[% title = "Introduction to Debian New Maintainer Entry" %]

Why do you apply ? What are you going to do ?

「なぜ Debian メンバーになりたいのか ? どういう作業をしたいのか ?」


Social Contract: Debian 社会契約 *
Debian is a Free Software Project, provided by volunteers
Organization: 組織構成 *
New Maintainers Front Desk, Developer Accounts Managers: すべての担当者も一般の開発者同様、volunteer
Debian Constitution: Debian 憲章 *
Delegates (プロジェクトリーダ代行)


Developers' Corner: 開発者のコーナー *
ポリシーマニュアル、開発者レファレンス、DMUP など
Joining Debian - How you can help: Debian の開発を支援するために *
BTS, Web 翻訳, QA など
Debian New Maintainers' Corner: 新規メンテナのページ *
Debian Project に参加するための手順

Message from our fellow developer

Voice of Martin Schulze (s/Martin/Joey/g please)

voice file, wav format, 880000bytes


Dear audience!

This is Joey speaking, I have been a member of the Debian Project for several years. We are happy to have more than nine-houndred registrated developers worldwide. We are working on various part of the Debian distribution, as well as an uncountable number of volunteers who help improving Free Software, Debian especially - In particular, we are very proud of our japanese developers who has been quite busy paving the way for Free Software in the Asian world and to work hard on localization issue.

The next version of Debian GNU/Linux, would release for no less than 11 architectures at the same time. There is no other distribution of Linux that is available for as many differenct architectures. This is something, that can only be achieved by Free Software, and such a huge and sophisticated group of volunteers worldwide.

I'd like to ask you to take a look at the work of these volunteers, and check out the Debian distribution. It may be well suited for you.

Now, I'd like to hand over the voice, to the speaker again. Thank you for listening.

Enjoy the Conference! And of course, enjoy Free Software!
