director2003: Ranking Result


Here is the ranking result of the vote : director2003.

Choice #1: ARAKI Yasuhiro
	is prefered to Choice #3: Junichi Uekawa (22-13)
	is prefered to Choice #5: Further Discussion (30-1)
Choice #2: Kenshi Muto
	is prefered to Choice #1: ARAKI Yasuhiro (23-12)
	is prefered to Choice #3: Junichi Uekawa (26-9)
	is prefered to Choice #4: Fumitoshi UKAI (20-15)
	is prefered to Choice #5: Further Discussion (31-0)
Choice #3: Junichi Uekawa
	is prefered to Choice #5: Further Discussion (26-5)
Choice #4: Fumitoshi UKAI
	is prefered to Choice #1: ARAKI Yasuhiro (21-14)
	is prefered to Choice #3: Junichi Uekawa (22-13)
	is prefered to Choice #5: Further Discussion (31-0)
Choice #5: Further Discussion

date: 2003ǯ 3·î 15Æü ÅÚÍËÆü 00:00:03 JST