de NEWS.Debian no haurien de canviar massa sovint."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This module is loosely inspired from /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian, "
#~ "which is:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest mテイdul estテ� vagament inspirat en /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/"
#~ "debian, que テゥs:"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Copyright (C) 1996 Ian Jackson.  This is free software; see the GNU\n"
#~ " General Public Licence version 2 or later for copying conditions.  "
#~ "There\n"
#~ " is NO warranty.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Copyright (C) 1996 Ian Jackson.  Aixテイ テゥs programari lliure; consulteu\n"
#~ " la versiテウ 2 o superior de la Llicティncia Pテコblica General per a les "
#~ "condicions\n"
#~ " de cテイpia. NO hi ha cap garantia.\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Copyright (c) 1996 by Ian Jackson.\n"
#~ " Copyright 2005 by SPI, inc.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Copyright (c) 1996 per Ian Jackson.\n"
#~ " Copyright 2005 per SPI, inc.\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Wml - Convert wml (web markup language) documents from/to "
#~ "PO files"
#~ msgstr "Locale::Po4a::Html - Converteix documents html des de/a fitxers PO"

# type: textblock
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::Wml is a module to help the translation of wml documents "
#~ "into other [human] languages. Do not mixup the WML we are speaking about "
#~ "here (web markup language) and the WAP crap used on cell phones."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Locale::Po4a::XmL テゥs un mテイdul per ajudar en la traducciテウ de documents XML "
#~ "a altres llenguatges [humans]. Tambテゥ es pot utilitzar com a base per "
#~ "construir mテイduls per documents basats en XML."

# type: =head1
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "TODO"

# type: =head2
#~ msgid "Don't use the mdoc macro set"
#~ msgstr "No utilitzeu el joc de macros mdoc"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The macro set described in mdoc(7) (and widely used under BSD, IIRC) "
#~ "isn't supported at all by po4a, and won't be. It would need a completely "
#~ "separate parser for this, and I'm not inclined to do so. On my machine, "
#~ "there are only 63 pages based on mdoc, from 4323 pages. If someone "
#~ "implements the mdoc support, I'll happily include this, though."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "El joc de macros descrit a mdoc(7) (i テ�mpliament utilitzat a BSD, si no "
#~ "em falla la memテイria) no estテ� suportat per po4a, i no ho estarテ�. Es "
#~ "necessitaria un analitzador completament separat per aixテイ, i no estic "
#~ "predisposat a fer-ho. A la meva mテ�quina nomテゥs hi ha 63 pテ�gines basades en "
#~ "mdoc, de 4323 pテ�gines. Malgrat tot, si algテコ implementa el suport per mdoc "
#~ "l'inclourem amb molt de gust."

