.TH FONTS 1 .SH NAME fonts \- various nasty font usages .SH b\fPr\fIi r r1 r .I .SH b\fPi\fIi r r2 r \fI .SH b\fPi\fIi r r3 r .I .SH b\fPi\fIi r r4 r .I i\fPr\fPi r r5 r .I i\fPr\fPi r r6 r .I i\fPr r r7 r .I .TP i\fPr\fPi r .P r8 r \fI .TP i\fPr\fPi r r9 r .I .B .TP b\fPi\fPb r r10 r .I .B b\fPi\fPb r r11 .\" This is used in bash.1, and is not supported at this time. .\" .\"r .\".I .\".if n nroff .\".if t troff .\" .\" '.I' tells that only one line will use the I font. .\" and it's very difficult to predict the number of line that must be affected .\" in the case of .if (In this case, the font mut be reverted to the previous .\" one after the second '.if'. r .I i\fPr\fBb r r12 \fBb .I i\fPb r r13 .BI b i r\fPi\fRr r14 .BI b i \fPi\fPr r15 .BI r\fPi\fPr r16 .I .P r\fPi\fPr r17 \fI .P r\fPi\fPr r18 \fI .PP r\fPi\fPr r19 .I .PP r\fPi\fPr r20 \fI .LP r\fPi\fPr r21 .I .LP r\fPi\fPr r22 .B .TP .I i\fPb\fPi r r23 .SH .I i\fPb\fPi r r24 .I .SH .B b\fPb\fPb r r25 .IP r r r26 .I .IP i r\fPi\fPr r27 .I .B .IP b\fPi r\fPi\fPr r28 r .I .B b\fPi r .P r29 r .BR b\fPi r b r\fPb\fPr .\" The ".I" adds another \fR at the end of the .BR line r .I .BR b\fPi r b r\fPr\fPr r30 r .I .BI b .TP r\fPr\fPr r .P r31 r \fI\c .B b\fPi\fPb r r32 r .BR b r r\fPr .BR b r b r\fPb\fPr r33 r .I i r\fPi\fPr r34 r .B .I i r\fPi\fPr r35 a < .B foo r36 .TP .I " " foo r37