# type: =head2
#~ msgid "Avoid file inclusion when possible"
#~ msgstr "Estalvieu-vos la inclusiテウ de fitxers quan sigui possible"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The '.so' groff macro used to include another file in the current one is "
#~ "supported, but from my own experience, it makes harder to manipulate the "
#~ "man page, since all files have to be installed in the right location so "
#~ "that you can see the result (ie, it breaks somehow the '-l' option of "
#~ "man)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La macro '.so' de groff emprada per incloure altres fitxers en l'actual "
#~ "no estテ� suportada actualment, perテイ des de la meva experiティncia, dificulta "
#~ "la manipulaciテウ de les pテ�gines de manual, ja que tots els fitxers han "
#~ "d'estar instalツキlats al lloc correcte per poder veure el resultat (テゥs a "
#~ "dir, trenca l'opciテウ '-l' del man)."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "TeXinfo is the other big miss of po4a at that time. All the GNU "
#~ "documentation is written in this format (that's even one of the "
#~ "requirement to become an official GNU project). The lack of support in "
#~ "po4a thus leave all pure GNU translators on their own against the "
#~ "adversity of the world. We would like to come up with a solution here, "
#~ "but this format is so powerful/complex that it does not goes as fast as "
#~ "we would like. If you want to help, your help is naturally welcome ;)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "TeXinfo テゥs un altre dels formats que avui en dia es troben a faltar a "
#~ "po4a. Tota la documentaciテウ GNU estテ� escrita en aquest format (fins i tot "
#~ "テゥs un dels requisits per arribar a ser un projecte oficial de GNU). La "
#~ "manca de suport a po4a deixa sols als traductors de GNU davant les "
#~ "adversitats del mテウn. Ens agradaria aconseguir una soluciテウ, perテイ aquest "
#~ "format テゥs tant potent/complexe que no anem tan de pressa com ens "
#~ "agradaria. Si vol ajudar, naturalment que la seva ajuda serテ� benvinguda ;)"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "I think that this module is still beta, but could be used for most of the "
#~ "existing man pages. I ran some test, processing all pages of my box and "
#~ "diff'ing between the original and the version processed trough po4a. The "
#~ "results are the following:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Crec que aquest mテイdul encara estテ� en un estat beta, perテイ es pot utilitzar "
#~ "en la majoria de les pテ�gines de manual existents. He executat alguns "
#~ "tests, processant totes les pテ�gines de la meva mテ�quina i comparant el "
#~ "resultat de l'original amb la versiテウ processada per po4a. Els resultats "
#~ "sテウn els segテシents:"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " # of pages         : 5060\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " # de pテ�gines          : 5060\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " Ignored pages      : 1742 (34%)\n"
#~ " parser fails       :  530 (12% of all; 18% of unignored)\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Pテ�gines ignorades     : 1742 (34%)\n"
#~ " l'analitzador falla   :  530 (12% del total; 18% de les no ignorades)\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " works perfectly    : 1947 (39% of all; 59% of unignored; 70% of "
#~ "processed)\n"
#~ " change wrapping    :  409 ( 8% of all; 12% of unignored; 15% of "
#~ "processed)\n"
#~ " change wrapping\n"
#~ " and/or font        :  364 ( 7% of all; 11% of unignored; 13% of "
#~ "processed)\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " funciona perfectament : 1947 (39% del total; 59% de les no ignorades; "
#~ "70% de les processades)\n"
#~ " canvia el justificat  :  409 ( 8% del total; 12% de les no ignorades; "
#~ "15% de les processades)\n"
#~ " canvia el justificat\n"
#~ " i/o la font           :  364 ( 7% del total; 11% de les no ignorades; "
#~ "13% de les processades)\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ " undetected problems:   68 ( 1% of all;  2% of unignored;  2% of "
#~ "processed)\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " problemes no detectats:   68 ( 1% del total;  2% de les no ignorades;  "
#~ "2% de les processades)\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Ignored pages are so, because they are not the source files. They are for "
#~ "example generated from POD or SGML. In that case, you should translate "
#~ "the [real] source file with the relevant po4a module instead of the "
#~ "generated man page."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les pテ�gines ignorades ho sテウn degut a que no sテウn fitxers font. Sテウn, per "
#~ "exemple, generades a partir de POD o SGML. En aquest cas haurテュeu de "
#~ "traduir el fitxer font [real] amb el mテイdul corresponent de po4a, en lloc "
#~ "de la pテ�gina de manual generada."

# type: textblock
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Parser fails on pages based on mdoc(7), pages using conditionals with ."
#~ "if, defining new macros with .de, using non standard fonts, and more "
#~ "generally, not following the advices of the previous section."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'analitzador falla amb pテ�gines basades en mdoc(7), pテ�gines que utilitzen "
#~ "condicionals amb .if, que defineixen noves macros amb .de, que utilitzen "
#~ "fonts no estテ�ndards, i mテゥs generalment, amb les que no segueixen les "
#~ "advertティncies de la secciテウ anterior."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Pages with undetected problems are processed without complain by po4a::"
#~ "man, but the generated output is different from the original one (some "
#~ "strings are present in the original page and not in the one normalized by "
#~ "po4a, or the contrary). All of them are bugs, but most of the time this "
#~ "exhibit issues in the original page."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les pテ�gines amb problemes no detectats es processen sense que po4a::man "
#~ "es queixi, perテイ la sortida generada テゥs diferent de l'original (algunes "
#~ "cadenes desapareixen en la versiテウ normalitzada per po4a, o al contrari). "
#~ "Tots aquests sテウn errors, perテイ en la majoria de casos mostra errors a la "
#~ "pテ�gina original."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Most of the pages in the \"change wrapping and/or font\" category will "
#~ "only have their wrapping changed (but it was too difficult to figure this "
#~ "out automatically), or have other more serious formatting change (ie, "
#~ "which chars are italics, which ones are bold, etc.)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La majoria de pテ�gines de la categoria \"canviat el justificat i/o la font"
#~ "\" tan sols tindran canviat el seu justificat (perテイ era molt difテュcil "
#~ "detectar-ho automテ�ticament), o pot ser que tinguin canvis de formatat mテゥs "
#~ "seriosos (テゥs a dir, quins carテ�cters estan en cursiva, quins en negreta, "
#~ "etc.)."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "So, it seems like since ignored pages are translatable with po4a::pod and "
#~ "since wrapping changes are acceptable in most cases, the current version "
#~ "of po4a can translate 80% of the man pages on my machine. Moreover, most "
#~ "of the untranslatable pages could be fixed with some simple tricks given "
#~ "above. Isn't that coooool?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per tant, sembla que com que les pテ�gines ignorades sテウn traduテッbles amb "
#~ "po4a::pod i com que els canvis de justificat sテウn acceptables en la "
#~ "majoria de casos, la versiテウ actual de po4a pot traduir el 80% de les "
#~ "pテ�gines de manual de la meva mテ�quina. A mテゥs, la majoria de les pテ�gines no "
#~ "traduテッbles es poden arreglar amb alguns dels senzills consells donats mテゥs "
#~ "amunt. Com mola, no?"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Unfortunately, po4a still lacks support for several major documentation "
#~ "formats. The more preeminent may be XML, since this becomes more and more "
#~ "used in open-source documentation. The sgml module can provide some "
#~ "limited support to it (mainly working when you don't actually use xml "
#~ "specificities in your document ;). We are currently working on a better "
#~ "support here, and thing may change in a near future. In the meanwhile, if "
#~ "po4a really don't fulfill your needs, you may want to check the poxml "
#~ "project. It is similar to po4a and deals rather decently with docbook xml "
#~ "documentation. Unfortunately, it cannot deal with any other format for "
#~ "now. And of course it is ways less cool than po4a ;)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per desgrテ�cia, a po4a encara li manca suport per alguns dels formats de "
#~ "documentaciテウ mテゥs importants. El mテゥs destacat pot ser XML, ja que cada "
#~ "vegada s'utilitza mテゥs en la documentaciテウ de projectes de codi obert. El "
#~ "mテイdul sgml contテゥ un suport limitat per a ell (principalment quan el "
#~ "document no fa servir una sintaxis especテュfica de XML ;), Estem treballant "
#~ "en un suport millor, i les coses poden canviar en un futur prテイxim. "
#~ "Mentrestant, si po4a no cobreix les seves necessitats, pot provar el "
#~ "projecte poxml. テ鋭 similar al po4a i tracta decentment la documentaciテウ en "
#~ "docbook xml. Per desgrテ�cia, ara per ara no pot tractar amb cap altre "
#~ "format. I per suposat, no mola tant com po4a ;)"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "Does not allow to pass any options to the modules."
#~ msgstr "No permet passar opcions als mテイduls."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "File containing the localized (translated) document."
#~ msgstr "Fitxer que contテゥ el document localitzat (traduテッt)"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This function wraps a message handling the parameters like sprintf does."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquesta funciテウ justifica un missatge tractant els parテ�metres tal com fa "
#~ "sprintf."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Coma-separated list of commands whose arguments have to be proposed for "
#~ "translation.  This list is appended to the default list containing "
#~ "chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection and index."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Llista separada per comes de les comandes de les que es proposaran els "
#~ "parテ�metres per traduir.  Aquesta llista s'afegeix a la llista per "
#~ "defecte, que contテゥ chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection i index."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Coma-separated list of commands whose arguments shoud not be translated.  "
#~ "This list is appended to the default list containing vspace, hspace and "
#~ "label."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Llista separada per comes de les comandes de les que no es traduiran els "
#~ "parテ�metres.  Aquesta llista s'afegeix a la llista per defecte, que contテゥ "
#~ "vspace, hspace i label."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Note: currently, the behaviour of commands specified in the TeX files "
#~ "(see the B<INLINE CUSTOMIZATION> section) cannot be overriden with these "
#~ "options."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nota: actualment no es pot modificar el comportament de les comandes "
#~ "especificades als fitxers TeX (vegeu la secciテウ B<PERSONALITZACIテ� "
#~ "INCRUSTADA>) amb aquestes opcions."

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you don't want to translate the chapters and sections, then you can "
#~ "specify:\n"
#~ " -o untranslated=chapter,section\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si no voleu traduir els capテュtols i les seccions, podeu especificar:\n"
#~ " -o untranslated=chapter,section\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Indicates that the I<command1> command should be handled by I<function1>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Indica que la la comanda I<comanda1> s'ha de tractar amb la I<funciテウ1>."

# type: =item
#~ msgid "% po4a: command <command1> x,y,z,t"
#~ msgstr "% po4a: command <comanda1> x,y,z,t"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This permits a better control of the translated arguments and some "
#~ "verifications of the number of arguments."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aixテイ permet un millor control dels parテ�metres a traduir i algunes "
#~ "verificacions del nombre de parテ�metres."

# type: verbatim
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The meaning of the x, y, z and t is the following:\n"
#~ "  * x is the number of optional arguments (between [])\n"
#~ "      0 - no optional argument\n"
#~ "     -1 - variable\n"
#~ "      n - maximum number of optional arguments\n"
#~ "  * y is the number of arguments\n"
#~ "    maybe x and y are not needed\n"
#~ "  * z indexes of the optional arguments that have to be translated\n"
#~ "     -1 - all optional argument should be translated\n"
#~ "      0 - none\n"
#~ "  1 3 7 - the 1st, 3rd and 7th arguments should be translated\n"
#~ "  * t indexes of the arguments that have to be translated\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "El significat de x, y, z i t テゥs el segテシent:\n"
#~ "  * x テゥs el nombre de parテ�metres opcionals (entre [])\n"
#~ "      0 - no hi ha parテ�metres opcionals\n"
#~ "     -1 - variable\n"
#~ "      n - mテ�xim nombre de parテ�metres opcionals\n"
#~ "  * y テゥs el nombre de parテ�metres\n"
#~ "    テゥs possible que x i y no siguin necessaris\n"
#~ "  * z テュndexs dels parテ�metres opcionals que s'han de traduir\n"
#~ "     -1 - s'han de traduir tots els parテ�metres opcionals\n"
#~ "      0 - cap\n"
#~ "  1 3 7 - el 1r, 3r i 7ティ parテ�metres s'han de traduir\n"
#~ "  * t テュndexs dels parテ�metres que s'han de traduir\n"
#~ "\n"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It could be useful to define commands without argument as \"0,0,,\" "
#~ "instead of either translated or untranslated."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pot ser テコtil definir comandes sense parテ�metres com a \"0,0,,\" en lloc de "
#~ "translated o untranslated."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Indicates that the I<env1> environment should be handled by I<function1>."
#~ msgstr "Indica que l'entorn I<ent1> s'ha de tractar amb la I<funciテウ1>."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "See the B<INTERNAL FUNCTIONS> section for the list of function which "
#~ "could be used for commands or environments."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vegeu la secciテウ B<FUNCIONS INTERNES> per al llistat de funcions que es "
#~ "poden utilitzar per comandes i entorns."

# type: =head2
#~ msgid "Command functions"
#~ msgstr "Funcions de comandes"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Every argument of the command is translated separately, and the command "
#~ "is reassembled with its arguments in the output document."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cada parテ�metre d'una comanda es tradueix per separat, i la comanda es "
#~ "reconstrueix amb els seus parテ�metres en el document de sortida."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No argument of the command is proposed for translation. The command is "
#~ "reassembled with its arguments in the output document."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No es proposa cap parテ�metre de la comanda per traduir. La comanda es "
#~ "reconstrueix amb els seus parテ�metres en el document de sortida."

# type: =head2
#~ msgid "Environment functions"
#~ msgstr "Funcions d'entorn"

# type: =item
#~ msgid "push_environment"
#~ msgstr "push_environment"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This function push the environment name in a stack, and push the \\begin "
#~ "command untranslated in the output document.  This stack of environments "
#~ "is then used to change the behaviour of the parser (e.g. blocks are not "
#~ "re-wrapped in the verbatim environment).  The type of PO strings is "
#~ "either set to the last environment of this stack or to the name of the "
#~ "command (if the string is part of a command argument)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquesta funciテウ afegeix el nom de l'entorn en una pila, i afegeix la "
#~ "comanda \\begin sense traduir al document de sortida.  Aquesta pila "
#~ "d'entorns s'utilitza per canviar el comportament de l'analitzador (per "
#~ "exemple, els blocs no es justifiquen en l'entorn verbatim).  El tipus de "
#~ "les cadenes PO テゥs el darrer entorn de la pila o el nom de la comanda (si "
#~ "la cadena forma part d'un parテ�metre de la comanda)."

# type: =item
#~ msgid "environments"
#~ msgstr "entorns"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Arguments of the begin command are never translated.  There is currently "
#~ "only one environment function.  More functions should come in future "
#~ "releases."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Els parテ�metres de la comanda inicial no es tradueixen mai.  Actualment "
#~ "nomテゥs hi ha una funciテウ d'entorn.  En futures versions hi haurテ� mテゥs "
#~ "funcions."

# type: =item
#~ msgid "commands"
#~ msgstr "comandes"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The parser assumes every command is followed by optional arguments "
#~ "(enclosed in []) and then by mandatory arguments (enclosed in {})."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'analitzador suposa que cada a comanda li segueixen els parテ�metres "
#~ "opcionals, (tancats entre []) i desprテゥs els parテ�metres obligatoris "
#~ "(tancats entre {})."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Allow po4a to generate non breaking spaces in the PO file (when needed)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Permet que po4a generi espais no-trencadors en el fitxer PO (quan sigui "
#~ "necessari)."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This option is disabled by default because non breaking spaces are not "
#~ "present in all character set."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquesta opciテウ estテ� desactivada per defecte perquティ els espais no-"
#~ "trencadors no sテウn presents en tots els jocs de carテ�cters."

# type: =item
#~ msgid "B<with-hyphen_to_minus> (boolean)"
#~ msgstr "B<with-hyphen_to_minus> (booleテ�)"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Allow the automatic convertion of hyphens (in roff: '-') to minus signs "
#~ "('\\-').  When enable, translators will only see/use '-' instead of '\\"
#~ "\\-' in their PO files."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Permet la conversiテウ automテ�tica de guions (a roff: '-') a signes menys "
#~ "('\\-').  Quan s'activa, els traductors nomテゥs veuen/utilitzen '-' en lloc "
#~ "de '\\\\-' en els seus fitxers PO."

# type: textblock
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This option is enabled by default, because man pages autors and "
#~ "translators always forget to use '\\-' instead of '-' (and it doesn't "
#~ "harm to have a minus sign instead of an hyphen)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquesta opciテウ estテ� activada per defecte, perquティ els autors de pテ�gines de "
#~ "manual i els traductors sempre s'obliden d'utilitzar '\\-' en lloc de "
#~ "'-' (i no fa mal tenir un signe menys en lloc d'un guiテウ)."

# type: =item
#~ msgid "tabular environment"
#~ msgstr "entorn tabular"

# type: textblock
#~ msgid "A tabular environment would have to translate every cell separately."
#~ msgstr "Un entorn tabular hauria de traduir cada celツキla per separat."